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Posts posted by veganline

  1. What kind of parcels will you send?


    • doesn't say what happens if a retailer sends to a consumer in the EU. If a parcel arrives rather late, with an EU VAT bill attached, I think my customers would refuse it or send it back. Maybe we will see on the TV news what happens to the first few thousand before I get an order from the EU. I am not registered for VAT so I hope I can continue to send small parcels un-taxed.

    I'll need

    For efficiency it would be good to have this information on whatever paper I print, maybe even formatted to look like the standard CN22 form. Maybe large-scale traders need this quickly.

    I hoped to see some kind of government grant for software updates but don't see one.

    Gov.uk/government/publications/hmrc-brexit-transition-communications-resources has some pdf-formatted documents saying "get ready" but they do not say what to do until we get a sober prime minister - they suggest checking with specialists, but if I look on web sites like RoyalMail or Parcel2go , the experts do not have any information pages either.

  2. I expect to go with the successor, whether or not it's called Thirtybees. Is that "Modified shop?" I've learned obscure tricks on TB and added modules like Prestools.

    Just tried a softaculous setup of WP+Woocommerce + a free importer plugin I haven't seen anything to tempt me away yet.

    • Shipping zones were one of the draws to Prestashop and Thirtybees when I signed-up. I can set post office shopping zones (UK, Europe, World, Oceana) to match Thirtybees zones (Europe, Africa, etc) and type-in prices for a 2kg parcel. It takes an hour or two, but it's free. Woocommerce might have countries zoned somewhere but I didn't spot it.
    • Thirtybees installs all-in-one-go from Softaculous. It's not obvious how to find the shop page for Woo on Wordpress, so I haven't done a speed test yet
    • I vaguely think Thirtybees is fast-loading compared to a lot of the others, but could be wrong.
    • Canonicalized.com/prestashop-vs-woocommerce says that there aren't many clicks to checkout on Woocommerce which is good, although I've solved that problem on TB.


    • Gross; slow. It's for people who don't pay for their own server.

    Shopify / Hosted closed-source

    • Doesn't feel nice after having the freedom of an open source shop with loads of extras and tweaks possible. I doubt I could do the search engine optimisation or the tweaks like belts cut to length that I do on Thirtybees


    Anything else on Softaculous

    • I'd look at Cubecart because it's made in the country where I live, but there are too many to test; all the more reason to stay with Thirtybees.

    Cost:  Afterthought 15.27 30.12.20 

    • €3 or $3 buys monthly shared TB hosting, with Softaculous installation on Hosting.co.uk. Hostinger throws-in a free SSL certificate too, which saves trying to use Cloudflare. 
    • €30 or $30 buys Shopify or Bigcommerce
    • Magento needs a more expensive server too
    • Like 1
  3. Problem just fixed; no need to reply: images dissapear from front page after adding Bing Clarity code
    Problem worth mentioning in case it effects other people.
    I got some javascript from Bing called "clarity" to add to my page headers. In fact I'd had it for a while but Bing gave me a new bit of code, so I put it in 
    bo > preferences > custom code > Add extra Javascript to your pages Then...

    Images on the front page of my site turned into white boxes with some kind of .png dot that showed as a white blank.

    Images on product pages were fine except that the view of five or six thumbnails under the large first images turned into a view of every single thumbnail, which I prefer, but I don't like the lack of images on the front page. A 360 view plugin stopped working too; it was meant to show one or two dozen images in a javascript rotating thing.

    After a litte experimenting I was lucky to remember this recent change and try un-doing it as an experiment. My pictures of images came back.
    The reason for posting is so that anyone who's front page pictures go blank can check whether it is Microsoft Clarity or Bing Clarity that clashes as it did for me.

    • Like 1
  4. This is vague; I hope  it helps more than hinders.
    A similar thing happens when installing via Softaculous on my live server:
    backoffice > preferences > settings > enable SSL : on
    backoffice > preferences > settings > enable SSL on all pages : on
    ...solves it. I have to do it straight after a fresh installation, otherwise it is impossible to log-on to the back office and do it.

    I typed "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS" into the forum search and found other people trying to fix the url and make it match what's on the .htaccess file, but I don't know an exact answer.

