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Everything posted by Adik

  1. @briljander said in 19 Patron ?!: @dynambee I do have a lot of different modules which are not supported here from emagicone (Prestashop store manager) Prestashop Store Manager is fully suported by thirtybees: https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/423/store-manager-for-prestashop-v-2-29-1 I have a version 2.39 build 1861. Check more accurately before you write the wrong information. @briljander said in 19 Patron ?!: @dynambee I do have a lot of different modules which are not supported here from Linea Grafica Regenerating Thumbnails - Regenerate your Images v1.0.6 works great with thirtybees, I use it.
  2. Adik


    Hi guys, The homefeatured module should have a display option: newest products at the top. At this time newly added products appear at the end. What do you think about it?
  3. ...
  4. Thanks! Small tip: If your language has variants of the word review, you can modify the /themes/yourtheme/modules/productcomments/productcommentsreviews.tpl file by modifying line 20, e.g. <span class="nb-comments"> {if $nbComments==0} {l s='0 review' mod='productcomments'} {elseif $nbComments==1} {l s='1 review' mod='productcomments'} {elseif ($nbComments>1) && ($nbComments<5)} {$nbComments} {l s='2-4 review' mod='productcomments'} {elseif $nbComments>=5} {$nbComments} {l s='review(s)' mod='productcomments'} {/if} </span> After saving the file you can translate the phrases in the admin panel.
  5. @lesley No, at the moment only Product Comments v4.0.3 module. I will install JSON + LD today, I just read about him, thank you!
  6. @mdekker I do not know if it's due to the reviews module, but after receiving a few feedbacks from customers, Google shows the number of reviews and stars in search results! Great work guys!
  7. Adik

    SEO Booster Ultimate

    Hi Michael, Yes, the update to 1.0.3. is done. I've made some fixes, which I've written above and everything works fine. If you want it I can check 1.0.3 and SEO Booster Ultimate on fresh install. Many thanks for your work on the thirtybees development!! :) Check our shop, we love miniature fanless computers, we will add new models soon: https://minipc.pl/en/
  8. @mdekker I'm using the default TB 1.0.1 installation, there are no external modules. This is test VPS server. Could you look at the store configuration? I can send you BO and FTP access data in PM. I am faced with a difficult choice - use php 5.6 or 7.0
  9. No. I'm using TB 1.0.1 with theme sportfitness v1.1.6. Before upgrade php front office worked properly.
  10. Today I upgraded VPS server to Debian 9.0, php 7.0.19 and mariadb 10.1.23. After this I have a error: Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /var/www/tb/public_html/vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/Mbstring.php on line 420 Back-office works OK. The store was running smoothly on php 5.6. I'm using the theme from prestacrea (currently they offer only version for PS 1.7).
  11. Adik

    minify html option

    BTW. Do you recommend using the pagespeed mod with nginx? I noticed one issue after enable this mod - no images from Catalog->Edit Products->Images. :( Report this as a bug? PS SEO Booster Ultimate from @nemo displays images correctly
  12. Adik

    minify html option

    Thanks for sharing this. Here is two reports from Lighthouse plugin, still same VPS server and theme: PS TB 1.0.1
  13. Adik

    minify html option

    This same VPS server and theme: PS: Performance grade A 91 Load time 769 ms Faster than 93 % of tested sites Page size 498.3 kB TB: Performance grade B 81 Load time 2.73 s Faster than 57 % of tested sites Page size 666.7 kB Unfortunately I noticed that the shop on TB got weaker results, I also checked on gtmetrix. Is it possible to enable minify html?
  14. Hello guys, PS has useful CCC option to minify html. How can it be restored to TB? On the PS test store I have nice results on Google PageSpeed: 96 / 95. Same theme installed in TB gets lower results: 69 / 84.
  15. I compared the file Link.php from PrestaShop and TB. After changing lines 77-79 in public function __construct if (Link::$category_disable_rewrite === null) { Link::$category_disable_rewrite = array(Configuration::get('PS_HOME_CATEGORY'), Configuration::get('PS_ROOT_CATEGORY')); } generated link is without “main” name. ;)
  16. SEO Booster Ultimate has very nice feature - removing default ISO language's from urls. Maybe @Nemo could solve this issue.
  17. I attach the screen, in my opinion are OK
  18. Currently I have such entries in the ps_configuration table PS_ROOT_CATEGORY: 1 PS_HOME_CATEGORY: 2 Do you propose to change them?
  19. I found a small issue but important for seo. Configuration: PS SEO Booster Ultimate, Category Url settings: {categories:/}{rewrite} Generated link in PrestaShop: //domain/category1/subcategory1/sampleproduct Generated link in ThirtyBees: //domain/main/category1/subcategory1/sampleproduct The main name of the category tree should not be visible in the link. After copying the file /classes/Link.php from PrestaShop to TB generated link is correct (without "main" name). This is a temporary solution. What should be changed in TB Link.php?
  20. Two small issues visible immediately after installation: no images on admin panel (login window) when you click on the icons (new orders and customer registrations) in the admin panel nothing happens
  21. Adik

    SEO Booster Ultimate

    Ok, I added to the Link.php file, but still there are a lot of warnings
  22. https://www.silbersaiten.de/prestashop/pl/prestashop-module/141-modul-fur-kleinunternehmer.html
  23. Adik

    SEO Booster Ultimate

  24. Adik

    SEO Booster Ultimate

    @Nemo in dev mode I have a lots of warnings, please take a look:
  25. Adik

    SEO Booster Ultimate

    @Nemo, @mdekker - many thanks, it works perfect!
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