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Posts posted by veganline

  1. Prestools.com is a free separate program that works on the same photos while they're on your server. I found it worth the time trying to learn what it does, if only for the display of information.

    According to the manual - section 13.2 - it is another way of regenerating photos on your server, and so maybe worth a try for that reason as well.

  2. The default is to rely on "features" which show under the heading "data sheet"


    I've tried tweaking the "manufacturer" block to show country of origin rather than a brand or a factory. I just changed the wording under back office>localisation>translations.

    The old-fashioned way, as you said, is to have a separate page and I haven't got that far myself yet but am sure that it's possible.

  3. On 11/4/2019 at 4:55 PM, zen said:
    please have a look here to this commit : https://github.com/thirtybees/niara/commit/bfe7676bed66bca05bccddffd28c0d0aaa5799b9 it might fix your problem. ref here:

    Anyone reading this might want a lazy version of Zen's solution. It works on Chrome desktop and I guess on most browsers. It is a bit of style sheet to add from the back office, over-riding the styles that need changing rather than editing them.
    Back > modules and services > custom code | add css

    /* Niara 1.1 patch to make radio buttons work */
    input[type="checkbox"] input[type="radio"] .attribute_radio .attribute_list {
  4. If the quick fix works, you could translate from the back office, so that future automatic updates to OrderOpcController.php don't effect you. Maybe you are doing it already but I'll type this anyway!

    "Please choose a country and address to see payment methods" was my choice although ""You will see payment methods after saving your address" looks better because you can now find ways of pre-selecting the customers' country and "'Either pay via Paypal above or sign in to pay via stripe" looks simpler. 

    back>localisation>translations>| front office | your theme  | english>modify
    (I stuck with "english-english" to stay simple)
    >expand all fieldsets
    control+F to find the first "Please sign in to see payment methods.", (or whatever the wording on your theme), change it, save, expand all field sets again and repeat till done.

    I had a go at removing with a style sheet in backoffice>preferences>custom code|css
    but didn't really know what I was doing; the style looked as though it would apply to a lot of other things as well . The idea worked better on other parts of the form and I have rough notes under "tips and tricks" "Default one page checkout shortened from the back office css panel" on this forum site.
    good luck 

    • Like 1
  5. On 1/11/2018 at 8:44 AM, DavidP said:

    surveying users as to what gateways they use

    UK - not yet live on thirtybees but trading on another system

    • Stripe preferred;
    • Paypal OK as a backup,
    • Worldpay: not used recently, some market share, corporate, expensive, hard to do business with, UK based international business I think
    • Braintree: owned by Paypal but aimed more at developers

      The first survey site I found has a lot of unfamiliar names on it, so I guess the share is different in each country, or maybe there are more relevant surveys 

      from experience trading in the UK there is a much smaller UK market share for another two than the top three
    • Nochex: UK base, not used recently, used to have minimum pay-outs, not cheap. Skrill is another long-surviving firm that people often try in the UK, not cheap, with more international services. 

      worth a mention
    • Simpliftycommerce.com for the US market only - something Prestashop can manage - and cheap for that market
    • Gocardless.com for subscriptions and direct debits, rather than card payments, and cheap for that market
  6. I am glad to see a thrifty core project with incremental change. I tried learning Drupal Ubercart> Commerce, then Prestashop.

    Both had periods of investors' funding of payrolls, road-maps, grand claims, then frustration when the the investment stopped and the bills continued. Leaving people paid to do a hard-sell for a half-finished buggy product, which is a little bit frustrating if you are a shopkeeper.

    (added 16/01/20) If I remember right, they had no way to add product combinations in bulk, but programmers were allocated to sales anyway to make videos saying  "we knew this would be a limitation". There was no grouping of countries either; you were expected to use a Fedex or UPS module or enter settings yourself for over 100 countries. They neglected the more cheap, mundane, incremental improvements. 

    Prestashop neglected ways to simplify changes to code as Thirtybees has done, or adding a blog as Thirtybees has done, or fixing bugs. Lots of practical mundane things. I can do a lot of what I need without a single extra module on Thirtybees.

    I had a look at Wordpress ecommerce plugins too. A similar problem to Prestashop and Drupal Commerce. Programmers trying to earn a living from code that requires paid modules for something "extra" , like ordering or payment or display of goods, rather than concentrating on mundane improvements. They'd argue that most modules are say $50, but it's often a blind date and a short-lived project. A sad thing is that people on message boards say "my site is...". When you click, the site is usually gone. 
    ----------------------------------04/01/2020 19.48 gmt, 

    Oh and some of the Drupal Commerce shopkeepers / coders resurrected the low-budget predecessor, called Drupal Commerce> Ubercart. They preferred

    • plain soft-sell to
    • hidden problems & hard-sell

    The Ubercart web site was near-abandoned and used by message-posting robots for a while, then re-emerged as liked & somehow viable in ways I do not understand.

