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Posts posted by toplakd

  1. When choosing free open source software one also has to take into consideration that it's support might not be forever, or that it might not be updated as frequently as one would like.

    It's not that hard to understand what free options bring.

  2. Staff page on forum shows who are the administrators moderators and its not saying anything about who belongs to the company. Those are only most active code knowing, bug fixing contributors which also moderate the forum.

    • Like 1
  3. I'm not that much concerned about my future and running my shop with thirty bees.

    As long as you use mainly stock modules, and working templates you will be on safe side for long time.

    Hell, I could work normal with my pre-migrated 1.6 shop without problems, never had any issues and started 10 years ago with 1.3.8 (or .9 don't remember exactly)

    But as long as one starts using third party modules and themes (the ones which are not written well) and started using overrides which are not always compliant with core, then you will fast run into problems.

    And than we also come to so called customers bugs, which are related to not knowing what they turned off/on, or made some own modifications/overrides not knowing how they affect the core.

    Some of them yelling this is a bug, i didn't change anything, problem is in core, why should I allow anyone to access my shop, why should I pay you, everything should be free and so on....

    Same with themes, TB has 2 own themes which are working good (for zero $$$/€€€) and well working Panda theme which is also very cheap.

    The one who thinks 75$ for Panda theme is too much, should close the shop next minute.

    But one can always migrate to latest Prestashop if one thinks there will be less problems and more speed 🤣🤣

    Just my 385 cents, and again, i'm not concerned my shop will stop working.


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  4. If talking about mobile, than you should set most of the modules to not display on mobile devices.

    And categories should go onto separate popup button menu which should be accessible from fixed header

  5. You can already show front page as wished:

    -Image slider
    -HTML block
    -block cmsinfo
    -Block Featured

    There is no styling needed, just little creativity. And not to mention not to overload the custumers with 2meters long front page.

  6. Few more details from today. Grid, List and shopping cart view.

    Product hover removed when mobile device is used.

    414px wide pics (iphone size). It goes down to 360px width (most devices).


    Screenshot_2020-04-14 Coffee and Tea - My Store.pngScreenshot_2020-04-14 Coffee and Tea - My Store(1).pngScreenshot_2020-04-14 Order - My Store.png

    • Like 1
  7. You need to correct: Localization / Countries / Address format

    For the country that is showing issues, or for all of them which are not displaying correctly.

    Clicking on "use default format" will reset the settings for selected country to Default values.

  8. No. That's nothing critical, as its only related to "Advanced Parameters/Email/Email subject template" field, which is missing "[{shop_name}] {subject}". You have to add it manually.



    Now after upgrade, install core updater, update to latest bleeding edge.

    Apply fixes in Core Updater / Database schema (for developers) (second tab)

    Install Datakick consistency check module and check with that.

    Than you are ready to go.


    It's always good that you do all the upgrades and fixes on spare copy of your live shop, so you can check if everything works as it should.



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  9. I'm running my site from servers in Germany and get pretty satisfying results with worldwide loading times.

    No caching, minimum modules, webp, custom fontset with only icons that are used, no Facebook, no analytic. Basically barbone.

    Only options that are enabled are the CCC options.

    Also no cdn or cloudflare.

    No cookie consents due to only session cookie, and no outside loading requests.

    Ok, my theme might look weird compared to other web shops, but it's for very specific group of products and customers.

    And at the end I'm paying only 70 eur yearly for 2 virtual core, 1gb ram, 60ssd, litespeed server with cPanel.

    And I'm serving only 216kb with 10 requests for the landing site 🤠

    Thirty bees is really fast, but with to much installed modules and stuff you can also slow it down.

    I've been playing with caching for some time, but always had the feeling my site feels snappier without any cache. Tested for some period of time from different worldwide locations.

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