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Posts posted by veganline

  1. I found the module cumbersome; it complicated rather than simplified.

    After a day or two it broke on a site update and eventually I got my cash back via Paypal. There is an annoying excuse for a support desk which is deliberately hard to find, and then offers pretended misunderstandings from a script and no hope of a refund unless forced.

  2. One Page Checkout installs alright, but when you try to use it you get
    ThirtyBeesException Cannot use object of type Carrier as array when rendering smarty template modules/opc/views/templates/front/order-opc.tpl

  3. 360 View looked good with bugs

    I know it seems rude & loony to keep editing a post above others, but - hey! - it keeps one person's notes all in one place for reference, so here goes in a fair way I hope. I have spent time reading years-old threads for reference and hope this one helps.

    On version 1.1, fresh install, the plugin works well enough to try to fix with styling. Until I try to enter my second products ordinary image in the ordinary way and get a red pop-up instead: 


    parsererror: Syntax Error: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0

    So the rest of my research is pointless but here it is.

    On version 1.1.issue905 real site I need


    This /ProductController.php is from Thirtybees and updates a bit of code style. I am not sure how it got there - probably from a bleeding edge update. The "X" disables it. Without the X I got something like 

    [Debug] This page has moved
    Please use the following URL instead: https://www.example.com/ page=productcontroller

    Now I can find my product pages again, which is a good, and I get a link to upload pictures next to each product editing page.

    When the module works it puts a 360 view button near your order button and attempts to turn the first thumbnail into an icon link as well. 

    The bug is that it shows the title of each picture, which is a number in a column down the left of the pop-up fancybox. This squeezes the picture out of the box. There is a line in their template file 'titleShow' : false which looks like something from a previous version of https://fancyapps.com/fancybox/3/docs/ - all above my head. Anyway, this in the custom code part of the back office sorts it.

    #threesixty-list.fancybox-skin {font-size: 0; background: transparent;}
    #threesixty-list.fancybox-outer, .fancybox-inner {position: inherit;}
    #belvg360inner span {background: transparent;}
    #threesixty img {top: 0;left: 0;}

    editing this post again 12/5/20 I noticed minor error messages in the logs, if I wanted to look for them, saying


    PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'value' of non-object

    I only paid attention too late, because I hadn't set-up regular backups. The major error message on a white screen that stops the site working is


    Fatal error: 
    Declaration of 
    must be compatible with 
    AdminControllerCore::viewAccess($disable = false) 
    /home/example/public_html/controllers/admin/AdminLoginController.php on line 32

    So I learned to keep backups turned-on and only to test on trial sites.

    SEO module gets an 500 page error message instead of an admin template
    Megamenu module installs OK - that's all I know
    https://module-presta.com/media/guides/MegaMenu User Guide.pdf . I haven't found out if it turns-on.

    Product Hover installs OK, but I haven't found out if it turns on. Probably not because it should be obvious. Same on PS1.6.1.24 

    One Page Checkout - (just copying what I said a few posts down to make a neat list) - it installs but says "ThirtyBeesException Cannot use object of type Carrier as array when rendering smarty template modules/opc/views/templates/front/order-opc.tpl" when you try to use it.



  4. How can I make Layered Navigation work on the front page?
    By default, it can go there in an enabled column, but it doesn't show.
    Is there a work-around? . 



    PS known similar workarounds

    • Categories can show on the front page if the left column is enabled there on preferences>themes>advanced
    • Breadcumb can show there if lines 149 & 151 of header.tpl are commented-out
  5. The cart worked for me in London just now.
    I could count to five or six while it loaded one or two of the account-opening pages, but it got as far as Nochex or Paypal without a hitch.
    Oddly enough the front of the shop looked OK this time yesterday, but maybe that was the Cloudflare cache.

  6. Last time I looked, everyone had to wait until the most active member went to sleep and do the talking before he woke-up again! I will have another look.

    Theo on the forum had a good idea of putting his country code (ZA) after his name, which is useful when asking-around for possible affiliates. There is also an Association Plan Thirty Bees on a google doc and an offer from Leslie on another. 

  7. On 4/16/2020 at 7:19 AM, toplakd said:

    when bug reports are opened/reported on forums, most of them do not show up if only native modules and themes are installed.

    This is the first open source shopping cart I discovered that works for me with only native modules and themes installed. Others on Wordpress plugins lacked vital payment or postage by default; some with equity finance investors like Drupal Commerce were great until the day that money ran-out and hard-sell continued. Some like Magento only ran on expensive servers. Most were not able to fix weak points as Thirtybees has done. So I don't offer money but hope not to "bring down the mood" as mentioned further up the thread.

