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Everything posted by alwayspaws

  1. @Traumflug That's very helpful to write it in your native language and will bring more people to thirtybees. We want to be all-inclusive! Have you posted a link to this post on FB and Twitter? Thank you for this post!
  2. @busybee said in Warehouse Theme Working: @mdekker that's a great offer and a very good sign for this project. Would you be able to extend it to include the Panda theme? Although from reading this forum it seems a few people have it working already. thanks, bb Hi, bb - people here are using the Panda theme and Michael said it's supported here.
  3. @ericchaffey said in Warehouse Theme Working: I purchased the warehouse theme from Themeforest and from what I can tell everything has been working. The developer said he is in contact with members of the ThirtyBees team so hopefully this will keep working even with changes proposed further down the road. Eric, if it's possible, since you're the originator of this discussion, can you please update the title to make it easier for everyone using these themes to find this discussion? Maybe like this? Warehouse Theme, Transformer Theme and Panda Theme Working Thank you! Stephanie
  4. Here's the other post discussing more about themes. I just wish it had the transformer theme and panda theme in its link. I'm going to see who the OP is and if it can be changed. https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/77/warehouse-theme-working/42
  5. @dprophitjr Yes, Denver. I don't like personal attacks of any kind. You're an excellent moderator as well as a great source of tech info for us!
  6. @dprophitjr I think we all need a stiff drink. My choice is hot chocolate, since I don't drink. He went offline. I'm so sorry you were "attacked" but it may have just been the heat of the moment.
  7. @LeoChamp If you stay maybe I'll add a pic of myself instead of my hearing service dog. Maybe! :)
  8. @LeoChamp No, that isn't it! Come on, be a sport! I, Stephanie, want you here! OK? OK!
  9. @vzex Good job! That tells it all. :) Jonny is really good with tech support and his themes are phenomenal.
  10. @LeoChamp Don't leave! We're a great team to work with!
  11. @lisa7878 Thank you for these great suggestions. I'm glad you joined our team and provided so much good information. My comments below are not to "shoot down" your suggestions. They are to continue the discussion for new sites with no budget or a low budget. I have no budget right now so: Brian Dean's http://backlinko.com/ looks the best for me. He has a huge wealth of info that he shares. I followed him on Twitter. Thank you Lisa! Google Keyword planner makes you sign up for Google Adwords even if you don't use ads, which I can't atm. I didn't sign up because they want to "give me" free $50.00 for ads, which probably means I have to give them my credit card. I dropped it there but may look into it again to see if a CC is required. Can't afford: Ahrefs: https://ahrefs.com/pricing KW finder - Free Trial then $12/month Spyfu - https://www.spyfu.com/mainpurchase/?page=default I appreciate the effort you put into this post!
  12. @datakick said in What to use when Tweeting from website to include images?: use the theme that has twitter card metadata - when you share the url, twitter will automatically fetch this url, parse the metadata and display the card. Hi, datakick. I contacted my theme developer who suggested looking for a module to do this. Thanks.
  13. @lesley said in What to use when Tweeting from website to include images?: You might try something like addthis or sharethis. Those should have more options. But since all social media platforms have different image size requirements some will be cut off. You might have to make an image for every tweet and facebook post. For Twitter, will this do what I want and can it be done globally? If I need to add a lot of code to each product I may as well write the tweets. https://dh42.com/free-prestashop-modules/prestashop-twitter-card-module/ by you know who! :)
  14. @lesley Thanks! I just saw that the Transformer theme has the "addthis" module so I'm going to try it out.
  15. When on a product page and I click the Tweet button, only text appears. The tweet looks like this: Dog Shirt For Shelter And Rescue Dogs Printed with Adopt Me and Paw Print https://www.alwayspaws.com/dog-clothes/dog-shirt-for-shelter-and-rescue-dogs-printed-with-adopt-me-and-paw-print but I want it to look like this: Dog Shirt For Shelter And Rescue Dogs Printed with Adopt Me and Paw Print https://www.alwayspaws.com/dog-clothes/dog-shirt-for-shelter-and-rescue-dogs-printed-with-adopt-me-and-paw-print Thanks!
  16. @Havouza Thanks for letting us know! I was worried when we didn't hear from @wakabayashi for several days. @dynambee I didn't know he was on vacay, either. @roband7 @Tomik LOL! Glad he took a vacation because it's going to be his last one until he finishes the new module. Good luck, Michael!
  17. alwayspaws

    Cron Module

    My cron job has never run. It says "last execution" is never. Is there a way to force it to run?
  18. I was interested in the live chat portion but we have tawk.to which I'll eventually get around to configuring.
  19. Manual: There are a lot of choices to check or uncheck. Which do I include in the sitemaps file? This Sitemap was submitted Jun 11, 2017, and processed Jul 22, 2017. I checked in mid June and now again and only 11 images have been indexed of the 273 images submitted. Exactly the same results as on 6-11-17 even though I have added many more images.
  20. @vzex I just checked out LiveZilla it looks great. Never heard of it before. Free! https://www.livezilla.net/home/en/
  21. Ads & popups drive me crazy. I also turn off autoplay on YouTube
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