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Website swap over




Can I ask what is the best practice for changing over from a sub domain to domain

As I am wanting to do the change over this weekend .. Just been thinking about SEO as links will be different etc etc and google shopping.

Are there any redirects i can put in place , or is it a case of just doing it and rebuilding


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2 hours ago, AndyC said:


Can I ask what is the best practice for changing over from a sub domain to domain

As I am wanting to do the change over this weekend .. Just been thinking about SEO as links will be different etc etc and google shopping.

Are there any redirects i can put in place , or is it a case of just doing it and rebuilding


I'm not aware of any specific tooling to do it. Generally, the template you use will have capability to export customizations so that you can easily import to another environment. Assuming you have a current live site running, you'd probably want to manually make the other changes to ensure it matches your development site on the subdomain.

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I heard things like forwarding urls to new site ,set up redirects , but site is being deleted to make way for my new website. Or is it just something that has to be accepted and start from scratch....

I've reused all the same names formats as best I could ,but I am sure a lot of urls have changed but rebuilding site from ground up.I'm just thinking more along the lines of SEO

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I've been rebuilding my website on for example www.abc.co.uk/123 ..

This weekend I was hoping to remove my old website www.abc.co.uk and delete all of zencart files and databases and replace www.abc.co.uk/abc to www.abc.co.uk. Hope this makes sense

I am loosing sales big time as my checkout doesn't work and will cost a fortune to repair .But also don't want my website to plummet any more then it has 


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Don't really have important pages as such ...Except for the 1000 products

But will go though my website to have a good look

Other than that I'll have to start from where I am.. Although I do think I'm can't really get any lower than I am already as 80 % of my products aren't shown due to no flexibility in google up load , extremely slow host before and no dedicated IP  ..lol So things are looking up


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