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Everything posted by alwayspaws

  1. @labeller said in Transformer Theme = How Compatible?: @alwayspaws Thank you for your reply :-) Helpful Any time!
  2. @yaniv14 You're welcome! My kid is in my pic. :)
  3. Off topic, but love that new pic @yaniv14 - so sweet.
  4. Greetings on this lovely Tuesday! Welcome to our newest members: @brucinternet @labeller @caborge @Davercade @Jonny and @MarcoMCM Just in case you're wondering, the members are listed here: https://forum.thirtybees.com/users We're growing very fast! Thanks for being here, everyone!
  5. Now all we need is to have Google Translate see this page and ... translate it! It does that in the German forum.
  6. @labeller I use the Transformer theme and it's incredibly compatible and has loads of customization features. I used a fresh install with help ( a lot of help!) from my friends here. @Lesley can point you in the right direction about migrations, if something here doesn't help: https://forum.thirtybees.com/category/6/migrations https://docs.thirtybees.com/ Others will come to help you, too!
  7. @marci123 said in Willkommen bei thirty bees: @Traumflug und @zimmer-media Danke für den Motivationsschub :-)! I'm glad you are motivated! You'll be very pleased. The support here is wonderful!
  8. @vzex You didn't get it off track. I wrote something and then deleted it. So you're one of "those" - like me. lol. I am one with my computer. It's like being connected with an umbilical cord. Pardon that phrase.
  9. Denver, that's a great source that I read and saved a couple of years ago, but the product title (name) is confined to 128 characters which I've been doing all along. You can tell from my website.
  10. @dprophitjr I can only use his pictures to a certain extent because he's a federally licensed service dog and isn't really meant for commercial use. I asked my trainer about that because I wasn't sure if I could even put him on my site. Your ideas are excellent, however, I am reestablishing myself online after a couple of years hiatus and shutting down my previous site so I don't have time to create separate accounts for my dog. I have enough trouble maintaining my own. My top priority is to get the products online. One of the first pages I created was my "about us" page. Who do you think is featured there? :) https://www.alwayspaws.com/info/about-us
  11. That was long. I'm just chilling after adding 12 more dresses. I'm going to add fuller descriptions after I get enough products online and once I know the best place for them. @dprophitjr Would it be a good idea to extend the amount of characters for the short description? What would be the acceptable maximum number of characters in the short description?
  12. @dprophitjr Thank you, Denver, but these are dog dresses. Imagine if you told a woman to describe her dress as a costume! LOL! I could put the keyword phrase "dog costume" in the meta descriptions of all my clothing products but some shoppers may get irritated. (I would!). "pet" doesn't work well although I use it here and there. My short description for this patriotic dress is: "Dog Dress Patriotic USA Happy Birthday America 1776 Red White And Blue American Flag". Since it comes in eleven colors, each image has an alt tag that includes the specific color and a description. This is one type of dog clothing that I sell - 32 different dresses and growing: https://www.alwayspaws.com/dog-clothes/dog-dresses?id_category=47&n=32 Dog specific costumes are getting wilder all the time and I haven't decided whether or not to sell them, mostly because they are a one-use purchase. The same could be said about birthday dresses and dog tee shirts but that's a different story. :) These are mind boggling dog costumes: I like Zoltar the Fortune Teller: https://www.mnn.com/family/pets/blogs/10-clever-halloween-dog-costumes Once I get my regular dog wardrobe online, I'll put other items up, but soon I have to add the cool and cold weather hoodies, coats, raincoats, etc.
  13. I saved all of this. I've used bitly in the past. I have pics of my dog wearing a couple of products and I posted a dog sweater video when the weather was cold. I need to make more of them. You're a wealth of information. Thank you! Here's the pride of my life (my dog, not the tee shirt. lol) https://www.alwayspaws.com/dog-clothes/dog-t-shirt-tee-shirt-smallest-things-take-the-most-room-in-your-heart
  14. @dprophitjr Hi, Denver! Thank you for all of these suggestions. I just tried out your link and it's very helpful. Here's one of my URL's: https://www.alwayspaws.com/dog-clothes/dog-dress-patriotic-usa-happy-birthday-america-1776-red-white-and-blue-american-flag May be a bit over the top but it will work. :) (Past experience that I'll talk about some day).
  15. @roband7 Thanks for getting us back on track!
  16. Sorry. I got thrown off. Now I don't know what to delete. @roband7 - should I delete both posts?
  17. @lesley said in TinyMCE editor in the back office: I would always advise against EIG owned hosts personally. They are hated in general. @vzex Agree with Lesley. Yes, EIG owned hosts are horrible and they keep buying up smaller hosts and destroying the tech support teams. I'm on Siteground but if you can afford cloudways, it's a thirtybees partner. You're getting closer to the wire with that expiration date than you think. Make sure you are NOT on auto renew, please.
  18. @vzex Please see if the hell jnsoiga and I went through with our host is of any help to you in explaining to your host what they need to do: https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/260/imagemagick-and-php-version Especially this: @jnsgioia I opened a ticket explaining the problem and included roband7’s response. Within a very short time I had a response and after a little clarification a solution. If the module does not install for you, you need to make sure (or have them make sure) that the php.ini file includes zend_extension=/usr/local/php71/lib/php/extensions/imagick.so not just extension=/imagick.so I contacted my host and after several back-n-forths, it got resolved.
  19. @mdekker said in Categories separated with commas create groups of categories: Ohh indeed. My info was outdated. Sorry for the confusion. Oh! I sure am glad I thanked spidey before you said that! :) thank you! In thirtybees "outdated" can mean as little as one day.
  20. @cadonovan said in updating the updater module: thanks I will try a manual update of the tbupdater module Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Things change very quickly here with so many dedicated software developers and programmers, etc. (I'm in the "etc group". lol)
  21. @mdekker said in updating the updater module: You can test that by manually uploading the downloaded module: https://github.com/thirtybees/tbupdater/releases/latest It shows what is going on when it fails to update. You can find all our native modules this way: https://github.com/thirtybees/<module name>/releases/latest @mdekker Thanks for this post. I'm bookmarking it.
  22. @spidawebs Absolutely right as you were before. Using semicolons was the only way my csv imports worked to place products in the correct categories. Thank you!
  23. Any ideas? @administrators @Global-Moderators
  24. Anyone here have experience using Facebook and Twitter, etc, to post products WITH product images right from the product pages?
  25. Happy Sunday to everyone and a warm welcome to our latest members: @basix101 @ISB2017 (what happens when it becomes 2018? :) @Robert101 and @cadonovan!
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