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Everything posted by alwayspaws

  1. @wakabayashi said in Front office favicon: https://www.spielezar.ch https://www.chesspoint.ch They should have different icons. What do you see? @wakabayashi On my iPhone right now in Google Chrome I only see the letters S and C. I also see my paws updated as blue.
  2. I hope the Transformer theme will support it. That website, seorch.eu is great! Thanks!
  3. Oh, that makes life a lot easier! I'll look for it in my Transformer Theme. How can we update to all html5?
  4. Thank you, I have it installed now.
  5. Because Google suggests it?
  6. @dynambee said in Front office favicon: @wakabayashi said in Front office favicon: https://www.spielezar.ch https://www.chesspoint.ch They should have different icons. What do you see? https://realfavicongenerator.net/faviconchecker?protocol=http&site=www.spielezar.ch https://realfavicongenerator.net/faviconchecker?protocol=http&site=www.chesspoint.ch A lot of missing icons, it would seem. That site also offers a favicon generator that will take an image and build all favicons from it, as well as provide the necessary HTML to make everything work. @mdekker, maybe that HTML could be emulated in 30bz and people could just generate their favicons there? Later perhaps 30bz could have it's own built-in favicon generator using imagemagick. @dynambee I like the idea of a built-in favicon generator. @wakabayashi - I only saw a Gold Crown / King's Crown for "Classic, desktop browsers" in the favicon checker. @dynambee - Very glad you found https://realfavicongenerator.net/favicon_checker because it really gives the entire picture, imo.
  7. @dynambee said in Front office favicon: @alwayspaws, I haven't visited your website on my iPhone before (7 Plus, iOS 10.3.2) so I just tried it now. Site loads nicely and looks good! Tried to add as a bookmark though and at first there was a big "A" in the favicon area and then after a short time it changed to a question mark icon like seen before. I assume during this time Safari was trying to download the favicon and when the download failed the question mark appeared. So, unfortunately it looks like the favicon issue isn't resolved yet. Thank you so much @dynambee for visiting my website and for the kind words. Much appreciated! I'm still working on the "window dressing" and getting products online. For me, referring only to desktop use right now: Safari is only good for clearing all history and seeing changes I make to my site. FF is also good. Chrome holds onto everything like a starving dog with a bone! Unfortunately, I use it as my main browser and even with my password vault, it's a pain to clear all its cache, etc, because I use two factor authentication for various sites and constantly have to go back and grab my phone.
  8. Note! Being absolutely new to buying and using a theme over thirtybees, when I searched in admin for favicon, I updated that section. I just discovered two days ago, I needed to update them in the theme editor, which I did, but the problem remains the same. If not, everyone would have seen the transformer favicon and that would have led me to figure out I had to update them in the other section. Did anyone ever see this anywhere?
  9. @mdekker said in Front office favicon: Hard to verify it like that. Icons don't get updated for Chrome once you have visited the site. Takes weeks. Or maybe it has had the chance to update. Had it changed? It hasn't changed in Safari on iPhone or iPad but now in Google Chrome for iPhone and iPad, it has changed to the paw. Note: I changed the color of the paw from pink to blue, to see if it would make a difference. It hasn't. On the desktop, in FireFox after clearing history and closing and reopening the FF browser, my favicons are still Pink, but at least they are favicons! (haha) Chrome also has pink paws. I'll wait for the next update.
  10. @mdekker said in Warehouse Theme Working: We're happy to announce that we support both the Transformer and Warehouse theme for free. If you see any compatibility issues, let us know. We'll fix it! I really like the Transformer Theme and like it more and more as I explore all the configuration features it has.
  11. I was looking for it, for @club3m also.
  12. @vzex I agree with @Havouza about the spreadsheet. Makes it a lot easier, provided you have one in the first place. I think. @BlindPenguin No one needs to say or feel dumb, ever. We're all learning together. There are plenty of merchants here, me included, who want you to express your ideas and ask your questions. Please continue to do so. It will vastly improve our opensource software and make it easier for others to transition to thirtybees.
  13. I agree with @unica-e-shop about part of this: "If not there should at least be an option for size." I want to be able to select the sizes of the fonts, regardless of which head tag I'm using. I don't want to mess with css files, etc, that can be changed at any time for upgrades, etc. To me, this looks awful but I need to use the head tag:
  14. @Jeff said in Community theme update: @lesley Ok I think I got it updated. I love the community theme by the way. It's why I chose Thirty Bees. Thanks for your help. I appreciate it. Hi, Jeff! I'm happy it's straightened out for you, too. I've been spreading the word about thirtybees via social media - Twitter and Facebook, with hashtags such as #PrestaShop #thirtybees #opensource #webdevelopment, etc. :)
  15. What would be viewed as the "standard" spreadsheet format that will work with thirtybees imports? The way I do it is I create a spreadsheet with OpenOffice calc and use the ".ods" file extension so that I can copy and paste and manipulate the data any way I want. Then I convert it to ".csv" but it looks like I won't have to do that any more! Yay! (I hope!)
  16. So my combination values of size and color get separated by a comma and that's all. Is that correct? example: size,color What are the separators supposed to be on the import page when we upload the file? Is the update @Traumflug created available now? Or when the ticket gets closed?
  17. @mdekker Where or how do we get @Traumflug 's standardization?
  18. I just tried to import after renaming it. Will continue when back on desktop.
  19. So shorten it! :) U can wait for me to go on the desktop in a few hours.
  20. please bc i dont have that s/w on this laptop. tnx!
  21. @lesley We appreciate your time, effort and hard work very much! Thank you!
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