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Posts posted by veganline

  1. Why?
    I have an answer but it might be completely wrong for your needs and I don't want to stop other answers! 

    If you want to count inventory for some goods, maybe physical goods, and not for others, maybe virtual goods, then it's possible to make a customization look like an attribute. You make it work with one button, and you alter the template code to allow a select menu in place of a text field. Search "customization with one button" to find it on the forum.

    I hope I have not stopped better answers, just because I guessed what you wanted.

  2. @toplakd 
    is it possible to add plenty of specific css labels, so they're easy to modify from
    >preferences>custom code>add css?
    I tried an existing hack on your one page checkout and it worked quite well with some additions:

    #opc_account_form > div:nth-child(24) > label {display: none;} /*phone number label*/
    #opc_account_form > div.required.form-group.gender-line {display: none;}
    #opc_account_form > div.required.password.is_customer_param.form-group.form-ok {display: none;}
    #opc_account_form > div.select.form-group.date-select {display: none;}

    You can see that the top line is unstable; one typo, or any change to to the form could make {display:none;} apply to something else. I don't think there is anything more specific in the css code to refer to; it probably has to have the nth child thing that I found from right-clicking and saving the selector link.

    I havent worked through your mobile one page checkout; I still have a password box on my version but I will find a way to remove.

    Thanks for the code, and thanks for doing a mobile version.


  3. I was on another thread just now that links to this.

    My version has the bits of code layed-out in a list because I don't know how it should work and have to read closely.

    I also changed the Alt and Title links to show the Meta_description,  so that it shows on mousover.
    I didn't work out how to show the logo on the same line as the manufacturer name, but it works well enough to use.

            {if $product->id_manufacturer > 0}
              <p itemprop="brand" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Brand">
                <b>{l s='Manufacturer:'}</b>
                <a itemprop="url" 
                  <span itemprop="name">{$product->manufacturer_name}</span>
                    height="30" {*or it could be set from css for this class*}
                    class="logo_manufacturer img-responsive" 
                    alt="{$product_manufacturer->meta_description}" />


    • Thanks 2
  4. backoffice>preferences>customers 
    set "newsletter registration", "opt in (to special offers)" and "phone number is mandatory" to "no" (unless maybe you need a phone number for a courier)
    backoffice>preferences>custom code>add css
    adds css to each page of your site, and your css stays in place if a file is updated.
    The link above shows a hack for removing date of birth; I got rid of account creation as well, but the technique is probably similar if you keep it.

    Three days is quick to get to know a shopping cart. I worked through several a few years back, and found them all infuriating.
    When I look at what my rival shopkeepers have done, they have usually given-up and

    • paid so-much-a-month for a hosted locked-down service
    • paid someone to set-up a shopping cart

    Either way, there's not much control over the detail, or not if it's cheap.

    A problem with the free shopping carts is that nobody makes money selling them! There's sometimes pressure to buy add-on modules for essentials, or unfinished code and un-fixed bugs, and the forum posts are answered by other merchants or maybe coders who sell the odd bit of paid help as well. Ubercart and Jigoshop closed their forums down completely. Maybe that's why merchants go for the safe expensive options at first.
    Good luck

    • Like 1
  5. I used

    catalog>manufactureres>new manufacturer and made my manufacturers "UK", "France", etc, as I have products from more than one country

    This manufacturer page has space for "logo" or flag and allows customers to find all stock from that manufacturer. There's room for some text. I have

    • Amnesty International & Human Rights Watch link for each country 
    • link to Democracy Index on Wikipidia with mention of their score, like "hybrid regime" or "flawed democracy", or "democracy"
    • I hope to find somewhere to link for social security / national insurance / whatever you call it in each country as well. I think US Federal government has an online list but am not sure.

    I haven't done any layout or graphics, but that could be good too. Translating "Manufacturer" to " " allows me to write "Made in UK", "Made in France" etc as a single phrase, which I hope makes more sense.

  6. Just a cross-reference to here: force customer to choose from a drop-down

    It would be a pity if people couldn't find this post; I guess a lot search here under tips and tricks

    On second thoughts there is a second option. The back office lets you choose radio buttons or tickboxes or colours or textures, I think, instead of a drop-down menu. Radio buttons are not pre-selected; you have to choose one. The trouble is DIY editing of the radio buttons to make them look more clickable - black rectangles with clear bold white sizes on them for example. I am sure there's a guide somewhere on the web...

  7. Someone mentioned this thread about a DIY hack headed "Veganline created a topic in Tips and Tricks"
    It is free but

    • price & delivery stay the same
    • you probably want to re-arrange where things show on the product template file for this product, which is worth learning to do anyway. 
    • you have to replace three other files with ones you can download from the thread. You can pay someone to do it but...
    • you have to do it again if you update thirtybees and one is over-written.

    There's a thread about modules that charge for customization. Andy C on the forum chose one for his Pewterworld site. The thread is 


  8. I got burned by registering my domain with a host, who tried to prevent exit and raise the price.

    Penguin-uk.com are great for domain registration. They helped extract my domain and they're cheap.

    Hosting.co.uk were recommended somewhere and have been fine for low traffic on their cheapest shared host deal. That deal provides space for some test sites as well. It's a bottom-end price that doesn't increase after the first year (I hope).

    Cloudflare do my free secure server, but were fiddly to set-up.

