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Posts posted by haylau

  1. Just now, Havouza said:

    But all mails exept the new order works, so the module must be installed or... I will ofc check

    No, Most mails are built in. Mail Alerts is specific just to send the shop owner emails when there is an order, and when there is a shortage of stock. And to send the customer an email when a products come back into stock so they can then come back and make a purchase. It is not the same system as the other emails

    • Like 1
  2. Alex, You are new so you will not know

    @datakick is one of the most knowledgable guys out there in TB world and beyond. I would not discount his thoughts in favour of anyone’s - especially mine 🙂

    The more info you can give the better

    So, what version of TB have you got. What version of PHP have you got (if the old server was an older version of PHP and the new server is a nwewer version of TB then the TB version is very relevant as old incompatibilities will have been fixed

    So, just for example and ignore the actual numbers, TB 1.0 mat have worked on PHP 5.4 but would not work on PHP 8

  3. On 1/13/2021 at 9:33 AM, vincentdenkspel said:


    Hope somebody has some tips for me.
    On my productpages i have entered the meta title and meta-descritpion.
    When i search for products, i'm often listed on page 2. 
    Does somebody have some tips for me what i can do to rank higher ?
    Thank you.

    I think page 2 is pretty good to be honest. There are only half a dozen websites that can be on page 1 out of the hundreds / thousands who want to be. 

    I presume we are talking about generic searches here and not adwords or the google shopping?

    From what I read from Google, Meta title is not really used to govern search results, it is just the browser tab name, it should be easily readable for the human eye. Meta description is not really used much either, that is the 'snippet' that appears under the search result page title. Google are more and more looking at the content of the page, relevance, popularity and authority (how many other websites link to you)

    So Meta's are really only used now for display purposes and should be human readable. Many of the larger sites (perhaos jsut many sites) are now just making these quite generic.

     Because in the past these meta's were abused.

    Yes you should research key words but the should be on the page itself emebed in the product title, description etc. Research what you are selling, and how others word their titles and descriptions, then compile your infomration based on that.

    Make sure your the information in each page is worded how your customers will search. For example no point having a title of "My New Widget for holding things" if customer wil search google for "box for spanners"

    • Like 1
  4. In module Parameter settings you have to specify which employee can make changes to the module settings s0 that might be a pace to start

    Also, if you have updated the module you have to go through all the settings again and save them (thinkgs like the carrier settings can often not carry over on update)

  5. A few questions

    1) We use the panda theme, but the images page in the back office still suggests that the original image types are present, so is it safe to delete these, and will that delete the images from the server also (trying to free up some space before deciding if we need to purchase more


    2) The IMG folder contains lots of empty folders (e.g P>1>3>4>5 may be empty, but P>1>3>4>5 is full ) is it safe to delete all empty folders? (i know that won't relieve space, but will make it easier to navigate (I think there has been some corruption of the folder structure as in some of those there is then another IMG and P folder

    3) In the IMG folder there is a TMP folder. Am i correct in thinking this is where images go when uploaded before all the product image are created? If so is is it safe to delete these, or are they used for 'regeneration'


    4) Am I correct in thinking that 'regeneration' simply recreates the images in situ, or does it delete what is there first and then just create what it needs to? So for example, (so thinking if i delete the image types not required (as shown in point 1), then re-generate will that leave only files on the server that are actually required?

  6. I was thinking more Tb specific actions. 

    Already got EORI as we are VAT registered, Our carriers Royal Mail and parcelforce automatically print CN22’s and CN23’s as necessary. Again, we already add harmonisation codes where relevant as we do sell globally. Consumer or B2B does not matter they will still have to pay VAT in whatever country they are in (though there may be a lower threadshold of 22 euro before that kicks in). You can also send Duty Paid but that would not work for us

    • Like 1
  7. Any Uk sellers managing to change everything over for the 1st January deadline

    My thoughts are

    1) remove the VAT module

    2) Remove EU countries from the UK 20% tax rule

    3) Add a note to Overseas carriers saying cusotmer is responsible for import duty and taxes

    4) Remove VAT field from the address systems in the cart. Not sure how to do that yet, but not essential I think

    That's it. Unless anyone can think of something I have missed?

  8. Any module where the customer enters the card details on your site you will have to be PCI compliant. There is no way to enter card details on your site without being PCI compliant. I find passing customers to Paypal or Stripe to make the final payment not to be an issue. 

  9. Great, that is very clear (glass - get it? See what I did there - ahem, cut back on the xmas beverages - lol)

    A (very) quick google suggests not at all easy. You need to "join" tables together in the code (or use overirdes), and add complexities such as if a customer orders more than 1 item it could get very untidy. 


    Some ideas: https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&biw=1517&bih=631&sxsrf=ALeKk00mN8M3VF9WCUgIoWrotE6rRvCB6w%3A1607695348010&ei=9HvTX9wXwo_yAr_ytegG&q=+add+extra+columns+to+order+list+prestashop+module&oq=+add+extra+columns+to+order+list+prestashop+module&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzIFCCEQoAE6BAghEBU6BwghEAoQoAFQxuURWKOEEmDPhRJoAHAAeACAAcUBiAHKCJIBAzMuNpgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXrAAQE&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwjc4f_wi8btAhXCh1wKHT95DW04ChDh1QMIDQ&uact=5


  10. Well the system can't be phycic, and know what you specifically want to find,  nor can we 🙂

    So more specifically. What are you trying to find a specifc order for. When you say you want to find a particialr order - why? what for ? what is it specifically you are wanting to find? How do you know what order you are looking for?

  11. Not sure what you mean. Can you give an example.

    We bulk print every invoice order in the morning with a status of “payment accepted” Then in the order list page we filter for all ‘payment  accepted’ and then bulk change to “processing”

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