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Everything posted by Nemo

  1. As far as I know there is no way to do it dynamically by default. What everyone usually does is putting a banner in each category that features the discount. Of course it can be done as a third party module, you'd have to fetch all rules for that specific product in the product controller, check the conditions and assign them to the template
  2. Hey everyone! If anyone is interested and never knew about it, I have two premium courses for modules and theme development, originally created for PrestaShop but 100% compatible with thirty bees. If you are interested: http://nemops.com/prestashop-modules-course/ http://nemops.com/prestashop-themes-crash-course/ Fabio
  3. Yeah, they do not use category::getProducts, but each a specific function (getPricesDrop, getNewProducts..) of the product class
  4. Hey guys! I made a video on how to duplicate the store to a testing environment. I used prestashop but the same applies to tb, here is goes: http://nemops.com/staging-site-prestashop-thirtybees/#.WlXtXqiWaUk Let me know if anything is unclear!
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  5. Ottimo! Se qualcosa non dovesse funzionare, siamo a disposizione :)
  6. Stephanie, Could you clarify? You mean setting them as default in the configuration? admin folder \themes\default\template\controllers\import\helpers\form\form.tpl They are hardcoded in there, just search the labels, they are if statements
  7. Thanks! Yeah actually that was the most read tut on my site, so I thought it might make people's life easier. It was honestly a bit of a pain to make since it needs to dynamically add parameters to the address class, but it worked flawlessly in all my tests.
  8. Yeah, ouh, I thought I added it, damn me
  9. Hey Everyone, just release this module that lets you add new fields to the address format in a couple clicks! GET THE MODULE HERE! http://nemops.com/new-module-prestashop-address-fields-released/#.WiAG4LS7-BB The video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epnxI42c9ek Description Add new fields to your shop's addresses in no time with this module, saving hours of coding every time you need your customers to save custom information! Want to store data on your customer's car model? Add a new text field, and it will display anywhere you need! Have a range of options for the customers to choose from, or want them to add a bio about themselves? The select and textarea fieldtypes are ideal for that! Core features Unlimited fields: Add as many new fields as you like Multiple input types: Choose between text, textarea or select box to perfectly fit the type of data you require from your customers Customizable format Choose if you want to display the fields in the back office list as well Multilanguage labels
  10. Nemo

    SEO Booster Ultimate

    Hm, I will see what I can do, whether it's a TB switch to turn off rewriting or a "light" version of it :)
  11. Salve Whippino, Si, funziona con lo store manager, e la compatibilita', se non al 100%, e' sul 90
  12. The fact that PrestaShop keeps its suicidal strategy is not bad for us :D
  13. Fixed here :) https://github.com/thirtybees/productcomments/commit/fffdf8e682da463678400d6854cd28f8add6f308
  14. Salve a tutti! Sono Fabio, uno degli sviluppatori di ThirtyBees, e da oggi anche moderatore di questa sezione in particolare :) Per qualsiasi domanda o problema, sentitevi liberi di mandarmi un messaggio privato, al quale cercherò di rispondere il prima possibile. Il forum ha l'obiettivo di aiutare gli utenti di ThirtyBees a chiarire dubbi e risolvere problemi, e invito pertanto tutti a mantenere un clima gradevole e rispettoso :) Buona navigazione! May the Fork be with you
  15. I agree with @mdekker in saying it would be better not to use the module's rewriting system, it's also less efficient. I might add a better version designed for TB, where you can still remove the iso, but just that
  16. It really depends on the template, I guess the best way to find out is opening product-list.tpl and see if the string is there
  17. You can still turn on the search bar in the top menu module's config page :) There is a switch for it
  18. It depends on when you will do it, and how big the difference will be. Prestashop might even decide to develop a TB to PS migration tool, we can't predict. Obviously, the more tb-only features you will use, the harder it will be, as the base 1.6 didn;t have many of the things TB implements already :)
  19. It should be in the front office translations unless your theme uses it differently. In that case it might even be a module. Where is it exactly? Product list? Homepage?
  20. Nemo

    SEO Booster Ultimate

    Add that parameter like static $categorydisablerewrite; Right before the method, it should be somewhere in the link override but it seems it's not
  21. Nemo

    SEO Booster Ultimate

    Can you screen that part of the code?
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