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Wrong Country Showing from Order


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Under orders tab when I go to print out either a Invoice or Delivery Slip on a order I end up with with the wrong country under my Shop Name.. I did a quick google search and there was 1 that said put the country under Contact details.

But hasn't made a difference , it still says United States..

Any other ideas as to how I can get it to say United Kingdom

Using Latest Version and Panda 1.5.1


Edited by AndyC
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Yeah sure


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I do have Store Contacts ..Is that it ... I've filled it all in with my correct address etc ,as a google search said that could be a issue.

Weird thing is it was working fine up until December. So between then and now something has changed 

It also seems to have changed format as before it has the address twice on the top ,now only once


Edited by AndyC
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And with that I have found the issue ...Went back though everything I had done in the past couple of weeks .... It's a module "Super Abandon Cart"...Been UN-installed. 

Another thing ticked off my list ... Now just have to work on the chex module   

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