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Posts posted by toplakd

  1. Just upgraded PS 1.6.24 fresh installed to 1.0.8 thirty bees and it works without a problem.

    However for today's test migration I used PHP 7.3 and at time of migrating my live shop I used PHP 7, live shop was also 1.6.24 before upgrade.

    Not sure if migration tool is compatible with 5.6 or not.

    You will most likely get only 1 error which is related to Advanced Parameters/Email/Email subject template which is left empty and should be {shop_name} - {subject}

    After that you have to uninstall ps migration module.

    Update all the modules.

    Install thirty bees core updater.

    Go to Preferences -> Core Updater.

    Update to 1.1 stable or bleeding edge.

  2. If some bug is fixed, and stock modules/themes do work after the fix, than the problem might be in third party module/theme if it stops working.

    One can not leave opened bugs just for third party modules/themes to work correctly.

    There is currently no 1.1.1 stable version, latest stable is 1.1.0 and according to users it works on that version.

    Regarding prestashop making demands, i'm pretty sure they don't demand anything, if developer does not update his module, it will just not work on updated version as it should.

    Also Panda does not state that Bleeding edge is compatible with their theme.

        Compatibility with:
            PS -,
            PS -,
            Thirtybees 1.0.3 - 1.1.0


  3. I've tried Shopware, Gambio, XT-Commerce and few others, each for few days. Mainly from european developers.

    Sure some of them they have some more or some less futures, but at the end of the day, for simple lightweight shop like mine, thirty bees beats them all in speed and simplicity.

    Next thing in the row are the themes and how easy one can adjust them to own needs, simplicity of making or adjusting translations and list goes on and on.

    Even if there is no Extra GDPR module for it, you can make it EU GDPR compliant with very few simple steps and use of "Block Customer Privacy" module.


    And if at some point in future TB decides not to work anymore on the project, I will start searching and learning on for new lightweight platform.

    My point of view is, if someone wants always be compatible with some outdated unsupported third party modules and themes which are bind to last 1.6 version, than one should stop upgrading it's shop to the latest stand.

    Most Developers which support TB will provide their working modules/themes for the latest stable version, if you bought their update plan. If not, than one should use the version for which module/theme was made for.

    One can not expect free lifetime support and upgrades for every shop version change.

    And with fixing bugs and updating thirty bees, it will become less and less 1.6 compatible, especially with modules/themes that were not updated/fixed after PS discontinued their 1.6.


    Dev team is fixing bugs and updating thirty bees, so joining this unneeded conversation if TB will still be compatible with 1.6 in 2029 would only take their time which they could use for maintaining tb, enjoying life or making 2 more kids.

  4. I started 10 years ago with PS 1.3.8 something. During years versions have upgraded and new functions came in, old ones stopped working.

    Modules and themes were sometimes not compatible anymore. And yet shops have survived, moved forward, upgraded to new versions.

    People bought new modules, bought new themes. Some have migrated - myself included.

    So at the end, world will still spin if at some point TB decides and goes further away from deprecated 1.6 PS.

    • Like 1
  5. You still have to understand, that thirty bees is open source free of charge software, no matter if based on prestashop or any other platform.

    Fixes and improvements behind it are mostly not paid  if one could calculate all the hours spent.

    Heck, even on paid solution shops (monthly or yearly subscription) many things sometimes are not working as they should, or there are bugs which are not fixed for extended amount of time.

    So bitching over something that is free of charge is not a good thing.

    If you look at PS. They said end of support for 1.6, please move to 1.7 and pay for some basic modules that were free in 1.6.

    Even prestashop evolved during the years. I started with 1.3.8 and they moved on with versions as things had to be fixed until they said its time for something totally new and brought out 1.7.

    Once you will sell for couple of millions per year  than you can have your own software team which will work on your own custom shop platform.


    1.6 is now obsolete, and if new futures and bugfixes in TB will break some of the obsolete compatibility, then so be it.

    You have to understand, that not many developers are willing to change/fix their 1.6 themes (which also include some bugs) to the latest fixes, as its easier to milk the money as long as it goes, as they are already selling new 1.7 version of their theme.


    If one can not afford to spend 200-300 $/€ yearly for maintaining the shop, than its time to quit internet business and going to some daily job.

  6. I'm not in the developers team nor I have the crystal ball so the future is unclear to me.

    I will adopt my shop whenever needed to newest tb standards until I will do my current business.

    The things I personally need are already there, crazy fast and stable shop platform.

    I would also use tb Paypal module, if one could ditch that few paypal loading requests on each and every tb page 🙂

    So for now, PS 1.6 Paypal module has to do its job.

  7. How external modules are made/written is completely on third party developer. Ones only see the money in masses and take all possible shortcuts to make the module work.

    If such module relied on bug that was in core, its developers fault that it stopped working once bug was fixed. Same with themes.

    I'm pretty sure that all modules that are available from thirty bees installation are working at least 99,9% of the time, if not fix gets released.

    But once fixing one bug or more, breaks third party module/theme, than its time for its developer to check why fix is causing problems in his module/theme, but it works flawlessly on stock.

    Some changes had to be made for TB to work well on newer php versions. Smarty version is getting older and older.

    Themes still use old Fancybox where Fancybox V3 already supports mobile sliding and stuff (I use it).

    So I believe there will be more and more changes in the thirty bees future which will also break more of the not well written modules/themes which were just copy pasted as TB Compatible.


    I don't use tb/ps invoicing for 10 years, as those are not real invoices in our country as they can be altered in database, so if I used such invoice I would be on illegal side already.

    That's why my shop generates (writes) Order Confirmation instead of invoice, as invoice is later made in bookkeeping program which is approved from the state.


    • Thanks 1
  8. Currently running latest bleeding edge on live shop for last couple of months without any issues anywhere. I update to latest bleeding edge few days after I see it in core updater.

    However I don't use any caching and I'm running Heavy modified TB Community theme (from 1.0.7 TB version) with 24 TB modules + 3 other modules.

    Shop is running smooth in front and backoffice.

    I think TB Team is on right path here making fixes and updating the core.

    Most problems here are with thirdparty modules, where developers don't follow with fixes for new relases.

    It was to expect that sooner or later compatibility with PS 1.6 will start loosing it's ground, as if you want to go forward you have to make some cuts and decisions.

    I spent about 200 hours for modifying and polishing my fork of TB Community theme, where others think buying 75$ theme will bring them lifetime support for every new version or update of the shop platform.


    • Like 3
  9. As Trauflug said, Core Updater is the way to go if you need easy and painless solution to be on the most updated version.

    If there are lot of changes I always make the upgrade on spare copy of a shop to see if something does not work anymore, but for the past year I didnt notice single problem when updating with Core Updater.

    Currently running latest bleeding edge for last couple of months on my live shop (last updated today).

    2 Files to get changed are my FancyBoxV3 as I don't use Original Fancybox supplied with TB.
    And obsolete files is showing my GEOIP database.


  10. I never had a problem with this, nor to be confusing 🙂

    From my point of view I see it like this - Wow your TV is so Wide, what's total depth of it with stand mounted? 🙂

    BO Width = Lenght of the package

    BO Height = Height of the package

    BO Depth = Width of the package

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