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Posts posted by veganline

  1. Stripe module: does anyone have any debugging ideas?

    Mine does not return customers to a valid confirmation page. It looks for something lyike 
    https://veganline.com/gerbil/module/stripe/validation?type=checkout but the url has no code on it.

    I copied the shop to this test version, updated to bleeding edge, updated the module, put it in test mode, and learned how to turn on Javascript console. No luck. The only javascript error is about Google Pay and goes away if I turn off Google Pay.


  2. Two points

    Could you reduce clicks-to-buy somehow?  If someone starts on the front page of your shop, they see pictures for categories which are all pretty, but they're not books. Could you compare with other book shops to see if any can somehow reduce the clicks to buy? 


    ...is a starting point for googles' view of schema.org data. You've got the ISBN in the url which is great but their spider is still looking for it in the text, maybe where your theme expects any kind of bar code. The publisher's label could go where your theme expects "brand". I don't know about "review"; whether google expects the condition of the book or standard reviews of the content,  but you could look for ideas on other shops. There's loads of publishing industry data that might be squeezed-in somewhere - even the authors' date of birth - as well as sample pages from the book.

    I'm interested and will follow the thread. My partner has printed some books about music history on the Musonix.co.uk site aka the Musonix.com and Musonix Publishing; I need to do a web shop for him.

  3. I've got a related problem If I enable webp images, only the first three products seem to convert on the bar code diagram under the switch, and images stop working on the front page. My shared server space costs under £3 a month so I guess it's a server limit -  but that's a wild guess.

  4. For me "many things" includes

    • Solved
      Stripe module when working with a free Cloudflare SSL certificate. It half works for me at the moment, and when I am more clear I'll either solve the problem or post on the forum here - https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/4554-addresses/?tab=comments#comment-37297 

      Customers get no re-assuring page after ordering.

      I get the money but have to dig in "orders" and "customers" to get information and then cut and paste it to one place. Maybe it is just a problem with the way I have installed Cloudflare SSL, or maybe it'Primary Domain (No Valid Certificate) s much broader and effects everyone on Stripe.

      -----------------update 7.10.20
      I find that the "No Valid Certificate" message from Cpanel about cloudflare free SSL is a known Cpanel bug, and not relevant. A default install of TB from Softaculous, updated to bleeding edge with the update module, does work with the Stripe module to confirm orders on a confirmation page. 
      -----------------update 21.10.20
      Solved: an override called mail.php clashed; the system works with this over-ride renamed=disabled

    • This thread about trying to sell two products that might have different couriers if bought separately, with the "too heavy" error message applying from either courier - it ends on page 2 https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/3517-the-product-selection-cannot-be-delivered-by-the-available-carriers-it-is-too-heavy-please-amend-your-cart-to-lower-its-weight/page/2/
    • Lack of instructions - even a copy of the Prestashop 1.6 ones updated. Not important for most forum users, who are quite tekkie and probably ex-Prestashop 1.6, but important for users who are ex-Shopify or ex-Wordpress. If my problem with Stripe is my fault, maybe some instructions could help.
    • Niara theme. I have only just learned how to edit it, to make radio buttons to work I hope. Other people on the forum say that the latest Niara version is fixed, so maybe this is a problem of how to update themes smoothly from an install done on Softaculous or the other similar one that lists TB. I install, update to the latest theme if I dare, and the back office says something about "issue #905" but I still have to learn DIY solutions to make radio buttons work. Removing everything in Niara to do with radio buttons might be the answer.
    • Niara on mobiles: suspected problems on narrow smartphone screens, but I am not sure and not sure how important. I just know that some shopkeepers move to a paid-for theme.
    • Customer Account. A concept liked by some shopkeepers, but not others and hard to remove with DIY work as I have done. There is no way to remove this complication with a tick of a box.
    • Notorious PS order form in 3 stages,

      presented as 5-stage or 1-stage without explanation & 

      no easy editing for those who want to remove fields they don't need. DIY editing is possible but took me a while to learn.
      added 7.10.20
    • Responding to SEO scanners with a running commentary would be good. I don't know how much time it would take or who would pay for the time. You can see the type of thing here:

      Example: my google scan says that Niara type is too small on smartphones, and that the buttons are too close together. True? Important? Fix planned if so? At the moment the system is to wait till someone asks.