  5. I guess that sponsoring developers hope for new retail clients who want a shop developed or maintained. Then there's pocket money to be had from referrals to hosting and card processing, from odd-jobs and modules, and donations or volunteer work. I hope so anyway, because recession has held-back business a bit where I am and this Prestashop 1.6 / Thirtybees / Whatevernext software could be a big help when things pick-up.

  6. backoffice > preferences > custom code > add css to pages
    Find out if you can reach it easily on your screen; the link is right near the bottom of the preferences menu by default. 

    browser showing a test site > right click > inspect 
    Experiement - it sounds as though you have done this already. On my Chrome browser, right-clicking again on the highlighted part brings up a menu with "copy selector" and "copy styles" as options. 

    Paste experiments onto the "add css to pages" box of a test site to make them stick.

    I hope I've understood right!

    • Like 2
  7. UK answer: Post Office Drop-and-Go
    Thirtybees sends me an email with the order on it.
    I have formatted this to include an address somewhere near the top left.
    I print the email and put in a window envelope on the parcel before dropping-off at a post office.
    Post Office Drop-and-go service adds the right stamps and gives me basic online proof of delivery.

    I acknowledge the order manually if I remember, which is not good.

    Drop-and-Go are a few pence more expensive than Royal Mail online labels.
    I have to attach a form to the parcel or stack of parcels that I drop-off, listing street numbers and postcodes. Also, I haven't quite formatted the email right; it shows with "from... to... date... email logo etc" on the top inch, which I fold-over.

    I don't know how this translates to the post office /USPS in the US. Also I think that there are Hermes modules for Thirtybees in some European countries, but don't know detail.

  8. I was on a long thread about (quoting musicmaster) "attributes that don't affect the stock, such a whether a piece of furniture is polished". In my case, belt strap lengths.  One per belt. Nothing depends on it.

    I went for JBW's new paid module "Customization Directly to Cart" for PS or TB; contact details are on PS. The advantage over default customization options is that you don't have to press "save" at the bottom of the screen somewhere and then scroll-up to press "buy"; a product page witih 1,000 different types of polishing, or length of strap, can be made to look and act just like a page for attributes that are held in stock.


  9. On 11/26/2020 at 2:45 AM, FooLab said:

    Isn’t the same that UK retailers are already doing for extra-cee countries?

    Jamaica, Isreal... usually people in those countries know the problem and don't order.
    UK is an awkward country to sell in-to from outside the EU. There's a tax on goods valued over £18 or so. Often not enforced on goods from China bought on Aliexpress with "£18" written on the customs sticker.

    USA is easy: customs ignore anything under $800. They just need a CN22 sticker.  Australia and New Zealand don't have a problem accepting e-commerce parcels. Canada was tricky; there was nothing on their government web site to say what the threshold was, but people ordered anyway.

    Smaller UK sellers like me do not have to register for VAT - not till our turnover is £85,000 or so - so this idea of charging UK or EU VAT to customers is new to us however it will work.

    I will wait and see.
    -------------------------added a bit later
    There are also tariffs. Maybe Zero for goods made in UK, but what about those goods I just bought on Aliexpress through the lax customs system? EU customs will probably want to know if the goods are made outside any EU trading bloc for example in China. If so, they will want to know any details that put the tariff up or down: down for safety boots, perhaps; up for clothing. We are not used labelling country of origen in the UK

    -------------------------added out of order
    If you are a developer with clients in the UK, they get a letter with this link on it https://gov.uk/retail-2021 which is a checklist

    • Thanks 1
  10. There are opportunities for developers to help UK retailers cope with Brexit after 31st of December, on any platform. Or help rich retailers, anyway; the rest of us just adapt and hope for freebies!

    The latest UK Departmenet for International Trade webinar is not yet on their web site:
    https://www.great.gov.uk/ ; it's called "Shipping ecommerce orders to EU consumers in 2021", recorded 24.11.20

    It suggests that UK retailers selling to the EU will need or want

    • a courier who can charge new EU taxes along with postage, delivering duty-paid (none yet found; Royal Mail has said it won't do this)
    • https://www.gov.uk/eori (this comes-in for people in the EU about June 2021 but in the UK on 1st of January)
    • any details relevant to customs, printed on the piece of paper that goes with the parcel as well as online. Harmonization codes, country of origen, fibre composition, description of the object such as whether childrens' clothing or adult, price and weight before and after wrapping and adding postage.
    • no details are yet known; for example lots of countries ignore this stuff for parcels valued under some value, but this wasn't mentioned in the webinar.

