Since I paid someone to do my site (can't remember who) I literally cannot find this. 😞 Can you just lead me to the right location and then I can probably do it from there. Thanks in advance!
(P.s. I even searched HOOKS in my back end office. It came up with results, but I don't see where this option is to do it)
I wish I remember the person I paid to set this up over 2 years ago. I don't know if there was any support for it, that's why I was asking for help. Not sure I understand your question back to me as well, but thanks for replying
Well, that's a start, and I appreciate the only response.... I've checked it out, and I'm lost. No idea. I found hooks, but I do not know a thing about 'em. Guess I'm stuck with it.
Thank you
I have a revolution slider on my website. It only displays the scrolling banners on the very first page when someone visits the site. I can't figure out for the life of me how to get those banners to show on every page. Can someone help?
Thank you in advance!
On my invoices, my company address doesn't show. It just has my company name, and United States.
Where is this change made? I want it to also show the city, state, zip and phone number of my business.
On my invoices, my company address doesn't show. It just has my company name, and United States.
Where is this change made? I want it to also show the city, state, zip and phone number of my business.
I have a revolution slider and it shows just fine on my desktop. But my mobile, NOTHING. I've seen where it shows that it is on. How do I get it to show?
I was losing sales. I had to restore a backup (but it was from Dec. 26th). All good now, but I am saving this thread incase it happens again. Any idea what happened?
Thanks for your help everyone!
It was just on the main website. I was still able to access back office, but that category was completely gone so there was no way to bring it back. I had to do a complete restore (from 2 weeks ago 😞 )
All I did was edit a category....
After saving it, that category disappeared! Cannot be found! I went to my website and all I get is a 500 server error.
I cannot change that category back the way it was. Now my site is down.
I swear I looked at every single option trying to find this thing. Damn. Sorry about that, but thanks! This is the best E-commerce platform out there, hands down. My store came out so beautiful, up in service for years now and it just gets more and more incredible 🙂
How do I make my shop sort by price, low to high, when someone clicks on a category? It seems like it now sorts by when the item was added?!?!?
Yeah, working on Xmas eve!
Merry Xmas all!
I need help with my site sometimes. Maybe 4x a year tops. I'd like to hire someone know knows ThirtyBees to help out when I do need the help, like today.
I always try to solve it by checking here, but there are times when I can't. I'd be happy to pay someone to help once in a great while - to be my 'go to' person.
Please let me know, send me a PM.
That's exactly when I get this! When I save a manufacturer. How is this fixed? I can't add any manufactures now, and I am starting to get more clients. Please assist asap. 😞