      Example: speed... my google scan counts the extra milliseconds spent downloading Font Awsome and Railway font from the web. Is it quicker to download from my server, or to use more common fonts? Or is there no simple fix?

      It would be great to use a shopping cart that adapted this stuff so that I don't have to, and grouped any comments and threads together under SEO announcements. To give Thirtybees credit, I'm sure it started this way under current ownership with speed improvements compared to PS.
      added 13.12.30
    • Multistore
      When shopkeepers look for ways to grow, wholesale is one idea and multistore could be the way to do it. But even the moderator of this forum says he's thinking of giving up multistore because of something-or-other. I found that the moment I turned it on on a test site, the left column diseapered from my front page, and without instructions it's hard to guess where to start fixing, so I turned it off again. Maybe it just needs more instructions.
    • Stock Sync: Integrations with different software
      There's an expensive Ebay and an expensive Amazon module, and rumours that Prestashopmanager.com professional edition works likewise, and that an open sorce program called EEP (?) helps integrations generally.  

      I have a friendly rival who might co-operate from his Bigcommerce site if I could say it's easy; I might help sell some of his stock for him.

      ...lists markets other than Ebay and Amazon, so a kind of general linking module that can be adapted to several of them would be good. Preferably not based on the expensive Prestashopmanager.com because of cost, although Prestoolsuite would be fine.

      [afterthought: if half US ecommerce sales are on Amazon now, a common sellers' question will be "
      - How can I sync my accounts on the 2 biggest markets?"
       followed by "
      Does this give me
      - an ecommerce shop,
      - a barcode scanning app to add stock, and
      - sync with other marketplaces as well?"
    • Talking of which, Prestoolsuite free edition in the default installation would flatten the learning curve for a lot of shopkeepers. 
    • Theme: size buttons
      Theme: monospace font for sizes

      Niara theme allows a drop-down form or radio buttons, but not a order buttons as you often see on clothes size order forms. Useful if you want to show all the out of stock buttons in grey and the remaining in-stock buttons bold.

      I found a DIY way to use a monospace font for my size drop down. That way, I can put UK and EU sizes next to each other as a neat list, or I can have radio buttons show as a neat grid. It must be a small step to change monospace radio buttons to monospace rectangle-buttons, but at the moment it needs a paid module or DIY. [digression: nanum gothic coding is one of only two monospace google fonts with thirds as a single space. I forget the other]
      added 18.12.30
    • Webp format in cheap servers
      Enable webp images
      YES  NO
      Serve smaller images in the webp format to browsers that support it
       WEBP compression  90%
      will convert a dozen or so if I turn it on, then it stops. Maybe it just recognises some old ones.
       ☑  imagick ... is a setting on my server but there might be other ones I need that it doesn't allow

      So it would be good to have instructions for free batch conversion of nested directories of files, if anyone has found a way, or else some great free solution perhaps
    • Thanks 1
  5. I don't know. I haven't got the default blog on my site yet.
    The default theme doesn't have a blog on the front page, as your site does, so maybe

    • copy the site to experiment with anything about moving or editing or even deleting the blog
    • search what the theme vendor says or any kind of help service or forum that they've got.
  6. Could you post a screen shot with a ring round the bit you want to remove or add?
    I am probably on the wrong track and don't want to stop anyone else answering! 
    Preferences > theme > advanced settings > tick next to "index"
    ....allows the categories to appear on the front page I think

  7. One fall-back option is to install free prestools.com software in your back office directory, so the login is 
    example.com/backofficename/prestoolsuitename/login1.php with default user and pass in one of prestools text files
    in prestools >
    images > regenerate
    ... sometimes works when other methods fail. I don't know why this worked for me, but it did.


  8. I exerimented with a free templatemonster theme for PS 1.6 and got the same error message.
    The theme was also bundled inside a another very large bundle of guff. I solved that problem.
    The error persisted and there was some hint about using some number from the confirmation email to unlock something.
    At that point I lost interest!

    I'd like to know how to do a config.xml file for it though, it it's quick and easy.

  9. I've got stripe module installed, and it just just asks the postcode.
    Next to postcode on the TB order form I write "stripe payments will ask this again further down", and at the bottom I write "stripe payment does not yet confirm orders - it just returns you to this page - but we will confirm within a few hours" 
    I can post settings if useful but they look fairly standard.

