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  1. Nice as i was looking for examples under correct license to redistribute. Since this is all about bringing next level theme to TB it needs to be open license. Maybe someone else has links to templates with right license? @wakabayashi I would love to look. I guess your asking about our countries when you say URL by PN. I am in the US...
  2. Just to add based on search of Magento, Opencart & Shopify... Shopify has the most examples of eCommerce themes based on Tailwind. github tailwind "shopify" theme
  3. @wakabayashi Yea I know your using Tailwindcss that's why I posted about Joomla above using Tailwind too. Anyway lets go a little deeper here with Magento and Tailwindcss Magento has new Tailwindcss framework see this writeup below. It's a very interesting approach from the ground up. https://alanstorm.com/magento-frontend-2020-a-preview-review-of-hyva/ Very expensive framework but certainly state of the art. Now in first google search I found open Tailwindcss example for Magento under MIT license https://github.com/NavaneethVijay/magento2-sass-tailwindcss-theme I find examples of other systems pushing the limit quite refreshing. Can TB learn from examples like this I think so.
  4. @wakabayashi I figured it wouldn't hurt to look around and see if I could find some bootstrap 4 & 5 examples that could be used. I guess the main thing was the license from which the examples were released. Those at bootswatch are under MIT so they can be used as a base for TB with no issues. V4 & V5 bootstrap releases https://github.com/thomaspark/bootswatch/releases
  5. Okay so looking back thru all this... https://thirtybees.com/partners/supporters/ non functional & no link to donate. https://thirtybees.com/support-thirty-bees/ non functional & no link from the home page. https://forum.thirtybees.com/support-thirty-bees/ fuctional and working from the left link on the forum. There is no way to just donate. All I can do is sign up for billing contract. Please post a link so people can do a drive by and donate without contract...
  6. I have been following this thread and wondered if we can gain some insight from other systems. So digging around I found that Xoops has a new theme based on Bootstrap. Now I know that this doesn't relate very well to TB. However we can glean some powerful insight on how these new themes are designed for said opensource systems. Does this help any? Well yes I thinks so as it's a free guide on how other systems are moving forward. Let me go on to add that Joomla now has themes based on Tailwind. I will provide links to the new Xoops theme. You can google for the new Joomla examples. If you think looking at other examples is a benefit or not. https://www.monxoops.fr/modules/xmtutorial/tutorial.php?tutorial_id=15 https://bootswatch.com/4/ https://github.com/thomaspark/bootswatch
  7. Oh and I didn't even do that as I only had 12 orders in-between. In which I had all the paypal info of those orders. I could have just entered those 12 orders manually into my website but I chose not to. This is what I meant by finial import.
  8. I hear ya but who said anything about closing your website? Your website should remain open until finial import into new.yourshop.com. Then move website...
  9. This will make it even worse if you do nothing as php 7.2 is EOL and php 7.3 will be EOL on Dec 6th 2021. I hope your server is locked down good...
  10. I've bought modules from him before. He is a good egg! I hope he has thrirtybees module replacements for you. Did I mention you should have tested backups and backups of the backups tested before you even attempt this?
  11. I'm not sure if you even have carriers setup in your old shop of presta 1.6.24 but if you do set line 19 in copy_shopdata_config.php to false. Example: Line 19 $skip_carrier_tables = true; /* skip tables with carrier settings */ Set to false if you have carriers... Everything else was correct for me in my move from presta 1.6.10 and made it a breeze!
  12. Let me add to this... Don't forget to set Shipping >> Carriers inside copy_shopdata_config.php Re-read my post above as I'm going to correct error...
  13. No you must use the exact same prestashop version as your shop right now. Must be exact okay? From what I remember this is how it would work in your situation. --- You can wait till your shop is on new server. 1) Do a backup immediately of your site on new server. 2) Clone your site to old.yourshop.com 3) Setup database for new.yourshop.com 4) Place prestools in admin folder of old.yourshop.com then add copy_shopdata to prestools folder. 5) Set preferences in copy_shopdata_config.php for old.yourshop.com and new.yourshop.com 6) Go to URL old.yourshop.com/admin/prestools/copy_shopdata/copy_shopdata.php 7) Follow instructions...
  14. No you can't do that. BTW: I had the file names wrong. I fixed it here sorry. copy_shopdata From: The copy_shopdata_on_server.pdf inside zip file it says... Since version 0.45 the recommended approach has changed. It is now recommended to create a second shop in a subdirectory on the server, upgrade that and then rename and move directories on the server to make this the new active shop. The main reason for this change is speed.
  15. Thank you for update.
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