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Cannot get into the Admin



This has been a reoccurring problem for us. I have a version of our TB build running on a staging server and one running on a dev machine. Our work flow consists of occasionally moving dumps of the database from staging to dev. Once the dump has been moved I update the tables in the dev db to the local url. Now I cannot log into the admin. I have tried the password recovery for the admin and it tells me "This account does not exist." I have checked the database and yes my email address is in there. I have checked that the settings.inc.php files match on staging and dev. I have cleared my cache and cookies. I have restarted the server. I have restarted chrome. I have tried it in incognito mode. This is happening on both staging and development. I suppose I could reset the pw through the database, but my biggest concern is why? Why does this keep happening? There must be something that I am missing. Thanks people!!!

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Hard to say what's going on without debugging.

Admin login happens in AdminLoginController.php. Here's a line of PHP which one can insert in strategic places to dump variables: php file_put_contents(_PS_CONFIG_DIR_.'debug', __METHOD__.' '.__LINE__.' $value '.var_export($value, true)."\n", FILE_APPEND); Insert this line in every spot where you want to see the content of a variable, adjust the variable name and run the code (try to log in). This creates a file config/debug, which should eventually lead to what's going wrong.

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Can you try to put in php file in the root dir with this code, and execute the file :

``` <?php

include('config/config.inc.php'); include('init.php');

$e = new Employee(1); $e->email = 'you@gmail.com'; $e->lastname = 'you'; $e->firstname = 'you'; $e->idprofile = '1'; $e->idlang = (Context::getContext())->language->id; $e->passwd = Tools::encrypt('12345678'); if (!$e->save()) echo 'Employee save: bad'; else echo 'Employee save: ok'; ```

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