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Everything posted by CoffeeGuy

  1. How do I stop my store from asking customers for their birthdate? I can't find where to shut this off. Shouldn't be mandatory.
  2. I have installed a new online customer support chat. I have it all setup, except this HTML code that has to be added. See image.... The online chat module says I have to add it to the footer, which it clearly shows here that it is, and I added the HTML code in the "Optional HTML code" section of the template. Can anyone tell me why I am getting the error in screen shot #2? Thanks!
  3. Sometimes when I check my stats page to see what customers are currently visiting, I see IP addresses - that are most likely google bots or search engines hitting my site. Is there any way to hide these so all I see are REAL people browsing my site? Thanks in advance
  4. So, Slick, you're fully updated and it still happens from time to time? Hm... that's not good. 😞
  5. I am now, Purity! Lets see what happens. Thanks, everyone!
  6. Slick, you should do the upgrade. I had someone do mine cause I didn't wanna screw anything up. Slipped 'em $20 to help 🙂 Well worth it. This may fix your issue. What's your store? Always love seeing other users storefronts. Mine is https://bryankollar.com/coffeeguy/view-entire-store
  7. Oh! SHOPPING CARTS! Not cards. lol. OK, I found it, and sure enough, there's the order! 🙂 I created the order from the non-order. Thanks! I can check there from time to time. As far as upgrading, I'm so afraid to do so. I don't know much about this at all and don't want to screw things up. Can you offer assistance as the easiest way to do so?
  8. First of all, thank you for the only one who responded. This is URGENT for me. What are cards? 😞 Sorry...
  9. Someone placed an order. I got the Paypal notification, AND payment, BUT - there was no order to be shown in the back end. At all. It's like it wasn't ordered. If I didn't get notification from Paypal, there would be an open order sitting there with no signs of it. Another person placed an order, it came through just fine. Payment, and in the back end. Another person placed one today, and same thing! No back-end notification but Paypal did come through. Seems like it only happens once in a while. 😞 Another thing about the payment via Paypal. Every single time an order comes through, I get Paypal notification - BUT - it only shows the amount they paid. No breakdown. I have to check the back-end store. So if that doesn't come through, then I have to call the customer to find out what they ordered which is very embarrassing. This is gunna happen again, just know it... please, I'm desperate to get this fixed asap before it happens again.
  10. Both great ideas. I don't have a backup, but will do that - RIGHT NOW. My web hosting company can probably pull a backup but it will overwrite the changes I've been working on over the weekend. Backing up - NOW
  11. I have a zip package? Oh, wait, you mean on my hosting side. It was all automatic. I just clicked install through control panel. Is that file universal? Can you attach it for me if it is?
  12. I've been doing so many updates recently that I may have screwed something up. My contact us page is not working. I get a 500 error. I've turned on debug, and see that the contact-form.tpl file is missing from the theme folder? How'd that happen! I did an entire search with Filezilla on my hosting, and that file does not exist. 😞 How can I get it back? How did it go away?
  13. Let's put it this way... I can add those 3 tabs back, which would be fine, but if I can have a 4th tab that says "View Entire Store" which shows all products (maybe 24 per page) that would also work. Maybe even better...
  14. Colorful-Ant, no,... I can add those. I had those before. I had popular, best sellers, and new products. I removed all 3. I just want ONE tab (or none, to be honest) that when someone goes to www.bryankollar.com/coffeeguy, they see products. As of now, you have to click on "view entire store"
  15. It's just not there. 😞 Sending PM while I still can... ty
  16. Colorful-Ant, what's the exact module name? Wakabayashi, looking again with Filezilla....
  17. Huh? How so? Please don't tell me that. 😞 ARGH. Why did I start messing with it. What's wrong? I just got an order 2 hours ago.
  18. Can you help me make it look normal? I feel like giving access to my site if that would help.
  19. I don't want to delete it incase something goes wrong. I still want the different catagories on the top, but want the store to go to the home page with products listed instead of how it is now (www.BryanKollar.com/coffeeguy) Can I disable that? And if so, how? I love your nick-name by the way 🙂
  20. I'm back from work. Short day cause of snow. I can't find that file. 😞 I can edit HTML, but I can't find that file
  21. OK. Searching for that file now. I'll open it, assuming I'll know what to change once it's open. You guys are spectacular.
  22. That WOULD be ideal!!! OK, so last question is how do I add a big button? Is it a tab?
  23. I'd like it to be like this: https://bryankollar.com/coffeeguy/view-entire-store As soon as they reach the site instead of clicking on 'view entire store' Maybe I can use a redirect... hm... Any other way?
  24. Thanks guys. The "Popular" tab is now gone, but again, ideally, I'd like to show all my products as soon as they go to my page. Where the POPULAR tab used to be.
  25. IDEALLY I'd like to replace "Popular" with "View Entire Store" or "All Products"
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