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Posts posted by haylau

  1. First thoughts:

    Looking good - a great start

    1) It does not interfere with the multiple feature module i have

    2) works with Advanced search 4 and block layered navigation

    3) I did not need to change the table indiex so guess the module I have had already done that

    4) Works with store manager


    Suggestions, while I understand you do not want to 'copy' the multiple features module perhaps what it does will help tidy things up

    1) Do you really need to indicate which features are allowed multiple features? If all were allowed then there would be no need for extra columns in the features table. So make it so all are multiple value then just not use when you don't need to for each individual feature

    2) We have lots of features so finding them is tricky. Lot's of scroll and ctrl / select to choose. Not easy to see what is selected:

    The current module has a search feature  (narrows down the list as you type and also shows the list of currently selected ones to the side


    3) With lots of features the front looks not good



    Where as the current module sepearates the multiple features with a comma (Seperator symbol can be changed in module) rather than line break making it much easier to see

    4) Possibly need a sort by position rather than numerical / alpabetical / index

    Overall a great start - well done. Now all we need is Block Layered Navigation to allow multiple selection and perhaps ranges (sliders) and all will be near perfect 😉 

    • Like 2
  2. Forget the licence. If you are using the software as a seller / merchant (option 1) then you can just get on with it. In this instance open source only means that you can alter the code if you want to, but there is no need to tell anyone. Just do it. Set up your shop, and start selling

    • Thanks 1
  3. I am not sure i understand you .

    Are you asking :

    1) As a seller / merchant who wants to use thirtybees to sell products (virtual or real) to customers? If this is the case then forget about the licence, you can do what you want


    2) As a developer who wants to sell the thirtybees code / develop modules for sale? If this is the case then tit is beyond my knowledge

  4. I already use a multiple features module (prestamodule’s - makers of advanced search 4) . I’ll see if i can set up a test, I wonder if your system will ‘see’ the module multiple features or if they wlll all need to be re-created. And whether then they will work with the advanced search module. I will also be able to see if it works with storemanager


    I will report back

  5. 13 hours ago, AndyC said:

    I've upgraded my site and have Panda theme.. Can I ask has anyone used Prestools after upgrading.. I only ask as I was trying to use it tonight and cannot edit any products anymore. If I tick the box to edit nothing happens  .. Works OK on categories though


    I have not used prestools before. But just installed and all seems ok for me. Checked the browser console for errors?

  6. 26 minutes ago, KolS said:


    Can you add a feature or module that will show a up pop-up notification of the last order or a page with list of recent orders. I think that would be helpful to attract orders from new customers


    I think that part exists? But not very pretty

    Front office Features
    Product Tooltips v2.0.2 - by thirty bees

    Shows information on a product page: how many people are viewing it, the last time it was sold and the last time it was added to a cart.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Raymond said:


    I did a fresh installation of tb1.2 and Panda, seems working fine so far, but some things do not, I did not contact sunnyto yet, however what I noticed is that editing the text in some display boxes in the homepage the background color does not work, the flash button to add html code snippets does not work and in general seems that the editor is crippled somehow.

    will do more tests in the next month...


    They work fine for me - in fact I was jus tplaying with the flash button you mention. So perhaps something else going wrong there

  8. Chrome is not great at clearing caches - it often chooses not to delete some data

    Have you tried a different browser / device?

    Or right click on the page and 'inspect' > Application > Clear Site data often works where standard cache cleaning does not

    Front office works ok as I just created a test account

  9. 6 hours ago, datakick said:

    Out of curiosity I have created a test product, with base price = 100. I set not tax for the product. I then set quantity discounts in the same way you did. My result:


    It looks like it works correctly.

    Thanks - because of your results I did some more digging. I found that some products had specific prices embedded within them (Catalog > Products) so there must have been a conflict. So for example the product would have a catalogue price rule and a specific price rule at the same time. I have removed all those embedded into individual products and now all is OK - almost

    (We have never embeded specific prices into products it has always been whole cataloge based so wonder if there has been a change in how thirtybees / prestashop has done this since origianlly 1.4 that has perhaps corrupted with various upgrades)

    For the almost but I think we have small rounding error. But I will play some more and start a new thread if necessary




    • Like 1
  10. So, I managed to move the block of code in products.tpl - and it looks great

    Now, there is a calculation issue. This is not to do with moving the code. I have tried leaving the code where it should be. Not to do with the theme because I have tried the code directly from niara. It ust be an inherant bug

    I have changed the table to show prices rather than discount level 

    Display discounted price set to yes in preferences > Products

    So, the calculations are all over the place. som times totally wrong, sometimes partially wrong. It is not to do with browsers or caches
    Some examples
    This one shows price is calculated correctly on the main buy box, but the volumes discounts not calcualted at all
    This one shows most of the volume discounts are correct, just not the last one
    And this one shows some calculations but they are all wrong
    And just for reference all products have got these discounts associated with them
    I will have to leave it showing % for now, but this is weird. At first I thought it may just be to do with rounding on small values because I was looking at low value products, but that last one shows that is not the case. Any clues?


