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Mollie module throws error when selecting payment method



I'm using the Mollie module https://github.com/mollie/PrestaShop and am getting for myself and some customers (not all!) the following error: ``` Notice: Undefined index: og_type in /cache/smarty/compile/13/c7/b9/13c7b909d6a4a06cb391ad66e29f728f44dc9d8c.file.psograph.tpl.php on line 38

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /cache/smarty/compile/13/c7/b9/13c7b909d6a4a06cb391ad66e29f728f44dc9d8c.file.psograph.tpl.php on line 38 ``` Would anyone know how to trouble-shoot this?

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@30knees the problem is in psograph.tpl template, and that's not part of the mollie module. First find out what module uses this template.

The problem can be that these two modules can't work together - they both probably set the same smarty variable, thus creating conflict.

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@datakick Thanks!

It's @Nemo's OpenGraph module: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/303359-free-module-facebook-open-graph-tags/

But now I uninstalled the OpenGraph module and I'm still getting an error, though a default one:

An error occurred: An error occurred while initializing your payment. Please contact our customer support.

Debug mode doesn't show any details like I was able to gather in the first post. I also cleared cached. Clearing cache gives me this error:

Warning on line 265 in file /home/63665-51233.cloudwaysapps.com/rrwzreejfk/public_html/classes/PageCache.php [2] Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

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@datakick Didn't see that setting. Thank you!

I'll need to contact Mollie with this:

An error occurred: Error executing API call (422: Unprocessable Entity): Order line 1 is invalid. Total amount is off. Expected total amount to be €119.31 (3 × €39.77), got €159.08. Field: lines.1.totalAmount. Documentation: https://docs.mollie.com/guides/handling-errors

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Mollie believes it's some custom VAT settings are interfering, because they require VAT settings: totalAmount × (vatRate / (100 + vatRate)). But I don't think this is the case. I noticed that Mollie is not picking up on the correct number of items in the shopping cart. If I have 5 items it calculates for 4 items. Any idea where this could come from?

This only happens when I have 2 or more of the same item in the cart.

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