    Talking of money, an investment platform called unbolted pays 8% secured against gold, if the platform owners do not run-off. Investors earn £50 from anyone who invests £1000 via their affiliate link within 6 months and the investor gets £50 from unbolted too. If Thirtybees had an account like that for £1,000 of petty cash, they could earn £50 now-and-then from referrals and earn 8% on it, plus their £50 sweetener from unbolted and the £50 I would donate.

    It's hard to recommend investments because they go bust and it's embarrassing, but the option is there.

    Another idea. Opting-in to data sale. Lesley promised that he would not sell data, but if individual users could allow it if they wanted to help the project....?

  8. 1 hour ago, AndyC said:

    sooner or later that all important module will break. 99% of the other modules I use are just there because and I can do without them , this 1 is an absolute and was the only 1 I could find

    I have an open source hack that does some of the same but doesn't charge for customization nor survive site updates well.  If your Custom Fields Module conks-out we might share the cost of a developer to improve it.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Theo said:

    get Datakick back + another Datakick clone or two if we can. 

    Does anyone know

    • the going rates for Pay-as-you-go help?
      I searched "Prestashop PHP" on freelancer sites, and was quoted about half a day's average wage or £50 plus commission to the freelancer site - for a Prestashop fix tested on a default install of TB. I told the bloke that I was only contacting one freelancer at a time, so he had time to to test and think. The contact was info (at) mbit.ie and I posted his file changes here on the "tips and tricks" forum.
      I expect that proven problem-solvers with multiple skills charge much more to corporate clients.

    And from Theo's suggestion:

    • the cost of someone like Datakick hired collectively.... ?
  10. 4 hours ago, wakabayashi said:

    I also see best chances in the proposed freemium system of @rubben1985. But are we enough merchants, which are willing to spend 50 (or more) dollars a month? And even more important: can we hire the right people with this money? Remember money is not the main problem of thirty bees...


    I would like to see more easy paid help available.

    This does not have to be "we"; it could be any freelancer, with or without co-operation from anyone else. A coder could just offer it right now on their own web site. and hope for referral from the Thirtybees web site later.

    This could be pay-as-you-go, or it could be pay-by-the-year for so-many minutes and referral-on, like a car breakdown subscription.

    The price would have to compete with free but time-intensive DIY and shopify.co.uk/pricing , given that Shopify throw-in the server space and an easy-sounding brand name as well. Developers could experiment with different prices.

    This doesn't answer the question of how the core code could be updated, but if merchants pay for development they might want to put the work online on the forum; maybe that could be a condition of referral from Thirtybees.

  11. 6 hours ago, Traumflug said:

    In early 2019 I was into hiring developers for thirty bees. This wasn't exactly easy, even with plenty of funds. A surprisingly large number of PrestaShop developers outright refused to work for thirty bees, simply because it's kind of a competition for PrestaShop. And freshmen refused to work for the project because they never heard of it.

    This could be a source of income.
    There could be a niche market for Thirtybees developers that charges 10% commission and gives that to Thirtybees. I'm suggesting something for someone else to do, which is always a bad idea, but I will float it anyway!

    Ideally the market would have some of the features of Freelancers.com / Peopleperhour / Upwork / Fiverr / Hubstaff.com / to justify the 10%. At the moment most of them charge 10%, Fiverr 20% and Hubstaff some cheaper system that I don't understand. There is abandoned code on Github for setting-up such a platform, which, again, I don't understand. I guess that the odd new customer who tests Thirtybees would quite likely check-out a freelancer market and pay for an odd job.

    Maybe non-thirtybees income could go to the developer.

    Maybe the odd Prestashop 1.6 module developer would be interested enough to register.

    Oh, there were questions further up the thread about finances - who pays for the server etc. I can't find the post from December that answered that point, but remember it quoted data sale to Facebook as a way of raising the odd $100. I did find this link from December about how to try and promote for free


    @rubben1985 I like the idea of a freemium system by which £X a year buys X minutes of help, and maybe a helpful prod towards DIY work or paid-by-the-hour work when the minutes run out. I guess that could be much cheaper than https://www.shopify.co.uk/pricing and optional. It answers the question of how shopkeepers are going to get things done if the Thirtybees set-up doesn't, and it can be done independently of Thirtybees at first and maybe with automatic promotion and referral in future; either way, a developer can just do it.

