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Everything posted by CoffeeGuy

  1. Alphabetical order, so I can't post the whole thing... Too many, but POPULAR isn't here...
  2. There isn't a 'popular' tab listed anywhere at that location. 😞
  3. Under themes? There's nothing under "hook home"
  4. See attached... I used to have New Arrivals, Best Sellers, and Popular here (where I have it indicated with a 2) but I decided to remove ALL (I can't find how to remove POPULAR) and start off with all products in my store, so basically 'no tab' or just show the start of my products. Is there a way to do that?
  5. I FINALLY got a chance to try it. BOTH fixes. AND IT WORKS. Thank you thank you thank you. Off to sell coffee!
  6. Hi! Honestly, did searching already about how to remove date of birth from my website. When someone places an order, they have to enter their date of birth, too. I don't want that. What I found was 2 ways which both didn't work for me. I edited identity.tpl file, and removed that DOB code. And I also went into localization and country, and the setting isn't there either. How else can this be removed? For the Paypal question... My wife tested my site and I was glad I watched her. After her successful payment with Paypal, it didn't say order was placed! It just brought her back to the online store with an empty cart. Is there a way to say that the order was successfully placed? Thanks!!
  7. Yeah, the /1 thing was fixed yesterday by altering the .htaccess file. That no longer comes up anywhere. But now it appears I get the page no found on specific products.
  8. So the .htaccess think should still be ok to do?
  9. Where is that 301 setting?
  10. I can do that. OK. I'll make all changes I need to now, then change it in .htaccess. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. But when someone physically searches for Gevalia, the URL will show as: https://bryankollar.com/coffeeguy/search-by-brand-name/gevalia If someone just navigates to Gevalia, it will show as: https://bryankollar.com/coffeeguy/gevalia Right?
  12. If I browse MANUALLY and click on Krispy Kreme from my list, it goes to: https://bryankollar.com/coffeeguy/krispy-kreme and shows perfectly.
  13. Hi Colorful-Ant! Thanks for responding... I'm not sure what you mean exactly. Because if someone were to 'search by brand name' I think that's why the page not found came up (although I can't replicate that problem) but if someone just clicked on green mountain, then that's why it's a different 'url' I can't get any page not found errors to show no matter how much I browse my site. And you said the link works? Then why doesn't it for me? When I go to: https://bryankollar.com/coffeeguy/krispy-kreme-smooth it says page not found. That's one of them from that list.
  14. @lesley , Im back :( So are the errors. Although. it's changed. There are no longer those odd 'folders.' Here's what it is showing now. Any ideas? http://bryankollar.com/stillhelp.jpg
  15. It seems fine! I ran out of "free usage" on DrLinkCheck, but if it hasn't found any yet, I don't think it's going to. The amount of info you have in your brain is incredible! :) THANKS!
  16. OK. Done! Now how do I tell if it fixed it? Just keep watching the "page not found" logs? THANKS!!
  17. I searched, and found ONE instance of href="1". So I change it to href="#" right?
  18. I cant :( Got to sign up, then choose a plan? I can upload via FTP to my site... maybe? Or should I just sign up. I don't know what plan they are talking about so not sure if I want to register. Sorry.
  19. Got the file. I gotta register for github?
  20. @lesley Yup. I can't find anything when I navigate on my page, and DrLinkCheck says its coming from each individual item
  21. Can anyone tell me please?
  22. OK! That's some of them that have been coming up in that "Who's online" thing. How do I get rid of them??! Where did they come from? THANK YOU! One step closer - but why are they there?
  23. Hey, check out DrLinkCheck.com! WOW! It shows me where a lot of links are broken. Pretty cool. Nothing from what I've seen in ThirtyBees, but - it's relevant to this post.
  24. @wakabayashi Can't be bots because that image I posted previously? Someone was obviously surfing. Same IP address, and minute by minute changes on where he/she is surfing. Can I block bots from showing in the visitor IP list?
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