  7. I think it's possible but am bad at explaining it.

    bo>catalog>products>product name>images>add files

    upload pics of the backs of your T shirts

    bo>catalog>products>product name>combinations>combination>edit

    The page should show a load of photos, one of them ticked, for this combination. 

    You can tick as many as you want, including one of the back. Click "save" or "save and stay", then edit the next combination.

    This worked for me first time and didn't work second time; I don't know the difference. First time I had photos for each colour and I just ticked, and with a bit of trial and error and clearing of caches it came right. Second time I tried to add an example to show. I had three pics of T shirts anyway. I tried to add another pic of the back of a T shirt to one of them. For some reason it came-up as a misaligned thumbnail next to the others, with text instead of a pic, and the theme doesn't match it to the T shirt that it's meant to be the back of. I don't know why I failed second time but maybe it is something to do with clearing caches and waiting a bit. (bo>advanced>performance>clear cache then press F5 on your browser)

    Also, i don't know a neat way to add the back image to every size of the T shirt at once; I had to press "edit" and tick a photo for every single size. Maybe I missed one size for the shirt, and that stops it working. Maybe the one that's default is different somehow.

    But that's the direction to go - it worked for my slippers.

    So maybe this isn't about the theme after all. Sorry!

    • Like 1
  8. Yes that's fine. I can get it going, but the default is a bit awkward for two attributes with  missing combinations; the "order" button disappears when the combination is missing. I set-up a test this morning on veganline.co.uk/w

    I guess the neatest work-around is to make each colour a separate product, then show stock as radio buttons. Or find a module.

    ...large size is in stock and gets a button
    ...another combination is out of stock and doesn't get a button

    This works but is not ideal because customers have to click on combinations until the button appears.

    ------------------------------------------------added 05/01/19 18.59

    (Anyone who finds this by accident, looking for ideas, might want to remove the quantity section, because it appears and disappears alarmingly from the top of the form.
    bo> preferences> custom code | css> 
    #quantity_wanted_p {display: none !important;}

    It's also possible to edit the theme's product.tpl template to move the quantity section right down the page.)

  9. That was a good start for experimenting, just to make sure I'm not missing anything simple before I go hunt modules. Thanks. This is what I think I found.


    bo>preferences>products>Display unavailable product attributes on the product page

    allows me to choose "no" ; they disappear.

    | when out of stockavailability settings
    allows me to hide the order button to prevent ordering out of stock attributes, if they are shown, or
    allows me to change the "availability" message on the order form to add a warning


    (1) doesn't apply
    (2) does apply; the attribute combination shows but the order button disappears.  A warning pops-up saying "This product is no longer in stock with those attributes but is available with others."

    If I type that message into a search engine I find threads by people who hoped for a nifty DIY work-around to cross-out the missing attributes or hide them or something, instead of hiding the button, a system that requires customers to play hide-and-seek till they find something in stock.

    If I made each colour a separate product, and showed the products next to each other with radio buttons for sizes (on Community Theme or Niara next edition), that's probably the only other option without buying a module. I should search for attribute grid modules and find one that shows stocked and out-of-stock items neatly.

    Have got this right?
    Happy winter to anyone reading this.

  10. My slippers have 3 x 3 attributes 
    small, medium, large;
    red, white, blue.

    My stock is only 1 small red, 1 medium white, one large blue.

    My default options, I understand are 
    - dropdown / radio / colour or texture
    - the order button can be hidden for items out of stock, so customers must experiment (and there are lots of warning messages and options to show stock levels but I don't use those)

    Am I right?

    If so, is there a module that allows a customer to see "small, medium. large", and then see only the available option?  

    (my real example is slippers with 3 or 4 colours and 7 sizes and dozens of stock but 3 x 3 will do) 

    (I don't know if people who write modules have a name for this problem - maybe i could google if I know the usual name)

  11. Installing on the free byethost / softulicious installer, the program will not fit onto the server, but Prestashop did last time I tried. Thirtybees gets to 95% before this error message


      The following errors were found :

    • Could not make the query numbered : 365
      MySQL Error No : 1071
      MySQL Error : Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes


    As an enhancement, it would be good if this error message explained more why the program cannot fit on the free server, rather than looking as though there is a mistake in the program. I guess that a lot of people around the world, like students, first see thirtybees in this way, so that's why I think it would be an enhancement to consider the error message.  Or allowing the program to install in a way that says "The server is too small".

