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Wishlist - For me and my clients


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I am currently changing my PS shops to TB. My clients are also very satisfied with the results of the tests and the results. For the core programming there are small wishes to include this in the system, without which there are problems with the next update with the overrides.

  • Modules sorted alphabetically in the list
  • product features multiple value
  • The order number would be the most important. For example 3 Shops with order numbers SJUWEDH or HSUHZ5 or XD56SDF makes it difficult to find work in payment receipt by means of bank transfer, to search in every shop, where the order number belongs, if the customer only the order number in the intended use of the bank transfer.

And not to forget: Thanks to the team - a great performance with TB.

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@zimmer-media said in Wishlist - For me and my clients:

I am currently changing my PS shops to TB. My clients are also very satisfied with the results of the tests and the results.

Congratulations and thank you!

  • Modules sorted alphabetically in the list I like this suggestion!

  • product features multiple value

  • The order number would be the most important. For example 3 Shops with order numbers SJUWEDH or HSUHZ5 or XD56SDF makes it difficult to find work in payment receipt by means of bank transfer, to search in every shop, where the order number belongs, if the customer only the order number in the intended use of the bank transfer.

Thanks to @Havouza for bringing the free module by @Daresh to our attention:


It lets you change LETTERS to numbers for customer order reference numbers

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@alwayspaws Here's another module with even more options!



I just uninstalled it though, was afraid it would mess with my payment module and am tired of hunting down fixes. I have tried both.

For now I'm sticking with stock. Had enough headaches with the gift card module!

@Nemo has a tutorial as well http://nemops.com/prestashop-replace-order-references-with-ids/

This module generates random numbers instead of letters that seems to work; No chance of a bad word accidentally being generated for an order :) https://github.com/mcdado/bnorderreferencenumeric/releases

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@vzex Thanks, but I like the module by @daresh and used it for the previous two versions of my site. Before finding Daresh's FREE (bonus points to @Daresh!) module, I did use Nemo's tutorial - two years ago. It was one of the very first annoyances I found after getting away from Magento.

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@alwayspaws main issue is when I tried to redeem to code....nothing happened.

That's when I TRIED to delete the module. It was nearly impossible. Had already deleted the existing gift cards which it requires and it still would not delete.

Think it's a bit messy and I'm trying to get away from messy modules. Had to manually delete it from database and files from host!

Great idea, loved it but hard pass.

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