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WEBSITE WENT SUDDENLY DOWN... Need help decoding the error message.


Posted (edited)

The website was working fine and we did not install anything new or mess with anything but suddenly, both the front end and the back end are giving us a 500 error.  I checked the logs on the server but cannot see what could be causing this.  Please see pasted below the error 500 code that the backend gives me:



If someone was kind enough to paste back what it means so I can have a least an inkling of a clue...  That would be really appreciated.


I did try with the Decode message online on the TB site but all I get is this: :`\^lY�co�Dֳj�

Edited by movieseals

25 answers to this question

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Can you switch debug on via ftp?


config> defines.inc.php


Change define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false); to define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);


This may give some more obvious messages

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Posted (edited)

It can also be a https/http thing. Try both. You can try changing PS_SSL_ENABLED  and PS_SSL_ENABLED_EVERYWHERE in the configuration table.

Edited by musicmaster
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Posted (edited)
  On 3/10/2019 at 6:53 PM, musicmaster said:

You can try Prestools. It isn't dependent on the TB engine so it should run. With it you can empty the cache and disable overrides and non-TB modules.


I did.  I get a white screen... 😞 . Nothing loads.  It is very odd.  Lodged a ticket with my hosting provider.  Hoping they can figure it out.

Edited by movieseals
Complement of information.
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phpmyadmin is not cpanel. 

If you can access phpmyadmin you can in the tb_configuration table switch on PS_DISABLE_OVERRIDES  and

You can also empty the cache by emptying the directories cache/smarty/cache and cache/smarty/compile. Don't delete the index.php files in those two directories.

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  On 3/10/2019 at 7:27 PM, musicmaster said:

phpmyadmin is not cpanel. 

If you can access phpmyadmin you can in the tb_configuration table switch on PS_DISABLE_OVERRIDES  and

You can also empty the cache by emptying the directories cache/smarty/cache and cache/smarty/compile. Don't delete the index.php files in those two directories.


I know.  I meant cpanel still works, so I have acces to phpmyadmin.

I had already cleared the smarty caches.

Will try with the configuration table now.

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Wow.  Flushed all caches, disabled overrides AND non native modules, flushed DNS, flushed browser cache, and still getting a 500 on both backend and frontend!

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  On 3/10/2019 at 7:51 PM, musicmaster said:

It can also be a https/http thing. Try both. You PS_SSL_ENABLED  and PS_SSL_ENABLED_EVERYWHERE in the configuration table.


Unfortunately, no changes with either 1 or both disabled.  Overrides and non native modules also disabled.

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  On 3/10/2019 at 7:54 PM, movieseals said:

Unfortunately, no changes with either 1 or both disabled.  Overrides and non native modules also disabled.


Not exactly what I meant. There can be something wrong with SSL settings. So it is best when you can look at it as http. Unfortunately some browsers can be very aggressive redirecting towards https.

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I tried on Firefox, Chrome and Safari.  I tried both https and http (and made sure there was no redirect - had to force the loading of the page) but still get the same error (although no longer the TB 500 page, juste the browser 500 error page).

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Deleting .htaccess is an option too.

For the rest I am just puzzled. Given the info we got Prestools should work or at least give an error. So I wonder if it was tried the right way.

If Prestools would work then one could conclude that something had gone wrong with the Thirty Bees files and copy files from a backup site over for example the Classes and Controllers directories.

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I did delete the htaccess, and I am not running out of disk space (1 TB left) but in the end, I had to go back to a backup to get everything back online. 😞

Thank you to everyone who tried to help and gave me pointers I will be able to use in future troubleshootings!

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