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Posts posted by zen

  1. Hello all, I am curently working on a Bootstrap 5 theme for Thirtybees and would like to share it with the community at least for the basic version.

    I need your help in order to finish it, while completing this task I'd like that you can report here the good and the bad things about the theme, so i can fix it or improve it and ask for new testing before I put it on github and manage it on that platform, as it's way more easy for me to do it here for start.


    You can test the theme here : http://cisero.zengraph.com/

    And here is the admin back office that can let you use the ThemeMaster module, that will help you to customize your own design, it's very first version and don't hesitate to ask for things to manage from this module : https://cisero.zengraph.com/admin007/

    user: demo@demo.com

    pass: demodemo


    So let's start it, I hope to finish it before january 2022, it also depends on your returns.


    Here is the ARCHIVE to download on a zip format, please report bugs and improvement !


    Also here is the GITHUB link : https://github.com/Zengraph/cisero




    • Like 11
  2. Boostrap Currently v5.1.1 without Jquery and different shorcode for classes, so It is not possible to use it as well.

    What about Boostrap 4 ? also not really easy to make modules compatibles with it without rewriting their tpl section.

    So we can stick only to Jquery and Boostrap 3 ? I hope not.. what are the solutions, a transition version or a breaking one ?

    If we keep on like this, TB is not going anywhere, I believe we need to get rid of Jquery first, that will need some work on many modules but it's for the best and a brighter future.


  3. On 8/27/2021 at 6:59 PM, Bside2234 said:

    I'd like to stay in the relative ballpark of what I'm paying now ($107/yr). I'm not opposed to doubling my hosting budget though if it's going to be worth it. Customers are mainly in the U.S. but I do a fair amount of shipping worldwide.

    You should use a US based hoster, problem is to choose one, the offer is so wide.

  4. 19 minutes ago, Alex Hansen said:


    I have installed the NO CAPTCHA RECAPTCHA module, but I can't find the place to regist my site and get the keys.
    The link in the module setup dosn't have a regist buttom. What can be wrong???

    there is a problem then.. because after you install this module, you should go to configuration and ther will be places to fill the public and private keys.



    reCAPTCHA site key

    Used in the Javascript files that are served to users.
    reCAPTCHA secret key

    Used for communication between the store and Google. Be sure to keep this key a secret.
    Customer login
    Login attempts



  5. WE still use the same module since years, it works correctly and create a coupon for a specific payement : credit card , 1% reduction and add it to thé customer cart when payment is selected.

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