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Customizing thirty bees (newbie question)


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I am at the step of choosing the appropriate CMS for my project. I code a bit but my web knowledge is quite poor and it's the 1st time is will use a CMS.

I will have at first only 1 product, maybe some more later, and I would like to explain the stuff on the first page before proposing to buy (show the price etc) on another page, like on like www.hopoli.com

My questions are: 

- will I need to buy a theme if I want to remove the buying possibility on the 1st page ? And to remove all the things that I don't need on the original theme (search, currency, sign in, carousel, product selection menu, grid or list buttons, etc)

Or can I remove them in the back office ?

- if yes, I guess the only place to find a theme is on prestashop, since there is only one on the TB website ?

- the designer guide in the docs is empty, is it normal ?

Thanks you !

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Hi Jackflyer,

I am quite new to TB too but I'll give you my humble opinion;

12 minutes ago, jackflyer said:

- will I need to buy a theme if I want to remove the buying possibility on the 1st page ? And to remove all the things that I don't need on the original theme (search, currency, sign in, carousel, product selection menu, grid or list buttons, etc)

There's no need to buy a theme, using a bit of css is quite simple to achieve what you are looking for, plus you can use some css to  make the standard template look like hopoli's website. Also, to be able to remove the search, currency, sign in, carousel, etc, you can just deactivate those modules in the home or just hide them using css. Yes, you can remove them from the B.O.


18 minutes ago, jackflyer said:

- if yes, I guess the only place to find a theme is on prestashop, since there is only one on the TB website ?

Not all themes will work, so be careful with that, but there's a couple of themes that i know that work for TB and have support for TB.

Said that, my recomendation is that you get a free hosting or work in local using xampp, install TB and start playing with it a bit.

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9 hours ago, jackflyer said:

- if yes, I guess the only place to find a theme is on prestashop, since there is only one on the TB website ?

We're busy improving the product, this page is a bit behind. thirty bees 1.1.0 actually comes with two themes. The other one can be seen here:


Back office to the left, front office (what your visitors see) to the right.

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On 8/17/2019 at 12:07 PM, SeaSky said:

Said that, my recomendation is that you get a free hosting or work in local using xampp, install TB and start playing with it a bit.

Nice idea ! That's what I am doing and start to understand how it works. Sometime I can rely on the PS documentation. 

Thank you for your replies

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In order to be move your logo position, you'll need to understand the bootstrap structure at first and modify the smarty themes files .tpl.

header.tpl is the place where your logo is loaded.. but what do you want to do exactly ?


For the block languages & block top menu, you can  try to modify the position of the hooks for theses modules, if that does not work as you wish you'll need to modify tpl files and css files maybe as well, that needs understanding of the whole process to not break responsiveness of the theme

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Basicaly everything can be repositioned or changed if you know how to edit and style the template and css files.

So if you want something unique, than its time to start reading about css styling and template editing.

Good starting point would be:


I'm stil using Default Community theme in my shop, but have modified it so it fits my needs and made it mobile friendy,

as 90% of my customers make their orders through mobile devices.

shop.alza-racing.com is where I run thirtybees for 18 months now, after migration from Prestashop which I was runing for full 7 years.





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