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Everything posted by CoffeeGuy

  1. @wakabayashi That's what I was doing, surfing my own website clicking everything and could not come up with a single page not found. But I see this all the time in the back end portion. I'm concerned that some are getting that. The URLs make no sense because they are not a part of my shop. :( I just don't know how to pull system logs, so I'll live with it. Thanks
  2. And, Lesley, what about when something sells on Ebay, does it update ThirtyBees?
  3. Oh. I thought thats what you meant by server logs. OK, I'll figure out how to get those. Thanks
  4. Like the first one, reviews.... the actual URL for this is bryankollar.com/reviews.html The second one in that list is actually at bryankollar.com/hoytlibrarymay312014.html My shop is at bryankollar.com/coffeeguy
  5. www.bryankollar.com/pnf2.jpg Those should even be in my coffee store. They are one directory before it!
  6. I don't see how it's possible to have this many page not found errors. I can't replicate any single page not found problems, and I'm worried that customers are getting it, like it shows here. Where are they coming from? Can I regenerate my whole store to eliminate them?
  7. I shouldn't say I'm not surprised because I am. I am sooooo glad I switched from ZenCart to ThirtyBees. I LOVE IT! Thanks Lesley.
  8. I am 99.99% sure that this can't be done, but I guess it can't hurt to ask. I sell mostly on Ebay. Then when I send out the order, I include a business card directing them to my website for cheaper prices. Now - when I sell on my website, I have to manually go into Ebay and remove that quantity, otherwise I won't have enough product if someone buys from Ebay with the wrong quantity. Any way to do this automatically? Some kind of Ebay module???
  9. I need new glasses. I'm getting old. How in the heck did I miss that? I searched and searched!! :( I'm embarrassed. Thanks guys.
  10. AndyC, yeah, but that brings me into my default email client. I was hoping to have a professional email sent right from the store with my logo. Kind of like when I send a status update that their order has shipped. Is there anyway to do that? Haylau, where on the order page? By clicking on the email address and opening into the default mail client or something else. Thanks guys.
  11. If the customer sends me a message, I can reply. But - what about if the customer DIDN'T send me a message. It seems that I can't send them one. Is there a way and I'm just missing it? Thanks
  12. AND.... That solved it! DataKick, thank you for being the only one to answer. It now works. :) My block is towards the bottom though, so I will search and see how to move it to the top. You're the best!
  13. @datakick Well, thank you very much. That helped - I'm a lot closer. Your direction led me to seeing the "reset" button. I never remember seeing it before. So - I clicked that. NOW, I can see the left hand side block, BUT it's only after I view a product or navigate through the website. If I can get the left hand block to show on the main page, I'll be all good to go. Can you tell me how to do this now that I can see it on the pages within the site (before I couldn't) THANKS
  14. Hi, Datakick! OK, I will alter that file so I can get my edit button back. Thanks! But as far as #2 goes, yes, I did forget to mention that I have selected the left and right as indicated above in your snapshot. Any idea why they are still not showing? THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
  15. Strange. I've been on this for hours, and searched for hours here. :( Sorry, I did try, so I have to ask for help. It's about the left and right columns. In my theme, the "edit" theme button is missing. It used to be there. See this: www.bryankollar.com/left001.JPG Where the horrible circle is, is where it used to say edit. So anyway, when I go into advanced settings, you'll see I do have left & right enabled www.bryankollar.com/left002.JPG And finally, I have my item hooked to the left, here: www.bryankollar.com/left003.JPG So... Why doesn't anything show? Desperate for help. Please. Thanks. I'll give some a free cookie and coffee for helping lol
  16. I do have left and right enabled, and even chose what to list on both of those sides, but NOTHING is coming up. To make it simple and sweet, now all I want to do is move that block of text at the bottom of my page to the very top. That's it. There's no way to even do that. What's your website?
  17. It is default theme. I changed the name of it.
  18. You're the only one who took time in trying to help, so I do appreciate it.
  19. Yeah, did that too. I've been at this for hours. :( Something is messed up with my left and right navigation because I can't get anything to display there. Oh well. I'm assuming you have your own shop too... :)
  20. I tried again. I chose TOP. Then I edited the text as you stated. And when I go to the page, still, it says "enter code here". Back in the module nothing changed. ARGHHHHHHHH
  21. Something's wrong with my left and right columns. If I give you access, do you have time to help? Please don't feel obligated. I'm having a designer make a commercial video for my website and I need to put them in the left or right columns, or at least move blocks around from bottom to top
  22. And another thing, Andy. It's not showing ANYTHING at all in my left or right column. I have left and right column enabled in my theme. But - nothing is showing no matter what I select to appear on the left and right. I wish you can log into my store to help :(
  23. Thanks again Andy. Yes, I did. It opened a new window, I just changed that to say text. I made sure it said "left" and saved. When I looked at the mod again, it says header, and "Enter code here" still remains :(
  24. Yeah, I did :( By default it says "enter code here". I changed it to text. But when I save, no matter if I choose top, left, right, whatever, it doesn't save my text in the editor. It displays like this on my webpage. www.bryankollar.com/help-thanks-3.JPG Enter the code still remains, even though I changed that text and said "Left". Even when I go back into the module, it's like it's not even saving
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