    I've still not worked-out how to get

    • automatic acknowledgement on the customers' screen and email to the customer and me if possible; there's just a stripe email to me at the moment
    • the name and address printable to fit a window envelope, and the
    • order written below with my return details, preferably in the same email which I can print-out. The less variations of the same information the better.

    I do get an email after each order, with a name and amount. If I click to get to
    https://dashboard.stripe.com/payments , it has the order, customers' email, and postcode in amongst the jumble, and if I go to 
    orders > click anything but "view" on the right order > I can see the full customer address in a good format to cut and paste to an email that I can print as a receipt.  I want a more detailed breakdown of the order I can cut and paste from
    customers > shopping carts > pick the right one

    This isn't a good system but it is the best I have come-up with so far.

    PS I use the embedded short form for Stripe

    Thinking back to the question, maybe the solution is to let a payment provider take care of addresses, and block-out all references to addresses on Thirtybees. I already block-out all references to accounts; this is just going a bit further.  Just a thought. I don't know which payment providers can take a full, usable delivery address. Paypal seems likely. A provider that can take the order and send a neat email with both together seems less likely to find.
    ---------------edited 7pm

  10. Catch 22:
    -the busier this forum,
    -the higher the seller can value this going-concern and goodwill, and argue that it is more than just a domain name.

    If some forum users use a temporary forum, that might speed-up the handover. I don't know how expensive or practical the suggestion is. I just think it's good to state the logic anyway.

    I didn't log-on to write this post - just to see how people make Stripe work smoothly!

  11. My 10 cents ... if any module shrinks images to set sizes, that would be great for workflow. 
    I take a photo and upload; the module shrinks to a sensible number of Kilobytes.
    I tale something from my archive or off the web, that might have beeen compressed to some tiny size; the module leaves it alone.
    Simple workflow. Does anyone know if this option exists?

  12. bo>preferences>custom code |css> #product-features{display:none;}
    ...then check it works on your theme (I just right-clicked and looked for the css; I didn't check)
    ...and on a mobile version
    is a lazy start, but it doesn't allow some features to show on the front and others not.
    Editing the template is neater and allows different templates on different products, but it's still  a way to show all features or none.

    • Thanks 1
  13. Thanks! My over-editing effected the number of times your post shows - sorry.

    title="{$product->description}"  itemprop="item"

    ...was a bit ambitious; the system seems very easily upset by any kind of code in the description, even a line break, and has an odd result of a breadcrumb with "item prop="item" in it.

    title="{$product->meta_description}" itemprop="item"

    ...seems fine. I only write this in case someone else wants to try the same thing.

  14. breadcrumb2.jpg.5b4aabdaccbd02a30af4ddfab9e64d73.jpgThis looks promising. First, ignore the word "title" near the top of the breadcrumb template; that's a decoy and means the layer above. Then at about line 34-38 in themes/niara/breadcrumb.tpl , replace the line <a href="#" title="{$breadcrumb.title}" itemprop="item">

              <a href="#" title="{$product->description}"  itemprop="item">
                <span itemprop="name">{$breadcrumb.title}</span>

    {$product->meta_title} works too.
    Any comments and suggestions welcome - I've only just discovered this and it might break something else. And is there a way of searching for category descriptions as well as product descriptions?


  15. I struck gold with some code to show descriptions on mousover of the manufacturer logo - the post is here - but I had no idea what I was doing, and how to show descriptions on mousover of breadcrumb links.

    I know that in html, a link with TITLE="bla" shows "bla" on mousover of the link; it shows in a little yellow box.

    I know that thirtybees breadcrumb links just say nothing on mousover, or blurt-out what you have just read already if they are the last link. On the demo site, mousover "Coffee and Tea" to see "Coffee and Tea" in a yellow box.

    Does anyone know how to change this so that the description for the coffee and tea category shows on mousover?
    Or where to look and learn how to do it?


  16. I've just found more links on the waterfall-thing. One is called "View all images", at the bottom of the "Waterfall View" section, just above "Connection View".  The odd thing is this:


    This is what I see for a second or two at each page change, viewing from the UK. and it is listed as "ajax loader".
    I'm not sure what bit of code is called at each page load, but someone somewhere knows how to work it out.


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