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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. {include file="../../helpers/form/form.tpl" fields=[['form' => ['input' => [['type' => 'text', 'name' => 'buddy', 'lang' => true]]]]]} I will try using something like this. Not super nice ofc, but IMO a lot better than duplicate code over and over again... Will keep you updated, if something like this is working or not.
  2. Very hard to reproduce. Now I managed to see a product double as well. Strangely once there is an addition "tax included".
  3. What is the best way to add multiple lang fields in BO? I am working on the admin-dev\themes\default\template\controllers\products\features.tpl file. I just want to add another lang field like the custom value field. Is this seriously that complex or is there another way? I would believe that I could use an "include" or so. 🙄
  4. Good Point. I thought about that once too. Back then I thought, the prefix/suffix would allow the default usage of units. So that you could define it directly in a feature to always add "mm" for example. But now thinking again, I guess you are right. The "displayable" is more flexible and simpler. The unit thing could be implemented anyway (but for now it's not important). Damn why did I already start to code 😂 Luckily most things will stay similair. So in general you like the idea and you would merge it, if it's well tested?
  5. Yeah it's done with checkboxes. IMO we can improve this with chosen components. For myself I will also implement a prefix/suffix feature. I will propose this for publicity too, but we will see, if there is any interest for it. Prefix and Suffix can help filter modules. An example. You use a feature "Awards" and have the feature_value "Oscar". Then you can use suffix for the year. So it will be displayed "Oscar (1997)". But the filter value is still just "Oscar". I hope the concept is more or less clear 🙂 It can also be helpful for Units 😏
  6. Anybody else preferring chosen select compared to the default select? @datakick is there a reason, why it was not used? If you like it, I will make a PR.
  7. Finally I updated yesterday to bleeding edge. Seems to work fine. 😎 👍 Will now looking into multiple features and improve it 🙂
  8. Probably its a module delivered by your theme. Maybe the module is even called "sellingpoints"!? Otherwise I would search for "html" and "configurator/configuration" in modules list and check them all.
  9. Is there any news on that? Is it really not compatible with v3? I get more SPAM recently over the contact form with v2.
  10. So you both were on catalog mode? Or is there still an issue left?
  11. Oh I just found a function called "basename()". Never heard of it before. With that it's pretty straightforward: $link->getBaseLink().basename(_PS_ADMIN_DIR_).'/'.$link->getAdminLink('AdminDashboard', false)
  12. I wondered, how it's possible to generate absolute urls for the backoffice? I know ofc, that I could hardcode this, but what would be the correct way of doing it? The goal is something like: https://www.domain.com/admin2389/index.php?controller=AdminDashboard (basically the "admin2389" part is unclear to me) I need this to take actions from a link in an email, that was sent to the admin. Is there any risk invovled @datakick?
  13. I would guess that changing SELECT active to "SELECT c.active" could work. But I am not sure, if this is also the intended thing. In general there are two "active" table columns and the dev didn't tell, which one he means... You should show us the whole SQL query...
  14. Yeah thats why I suspect anything in the server logs. You surely have something like cPanel or Plesk right? There you will find something called "log"/"logs" or so. It often gives important information, when such an error appears. Have you updated your php version or done any change on server side recently?
  15. Do you have debug mode on? Is there anything in your server log?
  16. wakabayashi


    I dont understand your question exactly. Internal linking means normally, that you link to usefal pages of your own website. This makes it easier for your visitor to navigate and find the interesting content. For search engines it helps, to understand which of your internal sites are related in some ways. So yes: setting accesories could be a good example for internal linking.
  17. Do I understand right, that no order is created? Maybe you should check your server logs.
  18. Who of you is already using the 1.3 version? How does it work out for you? 🙂
  19. Combinations are different (physical) products. Imagine you sell a t-shirt in different colors. Like: Red, Blue, Green ... Multiple features is (always) the same product. Imagine you want to list the material your t-shirt contains. Like: 80% cotton, 10% polyester, 5% bla ... So combinations means that a customer needs to select it, while ordering (otherwise you don't know what to ship). Combinations can also have impact on a price. For multiple features this is both not relevant...
  20. Did your list always looked that "old fashioned"? Or was it like that before: What is your browser console saying?
  21. Ok for my case I understand the problem. But not for yours. I just noticed that there is warning when deleting a critical category: Are you using multistore? Can you please check your ps_configuration mysql table for 'PS_HOME_CATEGORY' and 'PS_ROOT_CATEGORY'? Is it the same value? Is it even equal 1?
  22. I have something similair too 😂 Ok seriously it's not fun at all, but I named my category like this: It's warning to never delete "Fake" category. Maybe it's the same issue. I guess it's somehow kind of a root category. Atm I don't have time to search for the bug. I agree with @nickz check your backup. Check, what id the category had and add it again. You can add a normal category and then just try to change the id in the database.
  23. TB is an improved and stable version of 1.6. But let's be honest, if we all look at all bugs and bad desings PS 1.6 has, TB could maybe solve 10% of it and 90% is still left. The Dev Team is very small, but IMO very powerful. The few people working on code here, know the system pretty well. If you deliver a PR on github with the fix, it will sooner or later be implemented. The rule is basically, that another Dev needs to check the PR first. Yeah you are right. But this sentence is not specific. What are you talking exactly about? I am using multistore since years. It has it's bugs, but you can work with it. Did the same here. But why using other coding language? I prefer to write everything in PHP, so it could be merged in future. Hard to say. Taxes were improved. There were multiple bugs, especially about rounding too early... Right. And we didn't make an serious improvement on this. Often such things can't be changed so easily, because it would break some modules/themes. I don't like it either, but it doesn't harm my shop much. This influences my shop probably for 0.00001% if it will be sucessful or not. I think, you know what I mean. Why don't you just set up a test TB and play a bit around? Obviously you can also check github, to see what happened in the past.
  24. Never heard of it. A screenshot would surely help a bit. Also what is the exact error message? "too many entries" leads to no result in my quick fulltext search of tb files...
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