  12. forced save of customization without a button - post deleted; solution found and linked below. The request was in this thread because there is no thirtybees-tested module for the purpose just now.




    Update - april 2020

    There is now a guide to changing 4 files to make a one click solution, compatible with the ajax cart

    This is a previous method that cached badly on cloudflare and tended to sell each customer the previous customers' order

    Maybe "simple" isn't possible but I got this far...
    For a customization that can use a select menu - maybe an attribute without stock control if other attributes have it turned-on. I discovered a simple method but it is broken by caching and cloudflares's rocket loader, so customers buy some previous customers' selection instead of their own.

    In case anyone reads this for ideas, I got a good 2-button system working and have added it below this failed one button system.

    • back > catalog > products > product > customization > textfield
      to set-up a customization form
    • cloudflare > speed > optimization > rocket loader > off
      ...if you plan to use inline javascript. if you look at the customer's view of the product and press control+U you will be able to see if your script has been changed. My script was broken by caching anyway.
    • Find <textarea></textarea> buried near the end of the product.tpl template in your theme - something like Niara theme's latest product.tpl 
    • on product.tpl or an over-ride (because the file is updated often), change
      <TEXTAREA.....></TEXTAREA> to
      <SELECT onselect="javascript:this.form.submit();" ...>


      Underlining is just because of a link on this page, not for the code. 
      The javascript is new to me. It should do what it says apparently.
      It's possible to keep <TEXTAREA .... </TEXTAREA> according to a kakkupaperi post on prestashop forums about a site with file uploads for customization.

      This fails because caching breaks the effect of the inline javascript;  customers can buy the selection of the previous customer or the one before, but quite likely not their own.

    working solution with two buttons and no javascript

    • Requiring selection : customization form

      change <textarea>...</textrarea> to 

      <select required.... class="...
      <option value="" disabled selected>choose</option>

      required is new to me; it prevents HTML5 browsers from saving a blank. They pop-up a message instead. Any blank top line like <option></option> would have the same effect. 
      disabled and value="" are both ways of making this work like a blank line, and "selected" makes sure it's the default option. I expect you knew that, and also know how the theme's built-in error message for required forms works, which I haven't got the hang of yet.
    • Moving the form

      When the form saves, it reloads the page from the top. That's a reason to move the form near the top and to {*comment-out*} anything-else not needed on the product template, like headings and quantity select. I discovered that code editors are good at spotting the beginnings and ends of loops of code - editors like notepad++ or the one built into server control panels.
    • Styling

      "textfield0" required an extra tag  to say something like textfield0{width:auto;}
      back>preferences>custom code>add extra css one place to put it.
      I made another change to the <select... tag, changing class="something" to the class used on attributes, which in my theme is "form-control attribute_select".
    • Requiring selection : add to cart form

      The "required" tick box in the back office enables an error message on your theme's errors.tpl file for any customer who tries to order without selecting a customization. It can be translated to any message you want on
      back>localization>translations>error message translations and >theme name.
      "error message translations" is easy to miss under "front office translations", and it's easy to pick the wrong theme, but one way or another the message can be edited.
    • That's it!

    --------solution above added 24/11/2019 18.40-----------------------
    i spent a week trying to combine "order" and "save customization" buttons but can't find a simple guide. .... [detail deleted as the picture says it all]



  14. Custom field in the product order form
    No effect on stock control

    • I want the customer to add a drop-down field to each order, but I don't need any stock control in the database for this - just an extra number somewhere on the order would be fine, like a customization field, or some characters after the product name. It should be compulsory.
    • I want "When out of stock: Deny orders" for the this product.

    I can see some old long threads headed things like "move customization" on the product.tpl template, lines 625-715, and then trying to get the two form submit buttons to work together. 

    I hope there's a simpler work-around. But if I just add a <select> field to the product name i trigger the same script as in the post above, whatever it is, and hide the order button.

    Has anyone found a simple work-around?

    I moved the customization form, but it still requires a separate button.

    Product.js looks like the script, but could it be changed to allow extra information, maybe at the end of the product name, without breaking anything else?