    I just mention this in case it helps a developer find a new client.

  11. Our little government here in the UK has just released a webinar on e-commerce selling from the UK to the EU in 2021 bu
    ... the UK post office / Royal Mail cannot post and pay all VAT Tariff and admin charges in advance and so is not allowed for Amazon sellers or any good for anyone really
    ... the UK government has no promise of a threshold value for charging VAT tariffs and admin; it's not like selling to the US or Australia where small parcels are ignored by customs. A trade worth a penny can be taxed.
    ... Parcel2go, Parcelmonkey and similar sites don't yet show me a way to post to the EU next year.
    ... our government is negotiating hard for us to get worse employment rights etc etc than other europeans, so if the deal gets better it will probably be on December 31st

    Any comments suggestions or discoveries are welcome! I'll add links to our little government's webinar and suggested contacts when available.

  12. My hack for Niara theme, single page checkout, removes the block so nobody can register, using bo>preferences>custom code>css
    I forget how it works, but if there's anything similar in a Panda 3-page form it might involve css like this.

    #new_account_title {display: none;}

    #opc_account_choice {display: none !important;} /*for edge browser*/

    #login_form {display: none;}

    #opc_account_form.unvisible {display:block !important;}

    #company.text.form-control {display: none;} /*just to shorten the form*/

    #discount_name {display: none;}  /*just to shorten the form*/

    #discount_name.discount_name {display: none;}  /*just to shorten the form*/

    #voucher {display: none;}  /*just to shorten the form*/

    #cart-voucher {display: none;}  /*just to shorten the form*/

    #login_form .box {display:none;}

    #login_form {display:none;}
    .date-select {display: none;} /*this is for order and date of birth form*/

    #vat_number_block {display: none !important;}
    /*#vat_number.text.form-control {display: none;} removed the hard return after label */

    #checkoutLogin {display: none;}

    #logged_checkout {display: none;}

    #blockuserinfo-login {display: none;}

    #product_condition {display:none;}

  13. If you've got Prestools, then /override-list.php lists them without human error.
    I'm pretty sure this is in the free version. I found an override called /mail.php that clashed with Stripe that way - dead useful.
    There's also a module to do the same but I am not sure the link. 

  14. I only use guest checkout, but still see abandoned shopping cart pages when I do seo scans. So I guess that a browser cookie finds the last cart used on that browser.

    Someone else might know better though.

  15. Is there anything you want to do with Wordpress that you can't do with Thirtybees?

    A quick fix could be to divert your domain name to the Thirtybees bit: https://bountyhuntertoys.com/store/

    or https://bountyhuntertoys.com/store/products , but that might leave you without something you like on Wordpress such as the graphics at the top of your site. It would be easier for customers and search engines though.

    Once that's sorted, a free seo scan service might spot something. I am using seobility but I don't know if it's the best one.

    ------------added 2020.28.10

    Maybe there's a wordpress forum where people could suggest how to get the products on the front page, if you want the two bits of software to work together. It's unusual, and so unlikelty to get an answer from TB users.

  16. Solved!
    I tried reverting to the default themes/niara/order-opc-new-account.tpl and it worked.
    Now I have to remember why I changed the old one...
    @datackick thank you!


    The old one is the same as
    give or take the text on the "save" button, so I must have messed something else up or maybe some update helped.

    ----------------- 20.10.2020

    The problem went away when I disabled overrides and came back when enabled. On a copy of the site I deleted each one on Cpanel till /override/classes/mail.php turned-out to be the culpret. My copy of Prestools Suite listed the live ones and I think there's a module as well, and a live list made this possible. override/classes/mail.php was a terse, sensible-looking over-ride designed to send copies of all customer emails to the merchant. I forget which module installed it - probably something long deleted that left the code there, or maybe I put it there. Anyway, that's the problem and I think I now get a copy of the customer email as well with default modules.

    /override/classes/mail.php (780kb) re-appears. Strange.

  17. Stripe module: does anyone have any debugging ideas?

    Mine does not return customers to a valid confirmation page. It looks for something lyike 
    https://veganline.com/gerbil/module/stripe/validation?type=checkout but the url has no code on it.

    I copied the shop to this test version, updated to bleeding edge, updated the module, put it in test mode, and learned how to turn on Javascript console. No luck. The only javascript error is about Google Pay and goes away if I turn off Google Pay.


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