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  1. I am having an issue with css. I had managed to make the Rating on the displayright section of the product page to look the way I wantedbut the CSS seems to be automatically generated and it keeps refreshing and seemingly overrides whatever I put in the CSS of my theme for what is loaded in that hook. How can I keep my changes?
  2. Awesome! Thank you so much for the very detailed and very useful answer.
  3. I am posting in a section called Premium module about an item called Dynamic Lists, which is the name of the module. Why should I repeat what it is in my question? Is not the purpose of separating the module section by names of the individual modules a way to signify which module each person is talking about in the respective module's thread enough or am I too dense to be here?
  4. From the description, this module appears to do something I want: Add a product to a customer's cart or order or on some sort of list if it meets certain conditions, say the customers want to subscribe to this title future volumes (I sell books). However, I am confused: I installed the module and it only asks to setup a cron. No time is mentioned (hourly, daily, weekly?). I understand I need to create the list in the Catalog portion of the menu, but how would I go about it? I look at the list definition and it is a bit unclear how I set up my conditions or if it would work at all. Thanks! C.
  5. Never mind. Figured it out. If someone wants a solution, just hit me up.
  6. I used the installer that I downloaded from here for PHP 7.4. I noticed the empty tables but figured tiwas because of my theme. I installed another version of TB on another subdomain to see if I could copy the entity tables but they were empty too, despite not installing my theme and keeping the native theme Niara... Anyhow, managed to make it work with your help guys. Thankyou!
  7. Currently migrating as much as I can to TB 1.6 and I decided to use Bees Blog instead of the one we used to have, ybc_blog, which has become bloated, takes forever to load and does not do very well what we need to do legally, which is have only French content on the French side. It looked great though. It was a bit of sql gymnastics but we managed to migrate our nearly 4000 blog posts in two different languages and match them properly - awesome job Beesblog! However, on the blog page, it gets pretty ugly with the pagination: see attachment. How can I fix this in the module so it is a bit more manageable, less insane and ugly. Thanks! C.
  8. Those exist and they match the theme, but there are entities tables in the database that are empty. Could permissions be an issue? Since this is a migration... I thought I had fixed them but there are so many images.
  9. No overrides related to images. No errors. No popups. Image Entities are not configured - they ahve a value of zero. How do I do that? I am using my own theme, not the TB theme, so it might be related to that?
  10. Hello! Trying to migrate to 1,.6 and I cannot regenrate a single image in the new version. I even tried two plugins to regenerate and they all do the same thing: stop right away or mention there is an error with the images.I tried jpg and webp, no success. The only image I was able to regenerate with one ofthe plugin was a <scene< image. All the others say error and the other module and the native TB interface just do nothing. I tried reinstalling my theme, thinking it was the issue, but apparently not.
  11. Thank you! Will investigate.
  12. I guess I will have to reinstall everything and rebuild the database manually, soo that I do not import the employee table and break everything...
  13. Everything worked fine until I imported the whole database... 😞
  14. Cannot tell - it is encrypted. Tried activating the debug mode in config but no matter what, I only get the encrypted version.
  15. Script does not work - I get a 500 error. Tried the other suggestion as well, to no avail.
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