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Everything posted by alwayspaws

  1. BTW, the missing short descriptions are only in the BO, not the FO, when I upload a spreadsheet.
  2. Oh, Excellent! So the thing is to not have update links in the blog or the announcements, unless they point directly to download central! :)
  3. Yes, I can, when I get back to desktop or just take the above csv and convert to ods. Good?
  4. @Havouza yes, let's try to keep everything in one central place. This way, people who don't know about an update that is being worked on, will see it is, etc.
  5. @lesley - what do you think about having a central location for all updates and upgrades? It's way out of hand, imo, the way it is now.
  6. @mdekker said in CSV problems - missing short descriptions, headers too big: Ohh it it supposed to support .ods (Open Office) files as well. I have never tested that. It's what I use but then I convert to csv because the csv importer refuses to accept .ods files
  7. I clicked to quote you and don't see your message, @jnsgioia
  8. @jnsgioia said in CSV problems - missing short descriptions, headers too big: Hi! I remember that discussion about using the pipe as a separator but I don't want to do all my spreadsheets over and over again. I'm waiting for @Traumflug updates! :)
  9. I wasn't implying you are a new user, Jeff, but what I'm saying is anyone who comes along and wants to install TB and then needs various piecemeal updates until a major update comes along is going to be confused. I am. Sorry about that, @lesley
  10. The little module that says something about "bo" in the filename? I'm not on my desktop. I'm on the laptop now.
  11. Would new users know this? No! :)
  12. @lesley I really think we should have one main place for all downloads. It's becoming difficult to know what to download from where.
  13. You know all the good modules! You don't use it any more for TB? If you do, please tell me the name. Thank you!
  14. I can try to use .xls but I need to know the exact parameters first for each of the fields that have multiple choices.
  15. So issue #286 is open instead: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/pull/286 @Traumflug "Right now I’m reworking tag import a bit to recognize a single string with comma separated values, too. I think it’s best to allow the same type of entry as when adding tags manually." Yes, please! I have MS Office for the Mac but after 2 years of back and forth, everyone said that OpenOffice is best and that Excel doesn't import correctly. I create csv's from OpenOffice calc. @mdekker - I was told the exact opposite for Excel, but if it will work fine in thirty bees, I don't mind going back to it again. The only thing is MS Office is much more of a memory hog than OpenOffice. @Traumflug - I looked at the BO - catalog - tags and see what you mean but they are still cut off in case you need to know this: dogs,jewelry,charms,Saint Franci What I would like is to have the csv import fields of field separator and multiple value separator to be the same all the time. When I import products, it's one way and when I import categories or combinations it's another way: they are either comma and semicolon or semicolon and comma. I have to keep going back to the csv import page to change them. Thanks! Stephanie
  16. @lesley @Traumflug I also favor copy and paste. The modern theme you show does look nice.
  17. I can't deal with this right now. Sorry.
  18. @Traumflug @mdekker I still have the cut off tags problem. My csv is in the earlier reply. Thanks!
  19. Where do you do that, please, in admin?
  20. @jnsgioia You are exactly right. Thank you! I'm going to edit my post to reflect the tags problem.
  21. @mdekker said in CSV problems - missing short descriptions, headers too big: I was wondering the same. I can't reproduce any of the CSV issues you report https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/262 @Traumflug "perhaps you should provide some of your CSVs for demonstration the problem. The shorter, the better, as long as the problem shows up." Short descriptions are no longer missing. They are called "summary" per @jnsgioia which I forgot. Sorry! The field example (x,y,z...) has no spaces so I first entered tags with no spaces, but then Michael said to make sure there is a space in between tags so I put a space between each tag. No difference. Tags from product page in admin are cut off: Tags: dog collars collar charms char (see screenshot, please) My tags for this product from my csv are: dog collars, collar charms, charm for collars, patron saint of all animals, St. Francis Attached is a csv that has only five single products. No combinations or anything special. 014987597871916-29-17-test-blank-short-description-tags-cut-off-product-tags.csv
  22. @jnsgioia said in CSV problems - missing short descriptions, headers too big: What program are you using to store your information on your computer and is it exporting the short description to the csv file correctly? OpenOffice Calc and yes. Thank you.
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