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Everything posted by CoffeeGuy

  1. Nope. It's not working with my ThirtyBees. :(
  2. AndyC, I gave it a try and installed it. It's not appearing anywhere though :( I don't know much about this stuff, so I'll play around with it, but I'm pretty sure I had it configured right. It's just not showing up :(
  3. There isn't an option for that. :( It just allows me to enter text.
  4. https://www.bryankollar.com/help-thanks.png AND how do I stretch this one across the entire bottom of the screen? https://www.bryankollar.com/help-thanks2.JPG
  5. I see how to add a block, but it's forcing it to be at the bottom, squished to one side. I have a text one here now: www.bryankollar.com/help-thanks2.JPG See how it's squished all to one side? And at the bottom? How do I make it go across the entire bottom, OR in a special block like this: www.bryankollar.com/help-thanks.png Thanks!
  6. @the-rampage-rado It's that simple? Wow. Um.. OK, will give it a try. Thanks
  7. I am considering having a designer make a 30 second video advertising my business. I'd like to have the video play when someone visits my site in one of the 'blocks', if that's what they are called. Is this possible?
  8. And I guess there isn't a way to change my existing per shipping all at once. I already have it set, but want to change that rate. Thanks Lesley
  9. Oh! I see... I have to go into the product! Um... Isn't there a default so I don't have to go into every single product?
  10. There isn't a shipping tab when I click on products. It just shows me all my products, page by page. Thanks
  11. I have a base rate shipping, and would like to have an additional charge for each item added to the cart. I've clicked through so many preferences in my store but can't find the option to do this. Where do I set a base rate plus each additional item rate? Thanks
  12. When can I install it? :)
  13. After extensive research and fun, I found this link: https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/edu/prestashop-15/308-password-change-via-database Thanks anyway! FIXED! WOW... I don't believe I did that on my own.
  14. I used CCLEANER and it cleaned passwords for all websites. Now I can't log into my store to manage orders. I know I was putting the right password in, but when I try it tells me "The Employee Does Not exist, or the password provided is incorrect." So then I try clicking "Forgot password" link. I enter the email address, the only one I use, and then it tells me "The account does not exist." I pray that I don't have to reinstall. Please, I beg. Anyone? I'm totally stuck without being able to process orders.
  15. Wow, migrate it over! SWEETTTT!!! Thank you!
  16. Just a note to say THANK YOU to everyone who helped develop and support ThirtyBees. I opened my shop about two weeks ago, and love the support people have given me. I have made a donation to ThirtyBees for all the help, and now just purchased my first module to help the developer. Didn't mind paying for it because without developers there wouldn't be a ThirtyBees store. I am amazed of all the features and how well it works, from marking orders complete with the invoice being mailed to the customer automatically, the clean cut ease of adding products, just - everything is so incredible about it. Thank you, everyone. I'm seriously thinking about moving my other store to a ThirtyBees platform. I have too many products, and if there was a way to import my database from OpenCart, I'd make the change in an instant. It's just too time consuming to move everything over. Again, thanks guys!
  17. I've donated already directly through Paypal, so can I move that to this "Crowdfunding" thing? LOL You guys help me, I donate. Simple as that.
  18. Solved by SnowyCat, I just don't know how to mark this solved. The only fix was a file he had to send me in email. Nothing was working, but thanks! Everything 100%!!
  19. That was it! I had Paypal Plus enabled, only because when I first added that module it said I had to turn on ALL paypal options. YAY!!! THANKS!!
  20. Enabled on all pages, and still there. Argghh...
  21. I had my webhost turn on that free SSL module. :( I thought that would have done it.
  22. Still says forbidden :(
  23. Can I add loyalty points to a customer account manually?
  24. Thanks. I emailed my hosting company. What about part 2 above? Is there a way to sort the category alphabetically in this location: http://www.bryankollar.com/help2.jpg Thank you!
  25. @tbuser69 Try a CONTROL-F5 to refresh. That forces everything to update
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