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Upgrading issues



I have attempted an upgrade to 1.0.4 following the instructions in the blog post.

When I log back in my back office to try and install the new stats module, I get this error message: The following module(s) could not be installed properly: statsmodule : The version of your module is not compliant with your thirty bees version.

A visit to the Stats tab confirms that no modules has been installed.

Additionally, trying to access some sections of the backend gives me a page of smarty code instead of what I should be expecting. Any ideas why?

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Well, there are some issues still: If I click on a customer, I get a weird page where all the information about the customer is just text. Refreshing, flushing caches, nothing works.

Same problem happens when trying to view orders.

In Debug mode, it seems to be because of a conflict with Dispatcher.php: Warning on line 2192 in file /home/librairiezbook/publichtml/classes/controller/AdminController.php [2] Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/librairiezbook/publichtml/classes/Dispatcher.php:519)

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statsmodule : The version of your module is not compliant with your thirty bees version.

What is your thirty bees version? Just uploading all the new files gives you all the new code, but not a new version.

Version is shown in back office in the upper left corner. In case that's still '1.0.3', edit config/settings.inc.php, second last line, the one with _TB_VERSION_.

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Problem is back with a vengeance. Unable to update orders or generate invoices. Uninstall modules I thought was causing the cache issue but to no avail. For the time being, I will have to revert back to 1.0.3. We had an order today and we spent hours just trying to process the payment and I am still unable to generate an invoice for it. A little too stressful for my taste.

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