    Careful scouring of the fastest sites on Webperf.org didn't help me find a good host. I just googled recommendations from site-writing companies this time around.

  9. I don't use recurring payments but hope this helps someone.
    https://gocardless.com/ have a Prestashop 1.6 module and pages for developers or "partners".
    They use direct debits rather than card payments, and I don't know what countries they're good for, but they have a page and contact for international payments. They mainly do recurring payments and the direct debit system is cheap here in the UK.

    -------------------------------- added 2020.7.6

    They're going to have to charge tax -  VAT - from next year apparently. I suppose this is a 20% price rise in the UK for people who can either claim most of it back if they trade over the VAT threshold which is £85,000 this year, or maybe there will be a special discount for sole traders who choose not to register. Details on the GoCardless website and Gov.uk

  10. Elavon had or has a system like Security Metrics.
    I had to keep trying answers until they passed the test, then work out how to do what I had said in the answers, mainly about storing of card numbers in case I needed to give a refund. Putting old phone notebooks full of card details in the paper recycling bin outside where I live was the wrong answer. Nowadays I don't bother with Elavon but am still careful about card numbers.

    Taking the odd payment over the phone and typing it into Stripe via https://dashboard.stripe.com/payments | NEW has not got me arrested and Stripe don't require a PCI test. 

    Online-only payments via Paypal have never led me to need a PCI test.

  11. Your screen shot shows Featured Products hooked to the home page, rather than New Products.
    There is a known fault in Niara theme that new products show-up in the left column on the home page, with default camera icons instead of images, so it's worth a look there. I am no expert on solutions though.

  12. 34 minutes ago, DRMasterChief said:

    Install thirtybees from Softaculous....   gives me always errors and problems  (tried i with 3 webhosts, no luck at all)

    The only host I've had trouble with is just for testing anyway - the free Byethost & variations like Infinityfree. The ones that call CPanel "Vistapanel". Byethost's Softulicious says
    The following errors were found : Could not make the query numbered : 365 MySQL Error No : 1071 MySQL Error : Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes
    I have no trouble on Hosting.co.uk and other paid shared hosts that I've used. I put new test sites in a different directory to recent previous test sites, which might prevent traces of one being used by the next.

  13. On 5/16/2020 at 7:45 AM, funnycamel said:

    here'll be a checkout bug or something won't work on mobile, and expensive plugins will be required to create a viable site.

    This is the best I've found, with no gotchas like the need to pay for a postage module or a shopping cart module.

    For postage, countries are zoned, just as any post office zones countries, and you can probably fill-in sufficient prices and weights each year for your product. For example most post offices have a cheap 2kg deal which suits a lot of products. Apply the price for "world" then add a zone for your own country which will be cheap and edit prices for the furthest zones. If you need another option than a 2kg parcel, you can add it as another courier option and enable it for the products where it applies. 

    For the shopping cart, the default option is rather subtle and allows you to have different payment options for different parts of the world where customers live, like the Mastercard Simplify Payment system for the USA. Subtlety looks OK on the 5-page checkout but when you tick the box for a 1-page checkout, as any shopkeeper would, it looks a bit complicated. There is a button that says "please sign in to see payment methods", even if you disable sign-ins as any shopkeeper would. These glitches are well-discussed in the forums and there are suggestions for a three page version or a one page version. A lot of complexity can be made invisible with the "custom code" css box. It may be possible to make the payment option like Stripe or Paypal show before customers press the "please sign in to see payment methods" button. By default you can translate a lot of the phrases on the cart for your own country or maybe others and there are forum post about how to translate that button. There are free modules for Paypal and Stripe.

    By the time you have got those two right, you will have the skills to tweak the css files for the rest of your site.
    Good luck

    This is a crude hack for a one page checkout

    A subtler 3 page checkout is emerging on the forum now

  14. I wish I'd turned-on daily backups when testing this 360 thing. It got better over a day or two, but with hide-able errors, and then I got white screens and error messages all over the place! A site with nearly no modules and a native theme seems the safe way to go.

  15. One step checkout worked first time on the latest PS1.6
    It didn't work second time; there was an error message "Impossible to add the product to the cart. Please refresh page." Anyway once was enough to see what it is.

    It's a pretty three-column layout by someone who hasn't spotted the faults of the default one. It has a "Save Address" button right down on the bottom left corner and "Please Sign In to See Payment Methods". Similar to the other OPC modules that are on offer

  16. Broader: hacking one theme to get the benefits of another. Community Theme can be quite pretty if half the formatting is blocked-out; less is better. And Panda: I've never tried it. Is there an advantage over Niara, and could I hack that advantage into Niara once I have got the idea?

  17. Presteamshop has the same problem as a cheap one I tried:
    it keeps the "save" button under customers' addresses.
    On a 3 column layout this is hidden on the bottom left corner.
    I prefer hacking the default options, which at least have the "save" button somewhere visible.

    -------------------------------------------------edit after 7 posts below

    The one below doesn't show good screen shots of where the address "save" button is - I've got a horrible feeling it's the one I tried

  18. I found the module cumbersome; it complicated rather than simplified.

    After a day or two it broke on a site update and eventually I got my cash back via Paypal. There is an annoying excuse for a support desk which is deliberately hard to find, and then offers pretended misunderstandings from a script and no hope of a refund unless forced.

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