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Let us know what changes you've made to Core

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So we all know that many of us during development sometimes land up making changes to TB Core files (gasp!). This is usually out of necessity, to fix bugs encountered or add basic stuff that should be there or that was omitted by the original Prestashop devs for whatever reason. Or sometimes it's just plain naivety 😉

In an ideal world one should not be modifying Core files, for obvious reasons.

However sometimes it is a valid change... 

So let us know what you've changed and why. Maybe if it's valid we can update Core, thereby limiting the need for you to add something or fix something that should already be there or should have been fixed already.

And no, we won't judge or persecute 😉

Let us know below 

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1) After every update we have to revert search.php to an old PS 1.6 file as our SKU’s (reference code) contain special characters (*, -, / etc) and the current search cannot search properly

2) We have to change default settings for length of titles (256), reference codes (64) This is in tables and files.

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  • 2 months later...

1. Modified /classes/Address.php so it converts user entered data into uppercase - every first letter of the word Uppercase and rest of the word in lowercase like in bottom sample.

$this->firstname = ucwords(strtolower($this->firstname));


2. Modified /controller/Contactcontroller.php so it does not send copy of email to customer when sending us a message through contact form.

3. Modified /controller/OrderController.php so it allows me to use 3 page checkout where address and carrier selection are on same page.

4. Modified extended carrier options which I understand it will soon become part of the core

Edited by toplakd
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