  12. That sounds great for what I need, which is something I can maintain without understanding it.
    I don't need the ajax cart turned on either, but maybe other people prefer it.
    ----------------added 3/4/20
    I once tried writing a javascript to do the equivalent of pressing "save customization" when "order" is pressed. It was my first script - inline Javascript - and the orders got cached. If someone is better at writing scripts than me, maybe they can solve the problem.

  13. product.tpl 


    -----------------------------------------------------comparisons ; editing
    This isn't needed for testing, but it works nicely if the other three files work
    Move the Customization form to just above the Add to Cart form on the product template.
    Conceal the surplus "save" button. 

    The "If..." code for customization has two small changes to hide the buttons.
    This is one blocked-out.


    <!-- {l s='After saving your customized product, remember to add it to your cart.'}--> 

    This one has some inline styling to hide it.


    <button class="btn btn-lg btn-success" name="saveCustomization" style="display:none;">

    About moving customization. It's a loop of code within a form.
    It begins

    {if isset($product) && $product->customizable}    

    and ends







    In my case I used a <select...> </select> form instead of <textarea...> <textarea> and that worked. So I could have belt lengths selected like an attribute, but without the software counting the stock at all, as it does with other attributes on my site like shoe sizes. I can cut belts to length, but I can't stretch or shrink shoes.

    -----------------------------------------------------note about editing

    I'd like to find a guide to editing the product.tpl file, and link to it.
    Meanwhile -
    It is hard to spot the end of the loop of code that goes 
    {if isset($product) && $product->customizable} {/if

    There are two <form...></form> loops - hence two buttons - and they can't overlap. There are layers of {if}..{if} loops that need to be identified so you don't cut the toes off.
    It is hard to spot where the loop can be moved to and still work.
    Even on a text editor that indents each sub-loop, as github does here.

    The text editor built-in to Cpanel is good. It can condense a long loop of code into two lines, which are easy to move. You have to guess from the indentations where they can be moved to. Notepad++ is an alternative.

    Edited 14 hours ago by veganline
    editing product.tpl - wish I could link to a guide

  14. ProductController.php
    and longer term...


    public function postProcess()
        if (Tools::getValue('ajax') && Tools::isSubmit('submitCustomizedDatas'))
            if (!$this->context->cart->id && isset($_COOKIE[$this->context->cookie->getName()]))
                $this->context->cookie->id_cart = (int)$this->context->cart->id;
                $error_list = implode('; ', $this->errors);
                die(Tools::jsonEncode(array('errors' => $error_list)));
            } else
                die(Tools::jsonEncode(array('success' => true)));
  15. [tools.js]


    -----------------------------------------------------comparisons; site updates
    The Thirtybees tools.js file on about line 116 goes like this:
    ___// format number as an USD currency in specific locale, and then replace USD symbol with currencySign___
    and continues till var blank = ''; about line 127 which is the same again in both files.

    The hack version line 116 begins and differs till about line 127
    ___var formattedCurrency = price.toLocaleString(locale, {___


    function writeBookmarkLinkObject(url, title, insert) {
      if (window.sidebar || window.external) {
        return ('<a href="javascript:addBookmark(\'' + escape(url) + '\', \'' + removeQuotes(title) + '\')">' + insert + '</a>');
      } else if (window.opera && window.print) {
        return ('<a rel="sidebar" href="' + escape(url) + '" title="' + removeQuotes(title) + '">' + insert + '</a>');
      return ('');

    function checkCustomizations()
        var pattern = new RegExp(' ?filled ?');
        if (typeof customizationFields != 'undefined')
            for (var i = 0; i < customizationFields.length; i++)
                /* If the field is required and empty then we abort */
               if (parseInt(customizationFields[1]) == 1 && ($('#' + customizationFields[0]).val() == ''))
        return false;
        return true;


    function checkCustomizations() {
      var pattern = new RegExp(' ?filled ?');

      if (typeof customizationFields != 'undefined') {
        for (var i = 0; i < customizationFields.length; i++) {
          /* If the field is required and empty then we abort */
          if (parseInt(customizationFields[1]) == 1 && ($('#' + customizationFields[0]).html() == '' || $('#' + customizationFields[0]).text() != $('#' + customizationFields[0]).val()) && !pattern.test($('#' + customizationFields[0]).attr('class'))) {
            return false;
      return true;


