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Everything posted by alwayspaws

  1. How can I get relevant sites to link back to me? I know everything not to do but I don't know where to start.
  2. Is there a "save cart for later" option? If not, should I put in a feature request? I know a lot of shoppers are interrupted with work (smile) & need to come back later, tomorrow or next week. Thanks!
  3. Can you experts please let me know if I should follow this article to the letter, just skim or delete it? https://yoast.com/seo-for-a-new-website-the-very-first-things-to-do/
  4. @roband7 said in What to use to put paragraph of text between menu and products?: Your theme will have take responsibility for most of these tags. You don´t want to step on its toes. When adding your own blocks like this I agree with @wakabayashi , use I am using the Transformer Theme. Do you mean I am supposed to depend on the designer of my theme to keep up-to-date on these tags and the latest HTML (5)? He recently created a PS 1.7 version and I don't think he's going to want to update the PS 1.6 version anymore. What should I do? I know the transformer theme is being supported here, so do I depend on updates of this kind via thirty bees? Thank you!
  5. @wakabayashi said in What to use to put paragraph of text between menu and products?: I would clearly chose div. But I a not aware the newest trends with all this tags. I stronlgy doubt that you should use instead of div. Nav is only for navigations. I'll select . Thank you!
  6. @wakabayashi I installed the module on my test site. Under "developer configurations" it asks to select "Use a Content Wrapper" with various options. Screenshot at bottom. What should I select since I want an informative paragraph at the top of my site, under the nav menu, of what my site is for? I looked up html5 for 2017 to make sure to use the correct tags, because I recently read that we should use >nav> instead of This article seems to clarify html5 - Does it look accurate and something I can depend on, or is there a better site to reference html5 from? 30 Best HTML5 Practices 2017: https://www.themelocation.com/best-html5-practices/ Thank you!
  7. How to allow Disqus in Ghostery: Search for "ghostery" or go here: https://www.ghostery.com/ and install the plug-in / add-on for the browser you're using. Go to your list of plug-ins and "enable" ghostery. Go to the link where you want to make a comment, like this one: https://thirtybees.com/new-releases/thirty-bees-1-0-2-beta-1/ Click on the ghost icon on your browser's page - for Chrome it's in the top right - and allow the site. I logged into my Disqus account - @mdekker - how is it different to use ghostery than to log right into the Disqus account?
  8. Thanks @roband7 - it's been going on for a while but I finally posted this. It's not a great big issue, of course.
  9. @administrators @Global-Moderators I want to comment on the below topics but when I try to log in with thirtybees, it brings me back to the home page: https://thirtybees.com/ When I refresh, I have to log in again. And again. and Haven't been able to make comments. thirty bees 1.0.2-beta.1 https://thirtybees.com/new-releases/thirty-bees-1-0-2-beta-1/ Developer Blog: https://thirtybees.com/developer-blog/announcing-our-developer-blog/
  10. I found @lesley's free ADD THIS module on 12-5-2016 and registered for his dh42 newsletter. On Feb 8, 2017, I received his newsletter with the subject: "Announcing thirty bees, a faster more stable ecommerce platform based off of PrestaShop". Thank you, Lesley! I registered with thirty bees, saved my creds in my password vault along with a note that said: "For better ways to develop your website!" and the rest is history! :)
  11. Thank you @mdekker for mentioning me for my teensy contribution in the thirty bees 1.0.2-beta.1blog post update https://thirtybees.com/new-releases/thirty-bees-1-0-2-beta-1/
  12. I don't know when this was done, or maybe it was there all along but now clicking on a link in a post will open a link in a new window or tab with this setting on: "Open outgoing links in new tab" Also there are subscription options if you want a digest of the forum topics by daily, weekly or monthly. Check out your user settings.
  13. @Traumflug For sure! :)
  14. @mdekker said in minify html option: Okay, stop the talk please. You're frightening her haha I have disabled most of the caching for the rapid changes in the transformer theme atm. It makes no sense to enable full caching at the moment. Site is fast enough for now. Thank you because I really got upset.
  15. @lesley said in minify html option: It looks like the big thing you need to make sure of is that mod_expires is installed on your server. I'll look for that, not that I know how. I'll just go to admin and search for it. And also that all the caching options are turned on in your shop. I had just asked what settings to use for Cache and Full Page cache. What are they, please?
  16. @lesley said in minify html option: Run your site through something like GT Metrix and see if it picks up on any compression errors for resources that are on your site. Likely it will flag things like Google analytics and Facebook, but it should not flag any of the files you host. I just ran my site through that and pingdom and the results freaked me out. I can't even look up whatever it is you suggested.
  17. I only have 255 products. My site has a rating of a "D". I'm getting offline before I get even more upset! It isn't a thirty bees problem, that's for sure!
  18. @vzex said in minify html option: Whatever is happening in the background makes this thing fly now even with all the molasses no cache etc on! ;) Can't imagine when I turn it all off! Your site is very fast? Great!
  19. @lesley @mdekker My results are horrifying! https://gtmetrix.com/reports/www.alwayspaws.com/kpgInejV and https://tools.pingdom.com/#!/b5qaMe/https://www.alwayspaws.com/
  20. Thank you, I'll try that. Never heard of GT Metrix until this discussion.
  21. So I'd better leave well enough alone, but several hosting people have worked on and restored and restored over again, my site and test site, so how can I be sure, please?
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