  15. My guess

    {if ($group.group_type == 'select')}
      {*new line*}
      <select name="{$groupName}" id="group_{$id_attribute_group|intval}" class="form-control attribute_select no-print">
      {*Adds new item named 'Choose' with value 0 -- non-existing attribute value id*} 
      {*Makes this item pre-selected by default using selected="selected" attribute*}
      {*Non-existing value triggers an existing script to hide the purchase button*} 
      {*The button is displayed again when you choose all attributes*}
          {foreach from=$group.attributes key=id_attribute item=group_attribute}
          {*remove selected="selected" attribute from default attribute -- inside {foreach} cycle*}
          {***<option value="{$id_attribute|intval}"{if (isset($smarty.get.$groupName) && $smarty.get.$groupName|intval == $id_attribute) || $group.default == $id_attribute} selected="selected"{/if}***}
    {elseif ($group.group_type == 'color')}

    Please let me know of any typos😀

    (added 24/5/2020 - 
    https://www.thekeylesslab.com/2018/06/13/how-to-disable-default-combination-for-products/ has the same code and explanation.
    The template bit works alone on Thirtybees but
    - angled quotes make it hard to cut and paste
    - there are no titles in the code, making it a bit easier to follow otherwise)

    I added "triggers an existing script" without knowing what script, which leads to my next question

  16. https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/839 covers this too and I wrote something there, which agrees by saying that people in the UK do not need counties or states.

    "might be useful to some people" means private couriers and  ecommerce delivery form-writers, I suppose, because the Post Office/ Royal Mail has a fixed price for all of the UK including the parts other beers cannot reach like the highlands of Scotland and Northern Ireland. Private couriers ask for a postcode before quoting, and might be slower or more expensive for postcodes in those areas. Anyone can check for examples on Parcel2go.co.uk that covers most couriers or MyHermes.co.uk or Collectplus.co.uk . If you check those you'll see just about every private courier and none wants to know a county or state.

    The UK and republic of ireland are unusual in having no fixed address format. The name and first line are important; the last line is important. The middle lines are often verbose and whimsical. Even the UK post office / royal mail has a concept of a "post town" which is often your nearest sorting office in a small town but is the town name in the largest towns.

    The Republic of Ireland is doubly-unusual in doing without postcodes until a year or two ago. Their postcodes look different to the UK ones, but have the same effect of choosing a part of a postal delivery round - maybe a dozen addresses or one larger postal user - rather than a larger number.

  17. Force a customer to choose an attribute.
    (used to say Disable default attribute too)  

    Is there a javascript in the theme that hides default attributes if they are out of stock, and some way to over-ride it so they show, while other out of stock products do not?

    What I want to show is 

    • a pretend default attribute called "choose", which is out of stock but still shows. I want to prevent ordering of "choose" and maybe translate the usual pop-up or somehow hide the order button.
    • other size attributes hidden when out of stock or maybe crossed-out & un-order-able

    This disables ordering of the default attribute and forces the customer to choose an attribute, rather than buying the smallest shoe by mistake and then sending it back. It requires something like BO>Catalogue>Products>Quantities>"When out of stock Deny orders"

    The setting is possible in Default Boostrap Theme, where a default attribute does not get hidden by the setting. The same thing might be possible in other themes by turning on Advanced Stock Management, turning it off again, and setting my product quantities by hand, but I want a reliable way of keeping "choose" available and out of stock while out of stock sizes cannot be ordered.

    Any help welcome



  18. It works!

    I edited-out my previous result ( http://archive.is/fSqBE last post) which might be cured by updates to a bleeding edge version of the theme or more likely something I'd done wrong, Somehow the site just started working without me doing anything, as does a more edited and played-with test site along the same lines.

  19. Radio buttons not working.

    Fresh install of tb1.10 and N1.10 from Softulicious with demo products.

    I changed the first group of demo attributes to a radio button in BO>catalog>attributes>flavors>edit>attribute type
    It looks fine on the front page but is stuck on the first option on this temporary link. (The only previous change to the site was hacking out some cookies that logged me out of the back office roughly according to these instructions.) 

    I tried changing to Community Theme, where the buttons work but are not so pretty!
    I tried changing back to Niara, BO>advanced>clear cache, force compilation, turn off cache. 
    The same problem occurs on a more developed test site that I have tried with different browsers over time.

    Is there something I should check?
    Thanks for the theme


    I don't use this myself so i just grabbed what was to hand for testing, out of curiosity - Prestashop pspagebuilder.zip free module fails-


    [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module file :/.../modules/pspagebuilder/pspagebuilder.php:
    require_once(): Failed opening required '/.../classes/PhpEncryptionLegacyEngine.php' (include_path='/.../tools/htmlpurifier/standalone:.:/opt/cpanel/ea-php71/root/usr/share/pear')

    Unzipping the free file, it says at the top...


    Pts Prestashop Theme Framework for Prestashop 1.6.x
    @package       pspagebuilder
    @version         5.0
    @author          prestabrain.com
    @copyright...   October 2013 prestabrain.com...emails...All rights reserved
    @license         GNU General Public License version 2


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