Hi All
Over the past few hours I have received about 50 emails from badbot so far and they keep rolling in from differnt IP's
it does say Amazon.com & data services but don't know if that means anything
Should I be concerned / what can I do my end
Hi All
(TB 1.5.1 - PHP 8 - Panda Theme) I have gotten round to adding stripe to my website. But it seems to have knock out my Custom Payment Module. While it is not a huge issue,it is nice to have when people don't trust payments from websites (yes I have had a few) I currently also have Nochex PayPal & now Stripe which would make 4 in total....
Also,how can I move these options around if I need to. Thanks
Any Help please Got this error come back while trying to edit a discount..
Not good enough to work it out myself, I wish I could though.
Also, received the email error, but has URL details in
I've looked around but can't seem to find 1 for TB.. I was wondering if there was a auto page/scroll for you product. I see websites have gotten rid of page numbers, was wondering if there was 1 for TB
Want to get it all up and running on the latest core and modules theme as well
Panda theme
Product Fields manager v2.4.2 - by Anvanto ( later versions don't seem to work)
Nochex APC Module v2.2 - by Nochex
are the most important modules .Although Fields manager plays havoc with any payment module and has had to be modified to work
I want to pay as I have some modules that may cause issues . I failed to upgrade myself so would prefer someone else to do it... I can ask on People per hour but would prefer it to be done my 1 of the team here
I know it's been a long time since this post but I think it is time I bit the bullet and upgraded
What is required if I buy the upgrade to the latest version as it doesn't really say.