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Posts posted by toplakd

  1. How to add database manualy

    1.Go to maxmind.com and create free account.

    2.Login to Account summary

    3.Click on Download Databases

    4.Download GeoLite2-City

    5.Unpack and rename to: db.mmdb

    6.Upload to /tools/geoip


    And you have succesfully updated the database manualy.

  2. I've never had troubles with PS, started with 1.3.8 and upgraded in steps to last 1.6 version.

    Than at some point thirtybees migration module has started working flawlesly and I migrated to thirty bees about a year ago.

    Everything runs as before, without any problems, just the speed of shop is better, back office mostly.

    But I don't use tons of modules, only 24 modules installed (with AEUC and Geolocation)


    • Like 1
  3. I modified 5 page checkout into 3 page checkout, Cart-summary + login/address/shipping-selection + cart-summary/payment-selection.

    It works flawlessy this way for a while now.

    When you are optimizing the page for mobile view, you have to decide if you want more scrolling or 1-2 more steps to click.

    I decided not to use OPC due to more needed scrolling and went with 3 steps instead.



  4. Yes that's true.

    I upgraded to Bleeding edge so I can use new TB Geolocation module, as in Stable 1.1 the old Geolocation does not work anymore, and TB Geolocation module is also not supported without a fix.

    As I use very few modules (25) the chances for something not working are smaller than on shop fully loaded with modules.

    I always make upgrade on my backup domain so I can make all the tests that are needed for ordering/contacting/paypal/bankwire in front office, and all the tests managing orders/products in backoffice.

    If no errors show up during test, only than I perform upgrade on live shop.

    If something fails during my testing, than I wait for next relase/revision and do the testing steps again.

    Before the upgrade I also make backup of files and databases. Just in case.


    I closed my shop yesterday and will reopen it on January 1st when Christmas fever is over 🙂

  5. I tested this "database schema" function on exact copy of my shop which is latest bleeding edge.

    After applying all fixes (38pages of them)  tested many things and everything is working fine.

    What would be nice if there was a button "apply all" 🙂


    I will do some more testing, and if nothing shows up, i will apply the fixes to main shop during closing time in holidays.


    99% of fixes were

    has data type int(10) unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned

    should use character set utf8mb4/utf8mb4_unicode_ci instead of utf8/utf8_general_ci


    Thank you.



  6. Some changes should be made to Thirty bees paypal module, as I already mentioned in some other posts, that TB's paypal is loading on every page and delaying page load.

    I use PS paypal module on my TB instalation.

    With PS Paypal module, my landing page loads with 9 requests and 293kb of data.

    With installed Thirtybees Paypal module, there are 14 requests and 507kb of data.

    • Thanks 1
  7. The most usable thing on small mobile devices icon based popup/slide menus.

    This is not that hard to integrate.

    But it's way harder to make the rest of the site prepared for the mobile view. That's because a lot of modules are available and changing them would take a lot of time.

    I spent countless hours adjusting my theme, which would not work for 99,9% of the other shop instalations, as I use few front office modules (11) and only adjusted what i needed.

    So I do appreciate all the work that has been done on Niara theme, but for making it totaly mobile friendly Tommat should start some donation campaign.

    Installed module.

    Screenshot_2019-09-22 Modules and Services • ALZA-Racing.png

  8. It's so, that none of the stock themes are mobile friendly. Even on small tablets the good experience stops.

    And the same thing is present at the complete checkout process.

    That's why I heavily modified the original Community theme to better suit my needs as currently over 80% of my sales are done through mobile phones.

    I'm using slideout/dropdown menus to access most of the things on mobile devices and configured it for at least 360px width.

    can be viewed here: shop.alza-racing.com

    Something like that could be added as option to the existing themes.

    I've also modified 5 step checkout into 3 step, as using OnePageCheckout brings out shipping issues if used together with AEUC module.

    So 1st step is cart, 2nd step is login/shipping and 3rd step is review and order confirmation.


    This all together brings needed scrolling on mobiles down to the minimum.


    • Like 1
  9. The bigger efferct of that will most likely be, that shipping 1-10$ gadgets from China won't be free anymore, or 1$.

    As currently delivering China gadgest is the biggest loss to all Natianal mail carriers everywhere on the world.

    As per agreement, i will deliver yours for free and you will deliver mine for free. I send you 1 airplane yearly, you ship 1000 back to me 😞

    Like here, we have no import taxes up to 22€ in my country and no processing fee. Over that range tax applies and about 6€ processing fee.

    So people order China packages on daily basis just to be under 22€ limit. But that will soon change, as post will start charging arround 6-7€ processing fee for every single package that is comming from outside European Union. So ordering 10 small packages with low value products and free shipping will soon going to be expensive, as fee could be bigger than value of the order 🙂

    • Like 2
  10. You could try Geolocation to see if it works for you. As it works on Country and City basis, so I assumo postal codes could work.

    But never tried it, as I only need Country for me to display Tax Exc./Incl prices for unlogged customers.


  11. Basicaly everything can be repositioned or changed if you know how to edit and style the template and css files.

    So if you want something unique, than its time to start reading about css styling and template editing.

    Good starting point would be:


    I'm stil using Default Community theme in my shop, but have modified it so it fits my needs and made it mobile friendy,

    as 90% of my customers make their orders through mobile devices.

    shop.alza-racing.com is where I run thirtybees for 18 months now, after migration from Prestashop which I was runing for full 7 years.





  12. Prestashop 1.6 3.11.4 Paypal module does not make any requests to paypal domains if not needed,

    but the Native Thirtybees  5.4.2 Paypal Module does make 5 additional requests to paypal domains on each page, and loads about 215kb additional data.


    Im using Prestashop Paypal on Thirtybees for 18 months now. Currently on 1.0.8

    • Like 1
  13. I'm using PS Paypal Module 3.11.4 and I was always able to make full refound directly from the store backend by clicking on "Refound total transaction".

    Was able to do that when I was on PS and now on Thirtybees. And after refound, the order status is automaticly changed to "Refounded"

  14. No need to use outdated database from archives, as there is tool on GitHub for converting new Maxmind Geolite2 Free databases to the old Legacy format. (also posted in old geolocation thread)

    I'm using such converted database for about 5 months now without any problems, but this post has remind me to update it.

    Tool on GitHub:



    And GeoLiteCity.dat  database conversion from Geolite2 Free dated with June 4th 2019




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  15. Same happened to me a while ago. Got the same error.

    Was unable to solve it, so I deleted the carrier and created new one with same settings which worked ok. (TB 1.0.8 migrated from PS)

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