  16. ajax-cart.js replaces these, or the second one at least


    The Thirtybees file says at about line 179
    // add a product in the cart via ajax
    Line 180 is the unchanged, then there are a new 25 lines, identical to the ones in the Nemops.com explanation

    if(addedFromProductPage && $('#customizationForm').length > 0)
    customAction = $('#customizationForm').attr('action');
    $('body select[id^="group
    "]').each(function() {
    customAction = customAction.replace(new RegExp(this.id + '=\d+'), this.id +'=' + this.value);
    // ajax to product page with custom action
    var customization_entries = $('#customizationForm').serialize();
    type: 'POST',
    data: customization_entries+ '&ajax=1',
    dataType: 'json',
    url: customAction,
    success: function(data){
    if(typeof(data.errors) !== 'undefined')
    alert('Error while saving customization data');
  17. I make a lot of mistakes; I might have messed-up something obvious like picking the wrong file.

    I paid a Prestashop developer to try his quick fix on Thirtybees, adapted nemops.com/save-prestashop-custom-fields-add-to-cart , page one for text. I make it look complicated by trying to spot the difference between the files here and the Nemops ones. There are only 4 files to replace, saved on follow-ups to this post.

    It worked for a bit but doesn't update when the code changes for bug fixing; it has stopped working after a month or two, with customizations no longer added to the cart automatically, even if I re-install the four files and re-enable the blockcart module. So the rest of this is redundant but left for reference.

    I also tried onchange="javascript:this.form.submit();"  on the input form as it says here:
    https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/76874-how-to-remove-save-button-for-customized-fields/page/3/?tab=comments#comment-2429519 . Last time I tried, there was a caching problem I sippose; it tried to sell the last customers' order to the current customer. This time I find that the quantity changes to zero if I update the customization - something to do with this code

    (I tried searching "Prestashop" and "PHP "on freelancer sites - then asking one freelancer at a time if they can help, so they have time to think, and adding a link to the source code on github so they can have a look)

  18. Hiding is easy in thirtybees when you get used to it. Enable guest checkout if you need it, then add css to hide anything about customer accounts. You can right-click the text you want to hide, and inspect it to try to find the css. These are examples from a site using one page checkout

    back>preferences>custom code>add css

    #opc_account_choice {display: none !important;} /*for edge browser*/

    #login_form {display: none;} /*everyone uses guest checkout so no login*/

    #opc_account_form.unvisible {display:block !important;} /*guest checkout visible*/

    #new_account_title {display: none;}

    Some of the text can't be hidden, but can be translated. There are some ideas about the "please login to see payment methods" text on the default checkout, that you can find by searching the forum.

    The css hacks are from a post called "default one page checkout shortened from the back office css panel" in "tips and tricks"

    I don't know if this is on the right track for you, but it worked for me. I haven't tried to open customer accounts from the back office.

    John, shopkeeper

    PS I forgot that there are references in the email templates too

  19. Latest Core Updater version 1.3.1
    Ignore Community Themes | NO
    I tried turning Core Updater 1.31 off and on again, then updating. It made backups of manually altered files like /themes/niara/css/global.css and restored them to the versions from Autumn 2019 when I first installed the program.
    I have just downloaded the current Niara-Master.zip from the green "clone or download" button on https://github.com/thirtybees/niara , uploading and unzipping over my previous one on my site. Files like /themes/niara/css/global.css are still dated August 17 2019, 12.49AM, which is before recent radio button fixes. Maybe this is why the updater module misses recent fixes.

  20. This doesn't matter unless it helps someone else but I must be doing something wrong with updates.
    I did a core update back to 1.08, then forward again to version 1.1.xxx, and still have the same /themes/niara/css/global.css file from when I set-up the site last Autumn, rather than the working one from
    The same is true of other files on

    I don't see a thread about update problems, so with a bit of luck this doesn't effect anybody else and I can update manually anyway.

  21. Does anybody know of a demo store with working radio buttons?
    Maybe a page on https://front.thirtybees.com/ or somewhere that I have missed?

    I ask because my test sites' radio buttons stopped working. It would be good to see what the style sheet on a working website looks like from the right-click inspector screens on a browser, so that I can see if mine differ. I have tried updating to the latest theme and removing hacks on back > preferences > custom code, but I have not spotted the problem yet.

  22. I hope back > preferences > core updator > bleeding edge ... latest version with "ignore community themes | no" selected does the trick for you.

    If not...
    [HACK DELETED AFTER THE REPLY BELOW, BECAUSE IT IS UNLIKELY TO HELP ANYONE NOW. It was for people who find something like "float:right 9000px" in their CSS inspector and suggested using back > preferences > custom code to copy and use auto instead of 9000px ]

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