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If a customer wants to order (without login or guest checkout), no error message will appear when clicking on the "buy" button. For example, it lacks the hint "You need to log in, create an account" or something like that.

The curious thing is, with the payment options bank transfer and Stripe, the page is simply reloaded without an error message, which gives the customer the hint, you must log in or something. When paying with Paypal you will be forwarded directly to the Paypal payment. The customer pays the order. Thereby also no order is generated in the shop.

tb 1.0.3 standard theme with AEUC module and OPC. Paypal is only set as default. Express checkout and Paypal login are not activated.



Can someone confirm with similar / same settings? With my shops on different servers I have the problem, whether with the standard template or with the Transformer Template. Here I use the advanced.tpl from the standard theme.

@admin @mdekker @lesley


It doesn't happen with me. I can't even choose to pay. The payment sector says:

PLEASE CHOOSE YOUR PAYMENT METHOD Please sign in to see payment methods.

I can only choose the payment method if I enter a customer name (for guest checkout) and accept the TOS.


I don't have this problem. But I use a highly customized checkout, that's why I can't speak for any default solution. In my case customer don't see any payment method, if he isn't logged in. (We don't allow guest checkouts anymore)


@zimmer-media I have same problem (v.1.04 RC1): www.buecher-boerse.com There is a reminder for choosing payment method, also for TOS agreement, but no reminder for missing customer identity: page is simply reloading

@30knees I had this order (customer data > carrier method > payment method) in version 1.0.3 and can not find it in version 1.0.4. Now order is reversed: payment method > carrier method > customer data



I get this view when I deactivate the option "Legally secure order overview" in the AEUC module. But I do not have the german (eu) button "order now"

Diese Ansicht erhalte ich, wenn ich im AEUC Modul die Option "Rechtssichere Bestellübersicht" deaktiviere. Aber da habe ich nicht den deutschen (eu) Button "Zahlungspflichtig bestellen"


@30knees Have just disabled "Rechtssichere Bestellübersicht aktivieren" and it's much better now. Now the steps in the ordering process are numbered: "1 Konto", "2 Lieferarten" and "3 Wählen Sie Ihre Zahlungsart" with the note: "Bitte tragen Sie zunächst Ihre Lieferanschrift ein und speichern diese, um eine Zahlungsart auszuwählen." Bye-bye "Rechtssichere Bestellübersicht", don't miss you... As far as i know, it's not a legal duty. The current implementation of "Rechtssichere Bestellübersicht aktivieren" reverses the logic and order of the steps of the ordering process and should, I believe, be changed.


Regarding the "legal order overview" I am of the opinion that according to the legal regulations a button "jetzt kaufen / Zahlungspflichtig bestellen / etc" should give / must - be no matter whether 5 steps or OPC, which appears as the last option in the ordering process. I know that many large online shops do not stick to it and are actually Abmahngefährdet. But the Abmahnungsanwälte prefer to go to the small shops!


@zimmer-media yes you are right: the text of the order summary and the "buy" button should appear on the SAME page below the selection of payment options, not isolated on a new page


Another Bug: As soon, as i save customer data on OPC, the text "Die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen und das Widerrufsrecht habe ich zur Kenntnis genommen und stimme ihnen uneingeschränkt zu." changes to: "Ich habe die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen gelesen und stimme ihnen uneingeschränkt zu. (Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen lesen)"


Sorry for german now @Ulrich ich habe das noch nicht getestet oder gesehen, ich denke hier gibt es evtl das Problem bei den Übersetzungen sowohl im FO und im AEUC Modul, damit es einheitlich dargestellt wird


@zimmer-media Scheint keine Frage der Übersetzung zu sein: der Teil der Seite wird neu geladen nach dem Speichern der Kundendaten, nur eben der falsche der beiden Texte.


@zimmer-media no, its not the name, it depend on "if then>else": On saving customer data on OPC, the text “Die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen und das Widerrufsrecht habe ich zur Kenntnis genommen und stimme ihnen uneingeschränkt zu.” changes to: “Ich habe die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen gelesen und stimme ihnen uneingeschränkt zu. (Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen lesen)” > text “Widerrufsrecht” and therefore link to “Widerrufsrecht” is gone

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