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Everything posted by alwayspaws

  1. alwayspaws


    @dprophitjr That would be a dream come true!
  2. @Havouza Kudos to you for letting me know about this free, perfect, very easy to use little module! http://greenmousestudio.com/en/numeric-reference I used your suggestion of putting AP before the randomly generated numbers. @dynambee I decided I may want another site, so I'm using AP for this one. @Daresh I just installed your http://greenmousestudio.com/en/numeric-reference in my new thirty bees shop. It's terrific! Please come and see us. You have many friends there from here. :) https://forum.thirtybees.com/
  3. I did the same thing and now I'm getting help from my host. Did all the groundwork I possibly could, following @wakabayashi YouTube video tutorial and Michael Dekker's reminder in this post: https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/433/how-to-make-exact-duplicate-of-site-on-same-domain
  4. Is there a way to have the cookies be part of code or something for those who are still not technically inclined? I do not mean to override people's choices of cookies. What I mean is can we put a little bit of code either in the shopping cart or somewhere on the way to checking out to make it easier for them to accept Amazon pay and PayPal cookies? In other words a question or a statement that says please accept Amazon and PayPal cookies. This may help reduce abandoned carts.
  5. @Havouza said in Interesting e-commerce forums: I often look through different e-commerce forums to see what people are talking about. This weekend I will spend time pushing for tb in the 30 forums I have now signup in. Will be interesting to see the results In Sweden, the biggest party day of the summer is today. Midsummer. Raw fish, new potatoes, strawberries and cream and much more. All accompanied by a lot of ice cold vodka shots and beer. Happy Midsummer! @Havouza So glad that you are making this effort to promote thirty bees. That's wonderful of you! I hope to do the same soon. For now I'm Tweeting and posting on Facebook. Happy Midsummer! I choose the strawberries and cream and the new potatoes! Have fun!
  6. @lunika Welcome to thirty bees, Bart! Your experiences and decisions to come to thirty bees is very well written and will help others to make the switch. We are very happy you are part of our team! Kudos to you for making the right decision! Stephanie
  7. Thanks @Traumflug I use CSV imports regularly so this little issue will be very useful when fixed.
  8. @wakabayashi I kept a log of what I did every step of the way. I'll let you know the results. Thank you!
  9. @wakabayashi Which tpl and css files do I edit, please?
  10. I can add tags manually. I added another tag and saved and the tags are there. If it's a csv importer problem, what do I fix?
  11. Did you try to add an item and check out? If you mean Log in with Amazon, it's at the top of my site.
  12. @jnsgioia Excellent! Thank you!
  13. Upon checkout, a message displayed you have to allow third party cookies. I viewed the cookies and Amazon.com was blocked, so I allowed it and refreshed the page. Where can I add this info and an image so that people know how to do it, if they get the cookie message?
  14. Amazon Pay and PayPal buttons - How do I align the PayPal checkout button on the checkout page? It looks sloppy right now.
  15. When customers view their shopping cart summary, and want to pay with Amazon Pay, how will they know to click "BUY NOW" since the PayPal checkout button also shows?
  16. @Traumflug They are separate tags. I couldn't find the one I referred to so here's a screenshot of another one that is cut off. birt should be birthday so if there is a 32 byte limit per tag, if "birthday" is 8 bytes x 8 bytes per alphanumeric character = 64 bytes, I'm way over the 32 byte limit, but that's crazy. "Birthday" is such a short word.
  17. It's amazing and very helpful. I'm not finished yet because right now I can't get the new sub domain to load. Also I'm on my iPhone right now so when I get back on the desktop I'll update this.
  18. @wakabayashi said in How to make exact duplicate of site on same domain?: @alwayspaws said in How to make exact duplicate of site on same domain?: I don't want to install a new site. I want an exact duplicate of my current site. I have an older test site from before I upgraded my theme. Will it work if I just copy all the folders and files from live site to a subfolder for a test site? That sounds like the first step I do in my migration video... It works the same for tb as for ps. I've been watching your video again @wakabayashi and it's terrific! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LN7KD9W_MY4&lc=z13ctxfxhy3qzve0s22csj1grofrx3kug.1496874356871975 I'm almost at the finish line. :) You have a beautiful voice and I should know, because I have to pay very close attention to people speaking since I read lips or use closed captions. Your video is captioned! :)
  19. @mdekker said in How to make exact duplicate of site on same domain?: Yup. But copy the database as well and edit the setting.inc.php file with the new database settings. Also edit the tb_shop_url table to the new URLs. Of course before I start I look for the files I'm supposed to edit and haven't found 'setting.inc.php' yet. I did a search and came up with answers such as that file is deprecated or that file is now in app/config/parameters.php, etc.
  20. @dynambee said in How to make exact duplicate of site on same domain?: Always make a backup before starting any migration. Most of the time things go smoothly and you don't need the backup. The one time there's no backup though... I made a backup before even asking this question. I have it, but thanks for the reminder.
  21. @mdekker said in Warehouse Theme Working: We're happy to announce that we support both the Transformer and Warehouse theme for free. If you see any compatibility issues, let us know. We'll fix it! This is why I love thirty bees
  22. @mdekker yes it should be! I don't anticipate any problems.
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