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error 500 when activating debug mode




I am having some issues with visual composer module so I activated debug mode trying to find the problem. When I activated it since the backoffice, this happened:


this was the server log: 0_1545930981828_01826541-19bf-49db-9f5b-76aa49d5deff-image.png

The hosting technical service deactivated the debug mode because I could not access to the backoffice.

Any ideas why debug mode made this when I activated?


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9 answers to this question

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The error message is complaining about missing method Validate::isJSON. That's very strange, because this method is clearly there.

There are only two explanations I can think of.

  1. you have modified core class classes/Validate.php and removed/renamed this method. That's very unlikely.
  2. The other possibility is classname conflict. It's possible that some module have class with name Validate, and this class gets loaded at the very beginning of the request. Thirtybees uses lazy loading autoloader, which means it will load any core class only when needed. In this case the core class would never be loaded, because class with the same name exists. But this third party Validate class does not contain isJSON method. This is another way to override core classes. Unlike normal overrides, which extends core class, this method replace the whole core class. Very dangerous, and officially not supported. But some module developers do this kind of things
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anyone with programming knowledge can tell me if I did something wrong with the code I introduced in the validate file? (code was to make work a module). In the actual state when I activate debug, site breaks so I can not use it but I need the code inside the file (but maybe I made something wrong even if the module now it works)

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@rubben1985 said in error 500 when activating debug mode:

anyone with programming knowledge can tell me if I did something wrong with the code I introduced in the validate file? (code was to make work a module). In the actual state when I activate debug, site breaks so I can not use it but I need the code inside the file (but maybe I made something wrong even if the module now it works)

No way anyone can tell you how that will work out. Both functions that you have added include an external file that you haven't added.

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@rubben1985 these particular changes are fine. We don't know, of course, how does the external file look like.

I really think that some module or vendor library introduces class named Validate, and that this class gets loaded at the very beginning of the request. That would prevent loading Validate core class, and results in this kind of error. Search for class Validate

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On 1/5/2019 at 11:30 AM, datakick said:

@rubben1985 these particular changes are fine. We don't know, of course, how does the external file look like.

I really think that some module or vendor library introduces class named Validate, and that this class gets loaded at the very beginning of the request. That would prevent loading Validate core class, and results in this kind of error. Search for class Validate

With the forum migration I lost notifications and I did not saw the post...

Any advice on how to identify/find this?

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The easiest way is to edit Module.php file, and just before the line where it failed add this code:

            die((new ReflectionClass('Validate'))->getFileName());

Then refresh your front page. Instead of your beautiful thirtybees shop you will see file path to the Validate class.

Don't forget to remove this line after 🙂

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