  11. I have created the github bug report


    I have added an html block to the product secondary column to display a static volume discount display

    Looks OK, but is fixed. Should it be possible to add the relevant code from products.tpl to the html box to display and automatic table in the html block? That way I can display the actual prices. I have tried but it just displays code. 




  12. Thanks for the reply. Pretty certain I am doing it correctly, though I am no expert. I have tried removing the code & commenting the code in product.tpl

    Also tried adding css to custom.css sections

    Also tried directly from the brower Inspect.  If someone wants to try, discounts start at 50 : https://u-bolts-r-us.co.uk/u-bolts-with-convex-base-to-minimise-crevice-corrosion/12123-u-bolt-for-40-nb-483-od-pipe-t316-stainless-steel-with-convex-base-to-minimise-crevice-corrosion-5055624431605.html#.YFOG_q-gLIU)

    Always the same

    Also tried on another installation with community theme and that is also the same

    And lastly tried a free module from presto-chano to move it to below the price. The module did not display properly but the effect was the same. 


    I was going to test the demo but demo.front does not seem to have any volume discounts set, and demo.back is, well, broken

    To be honest I would be happy to leave it on if i could move it into a proper tab, or even better in product secondary column, to the right of the current price / buy now button

  13. OK, worked out the cause.

    In products.tpl I remove a section because I do not want to display the volume discounts table. I want the discounts to work, just do not want to display the big table

    So i comment out this code but that stops the functionality. I have tried using display:none but again that stops the functionaility

    So looking for clues how to remove / hide the table but retain the functionality

    Code I removed (panda theme, but I suspect this may be more generic):

    {if !$content_only}
    		{if (isset($quantity_discounts) && count($quantity_discounts) > 0)}
    			<!-- quantity discount -->
    			<section id="product-volume-discounts" class="block section">
    				<h3 class="title_block "><span>{l s='Volume discounts'}</span></h3>
    				<div id="quantityDiscount">
    					<table class="std table-product-discounts">
    								<th>{l s='Quantity'}</th>
    								<th>{if $display_discount_price}{l s='Price'}{else}{l s='Discount'}{/if}</th>
    								<th>{l s='You Save'}</th>
    							{foreach from=$quantity_discounts item='quantity_discount' name='quantity_discounts'}
    							{if !$quantity_discount.base_price}{$quantity_discount.base_price=$productPriceWithoutReduction}{/if}
    							{if $quantity_discount.price >= 0 || $quantity_discount.reduction_type == 'amount'}
    								{$realDiscountPrice=$quantity_discount.base_price|floatval*(1 - $quantity_discount.reduction)|floatval}
    							<tr class="quantityDiscount_{$quantity_discount.id_product_attribute}" data-real-discount-value="{convertPrice price = $realDiscountPrice}" data-discount-type="{$quantity_discount.reduction_type}" data-discount="{$quantity_discount.real_value|floatval}" data-discount-quantity="{$quantity_discount.quantity|intval}">
    									{if $quantity_discount.price >= 0 || $quantity_discount.reduction_type == 'amount'}
    										{if $display_discount_price}
    											{if $quantity_discount.reduction_tax == 0 && !$quantity_discount.price}
    												{convertPrice price = $productPriceWithoutReduction|floatval-($productPriceWithoutReduction*$quantity_discount.reduction_with_tax)|floatval}
    												{convertPrice price=$productPriceWithoutReduction|floatval-$quantity_discount.real_value|floatval}
    											{convertPrice price=$quantity_discount.real_value|floatval}
    										{if $display_discount_price}
    											{if $quantity_discount.reduction_tax == 0}
    												{convertPrice price = $productPriceWithoutReduction|floatval-($productPriceWithoutReduction*$quantity_discount.reduction_with_tax)|floatval}
    												{convertPrice price = $productPriceWithoutReduction|floatval-($productPriceWithoutReduction*$quantity_discount.reduction)|floatval}
    									<span>{l s='Up to'}</span>
    									{if $quantity_discount.price >= 0 || $quantity_discount.reduction_type == 'amount'}
    									{$discountPrice=$discountPrice * $quantity_discount.quantity}
    									{$qtyProductPrice=$productPriceWithoutReduction|floatval * $quantity_discount.quantity}
    									{convertPrice price=$qtyProductPrice - $discountPrice}


  14. Not sure why I have not spotted this before really. Perhaps because I am now playing with combinations.

    We have various tiers of quantity discounts, 10% off for 50, 20% off for 100 etc.

    On the product page, when I change combinations the price also changes - great, but when I type or select a quantity the price is not updated. It is fine once added to the cart

    (BTW when I tried to upload an animated gif but it would not let me, gave a -200 error, but worked anyway)

    So my question is, on the product page should I expect the price to be updated to apply quantity discounts?

    If the answer is yes, then i need to work out why it isnt (ideas?

    If the answer is no, then is there a module / code hack I can use?





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