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Some text on the contact form is not translate to French, how to fix this?



Hello people, I have cloned the Niara theme so I can do some modification to it.

I am on Thirtybees Bleeding Edge 1.5 under PHP8.1

My website is in English and French.

I've noticed that on the contact form, some texts are not translated in French. I have searched in the Backoffice Translation but could not find the text that needs translation.

Here are the texts that need translation, the subject heading "Customer service" and "Webmaster" (inside the drop-down menu)

The text : "For any question about a product, an order" when Customer service is selected and "If a technical problem occurs on this website" when Webmaster is selected.

I did not notice if this was also a problem when I was on the original Niara theme.

Can anyone help me solve this problem?

Would using the "Copy" French Language pack from the original Niara theme to the new cloned theme (Niara2) in the Backoffice Translation menu fix this problem or this problem is present in the original Niara Theme?




Edited by papagino
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On the Create an account page, if you leave the email field blank and click on "Create an account" button, a "Please fill out this field." error appears and if you enter a non-valid email address, the error, "Please enter an email address." appear. How do I translate "Please fill out this field." and "Please enter an email address." errors?

Also, when guess checkout is enabled, and don't select anything in the drop-down menu for the Province/State and click on the "Proceed to checkout" button, you get the error "Please select an item in the list.", how do I translate this error in French?

Could not find these in the "Error message translations" under Localization/Translations of the Backoffice.

Any help would be appreciated.




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7 hours ago, papagino said:

On the Create an account page, if you leave the email field blank and click on "Create an account" button, a "Please fill out this field." error appears and if you enter a non-valid email address, the error, "Please enter an email address." appear. How do I translate "Please fill out this field." and "Please enter an email address." errors?

Also, when guess checkout is enabled, and don't select anything in the drop-down menu for the Province/State and click on the "Proceed to checkout" button, you get the error "Please select an item in the list.", how do I translate this error in French?

Could not find these in the "Error message translations" under Localization/Translations of the Backoffice.

Any help would be appreciated.




Regarding those you should be able to translate all front office lines in Localizations->Translations->Front Office. There you translate the majority of well coded plugins, errors, themes, etc.

Regarding the browse button I've disabled file uploads but I believe it's text is displayed based on the customer's browser localization settings. If I'm wrong and this is not the case you should also be able to find a string with 'browse' in the same location above.

Best regards,

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7 hours ago, the.rampage.rado said:

Regarding those you should be able to translate all front office lines in Localizations->Translations->Front Office. There you translate the majority of well coded plugins, errors, themes, etc.

Regarding the browse button I've disabled file uploads but I believe it's text is displayed based on the customer's browser localization settings. If I'm wrong and this is not the case you should also be able to find a string with 'browse' in the same location above.

Best regards,

Hi, thanks for the reply, I did look inside Localizations->Translations->Front Office and the messages above were not in there.

(I clicked on "Expand all fieldsets" then used "Ctrl F" to search for the messages to be translated, but they were not there.)

This is on Thirtybees Bleeding Edge 1.5, anyone with this version should be able to confirm the problem with unable to translate those messages.


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1 hour ago, datakick said:

These are not texts from thirty bees. It is browser native validation support. The html input is marked as 'required', and browser will display these balloons automatically when nothing is entered.

That make sense...


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