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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. Guys please relax. Soon its weekend 😏
  2. Well that could take a multiple failed orders till it works again. I just wanted to add the important php graphic, to illustrate that this issue has not so much todo with TB: So very soon php7 won't be supported anymore. It means the same trouble for all prestashop 1.6 shops. If you are lucky, some module devs still fix their modules. If not, you should either look for an alternative module or let it fix. I have no experience in this, but I would expect that most modules can be fixed in 1-2 hours. Ofc I might be wrong.
  3. All good 🙂 I just tried to explain in clear words. The questions about a new theme comes up a lot lately. "more attractive and intuitive" sounds good. But every merchants has a different view on it. Personally I try to simplify everything for my customer. Taking away all element that arent needed. And my main goal is to make it almost as mobile friendly as an app. But it's easier said than done.
  4. Thats a very important part. Nowdays I try to code as clean as possible, but from time to time I say myself "fuck off". Example: why should I invest a week for having customization in the theme, if I don't use this at all 🙂
  5. I don't understand, what this devBlinders do!? If it's just about fixing and improving a little, they could submit PRs to prestashop. Optically it looks the same as classical theme. The last commit was 9 months ago... The hummingbird project is more interesting to me, but I am also sceptical: So it breaks everything, but is no rewrite either. What is it then? Some guys would say: a typical prestashop project. To reply your intital question, why there is no collaboration... It's a huge workload. Jollyfrog is not even active here and I haven't seen any real value from him. @zen has done his cisero theme. @datakick has other stuff to do. @toplakd and I are merchants. So we might be working on things, that is not intented to be public. The theme I am working on since months is just for me. I would only reconsider with a clear approach from community, what a new theme needs and if it's financed in some ways.
  6. @datakick Do you use any expires values? I followed some examples from google, but can't make it work. Google PageSpeed Insights always says, there aren't set. How would this done be correctly? location ~* \.(woff)$ { expires 300d; add_header Pragma "public"; add_header Cache-Control "public"; } I tried this one. I am using nginx and cloudflare. Not sure if cloudflare has any impact on that 🤔
  7. Thats not the whole error message... Maybe it's simpler for you to post a screenshot.
  8. @zen You offer webp support with your theme. Did this take any special settings or is it just about setting the config.xml file?
  9. I don't know. I haven't used this module before. But IMO my code is 100% compatible with TB core. I guess only you can tell, if the new core can replace this module. I would be a little surprised, if you still need it as the new core will be quite powerful with features...
  10. Just my thoughts on this: I can see the point for this feature and it can be useful for other merchants. But it's not a feature that was asked that often in the past. In addition it's not easy to implement at all... I know not a single "new" feature, that already exists. I guess you are talking about my "Multiple Features PR". As you see in my thread: multiple persons like it a lot. I think you still haven't understood, that I am not even part of the tb team. My PR is basically a "gift" that took me probably more than hundred hours. Why you are supporting this project? Ofc that's up to you, but all guys now using TB or PS 1.6 are fucked up in a few months, if development doesn't continue. I have asked it many times: which open source ecommerce software is better? Haven't got any names. Please also check github and the recent forum posts from @datakick. This is why you support it. He works so hard to hold this project on and make it even better. From github I would say that this software is much more alive than a year ago. 🙂
  11. Yeah I was in some exchange with @zen , but we are following a different approach. He was basically updating an existing theme to modern standards. I start from stratch and implement a new system with components (basically I implement my own framework). I use Tailwindcss, which is no classical css framework. As it looks now, I won't need any JS Framework at all. I don't like to have a lot of dependencies. Today I have just coded my own blockcart functionality. It's not even a third of coding lines of the original blockcart. JavaScript advanced a lot since this modules/themes were created. If you want you can go to genzo.ch and see some progress. But only homepage and category pages are done to some extend.
