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Awesome - I love ThirtyBees


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Just a note to say THANK YOU to everyone who helped develop and support ThirtyBees. I opened my shop about two weeks ago, and love the support people have given me.

I have made a donation to ThirtyBees for all the help, and now just purchased my first module to help the developer. Didn't mind paying for it because without developers there wouldn't be a ThirtyBees store.

I am amazed of all the features and how well it works, from marking orders complete with the invoice being mailed to the customer automatically, the clean cut ease of adding products, just - everything is so incredible about it.

Thank you, everyone. I'm seriously thinking about moving my other store to a ThirtyBees platform. I have too many products, and if there was a way to import my database from OpenCart, I'd make the change in an instant. It's just too time consuming to move everything over.

Again, thanks guys!

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Yes, you are right, it´s great here at the TB place :)

Maybe you can go the way to migrate with an software like e.g. https://www.jtl-software.de/JTL-Wawi-Download (it is only in German, but maybe you can find some useful things or you know someone who can help you you with German software).

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