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How to block emails to Customer services


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Hey all

On Friday evening I started to get emails from this specific address @qq.com every email starts off with a different number so ex is [email protected] with loads of Chinese writing.I eventually turned it off after receiving around 2000 at around 11pm last night. Turned it back on now and they are still coming in thick and fast


That's just 1 line ...Anyway how can I go about blocking these

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If all attacks comes from the same ip address than you can block the ip address on your nginx/apache server block.

if not and you need to block it on the code level, than you should make an override to ContactController postProcess function and check the email domain and block it there.

$emailParts = explode( '@', $email_address );

$emailDomain = end($emailParts);

if ($emailDomain == 'qq.com') {
	// do something


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create a file "ContactController.php" and place it inside "override/controllers/front" folder.

the file should look like this.

class ContactController extends ContactControllerCore {
	public function postProcess() {
		$email_address = Tools::convertEmailToIdn(trim(Tools::getValue('from')));
		$emailParts = explode( '@', $email_address );
		$emailDomain = end($emailParts);
		if ($emailDomain == 'qq.com') {
			header('HTTP/1.1 403 FORBIDDEN');
  			header('Status: 403 No China here!!!');
  			header("Location: https://www.qq.com/");
		return parent::postProcess();

i think it should work, don't have time to test it right now.

you should delete cache/class_index.php as well

Edited by yaniv14
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