  12. I am basically doing that right now. The workload is sick, but I believe it's worth it (for me). My demo site feels so much better than my current shop 😏
  13. After some further tests, you are right. jv80.se is faster (once you have loded the page fully). But the for the first call both are very slow. I would guess it is some caching setting. But you could turn on profiling in BO and check if it tells any interesting difference. Edit: even the homepage has double size 66.0 kB to 30.4kB. I don't know what this exactly means, but it clearly says this two pages are not as similair as you think... Check also console. There is a cookie issue on jv74.se that isnt on jv80.se.
  14. Both feel slow to me. They arent the same. One loads ajaxSetPrice.php, which seems to be not super fast. But as I understand, that is the shop, that you define as fast (jv80.se).
  15. I can understand this need. 😏 I need it myself somehow. It's on my "planned" list. But I won't integrate it soon. I first want to see the "basic" version be integrated. When this happened and works fine, I will improve it further 🙂
  16. You should use the right technique. Design changes need to happen in themes and functional changes in core should happen with overrides. TBH I am no more sure, if overrding in modules is easily possible. Maybe this one works: https://build.prestashop.com/howtos/module/how-to-override-modules/ Another way is to take part in official development. If your PR are merged, you won't have the upgrade issue at all 🙂 But ofc not all things can be merged... Not upgrading can be very risky for security (see other topics these days).
  17. Ofc not. But it might be helpful to know. Maybe the chain doesn't exist 1 to 1 in tb. Where does this information come from? I would guess, that this can only be true, if you are already infected...
  18. Is there even one TB shop with an issue right now? 🤔
  19. As Petr clearly pointed out: just deactivate the mysql cache. IMO you should anyway not use it... Are you using it? Unfortunately security is still my weakness in coding. I understand, that there is some sql injection possibility. Prestashop seems to believe, that it happens in caching. But the fix does irritate me. There is already pSQL() in use. They just replaced it with another encrypt method.
  20. I guess, this is the plan. But @datakick has to decide it and he has other works to do, that are more important right now (PHP 8).
  21. True, thats a good way to handle it. But when you segment your traffic, you can basically stop to compare your conversion to any conversion rate from any random study/blog post. That's why I prefer to just improve my own conversion rate, than to compare it to other. I basically compare my conversion rate to my conversion rate in the past 🙂
  22. Sure. That can be the case. Either the function was not simple enough or there is just no need for it. If the latter is the case, it's best to remove it. It was just an example 🙂 In general: only you can evaluate the situation of your shop. If your orders are declining it can have many reasons. Some that you can influence, some that you can't...
  23. This is a very complex topic, that doesn't have any simple answers. In general conversion rates numbers are bullshit. I give you my example. We produced some quite helpful content about boardgames. For example when you search "learning chess" on german. We get a lot of clicks. 99.99% of this visitors just read and don't buy anything. The other 0.01% buys something. As this is one of the most visited page on our site it pulls our "global" conversion rate down a lot. Do I care? No, not at all. I prefer to have this few orders, than having a higher conversion rate. How do I know, that guy who just ordered, didn't visit my blog post a few weeks ago with his mobile and is now ordering with his desktop? So all this measuring stuff is very tricky. Still conversion rates are somehow important ofc. They are mainly helpful when you plan to make changes. Then you compare before and after conversion rates. This is much better than comparing conversion rates to other websites... Merchants should focus on customer experience. What can you do, to make life of your customer simpler? Is your mobile version good enough? Does your search deliver good results? Does your site load fast? Do you answer all frequent questions on your site? Compare your site with the best sites in your niche. What do they make better? What do you make better? Then also compare it with the biggest ecommerce site in your country. What can you learn from them? I have a list of about 50 shops called "best practice". I check them regular and learn much. And maybe most important: take your current customer serious. What do they like on your store? What do they don't like? Just ask them 🙂 In my example I learnt, that I need to bring back the wishlist function. In your store that could be something completly different: "Delayed shipping", "Customer support by phone", "Some new brand" or whatever 😏
  24. As far as I know, right now tb is not compatible with php8. But it soon should be 😏
  25. Thanks a lot! If we are lucky this will be in 1.4 together with php8 support. That would be really new heights 😎
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