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Redirect a old category


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I made the decision to move my jewellery products to another website as they got lost in context of all my other products.. Is it at all possible to redirect only old pages "category" or "categories" to the new website.


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I was hoping for a more general redirect like anything with Jewellery would redirect.

Just been trying to find that file and it doesn't exist on my website as was wanting to give it a go.

My other option was to send any 404 page to my home page but read it isn't the right thing to do

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11 hours ago, AndyC said:

I made the decision to move my jewellery products to another website as they got lost in context of all my other products.. Is it at all possible to redirect only old pages "category" or "categories" to the new website.


You should be able to use my conseqs module to achieve that

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Hi Datakick

Took the plunge and installed the free version . But can't seem to get the right combination.

I start off with redirect but then can't seem to go further ,tried bind value / category

but can't seem to redirect to new URL

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It really depends on where you want to redirect. If you want to redirect to homepage on your new site, simply add constant url. If you, however, want to redirect to specific product, then you will need to use interpolation. This is how it can be done:

1) Trigger: you will want to use Page View trigger, and page Product. This rule will be executed every time someone opens your product page


2 ) Conditions: enter conditions that matches products you want to redirect. In my case I'll redirect all products name contains text Price alert (I test this on my demo account)


3) Action: choose redirect action. Now we need to construct redirect url. For this, we use Interpolate values method. This allows us to create static text with dynamic placeholder -- part of the text will be substituted for product information.

I will redirect to google search, and use product Link Rewrite as a search term. To enter placeholder, simply enter @ character and system will offer you available parameters. Note that the @ character can't be inside word, so you might need to first write space, then hit @, and remove space after you select placeholder. 


The result should look like this:



Every time someone opens product page that matches conditions, he will be redirected to google search page with friendly url / link rewrite as a search query. You can test this on my demo account for Price Alert product.

I hope this gives you idea how to implement your redirection rules. You can do this for other type of pages as well (say category page).


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