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AEUC v3.1.3 - Final order overview missing


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@mdekker , @lesley

EU law requires: after choosing payment method, the text of the order summary and the “buy” button should appear on the SAME page, below the selection of payment options, not isolated on a new page.

(little) Bug: On saving customer data on OPC, the text “Die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen und das Widerrufsrecht habe ich zur Kenntnis genommen und stimme ihnen uneingeschränkt zu.” changes to: “Ich habe die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen gelesen und stimme ihnen uneingeschränkt zu. (Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen lesen)” > text "Widerrufsrecht" and therefore link to "Widerrufsrecht" is gone

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(little) Bug... seems related to /modules/advancedeucompliance/views/templates/hook/hookOverrideTOSDisplay.tpl

On saving customer data on OPC, text of TOS switches from

{if $hastosoverrideopt} ... {if isset($linkconditions) && $linkconditions && isset($linkrevocations) && $link_revocations}

to "else":

{if $hastosoverride_opt} ... {else}

Why don't you give a try to http://www.onepagecheckoutps.com it's a bit expensive but it solves the above issues and for sure you will have better conversion rate. I tried it recently on test environment (illegal way) and I must say it is perfect. Now I consider buying 2 licenses. Just suggestion!

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@MockoB Thank you for suggestion, but i see some limitations regarding AEUC: For example: the text box for required "essential product features" is too small. The VAT is not shown. What about TB-module "custom payment methods", will it work? Have you checked compatibility of CPM?

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To be honest I'm not quite familiar with the AEUC module because I got rid of it really soon after I installed it. But the product features, if a product has features, are listed under the title with big enough font I think. VAT number looks easy implementation and I'm sure the developers of the module will add it as feature if they are asked to. Custom payment methods will work, and if they don't they will make it work for sure. I read some reviews about their services and I can't find negative review yet. And even more, I saw recently blog topic by @lesley that they officially support TB. I don't know what CPM is, sorry. I'm not working for them :) I just loved the product and it's features which are many.

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VAT number looks easy implementation yes, found it already implemented in feature list

I don’t know what CPM is, sorry. i meant "Custom Payment Methods", sorry.

Will wait a few days and hope that the AEUC module will be improved. If not, I will give this third-party-module a try. Thank you again.

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@DRMasterChief On opening one-page-checkout, TOS-text was “Die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen und das Widerrufsrecht habe ich zur Kenntnis genommen und stimme ihnen uneingeschränkt zu.”

After saving customer data, TOS-text changed to "“Ich habe die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen gelesen und stimme ihnen uneingeschränkt zu. (Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen lesen)”

WITHOUT "... und das Widerrufsrecht ..."

It was caused by file "order-carrier.tpl" of theme "warehouse", this theme is NOT compatible with AEUC in thirty bees. Have modified "order-carrier.tpl" of theme "warehouse" and this ugly error is gone.

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