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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. Did you lost connection or was there a standby? I think, I had the same, when my laptop was switching to standby modus ;)
  2. wakabayashi


    Which sitemap module? I think user should define, what should be in. Of course there should be option for categories, products, blog, manufactures, suppliers and cms pages.
  3. Hello I know, that we have some server experts here. Maybe somebody could explain, how caching is working. It confuses me, that there are many different caching methods. As far as I know, I have the following: nginx cache redis cache smarty cache full page cache Additional there is the browser cache, right? Which one is doing what? Where are the risks? I am always afraid that visitor could see outdated informations. Let's say I change price of a product. Is there a risk, that customer sees the old price? What if I change tpl files?
  4. wakabayashi

    Which tpl

    Nice! Good Night!
  5. wakabayashi

    Which tpl

    This is core tpl file. It's not a module. Just go to your theme folder and search for cms.tpl.
  6. wakabayashi

    Which tpl

    Tipp: You can find this out very easily by your own. Just use a modern browser where you can select an element to inspect it. It shows immediately that its h1. To find out which tpl file, you just read body id="". The id normally tells you the tpl file!
  7. wakabayashi

    Which tpl

    Well then just open cms.tpl and search for
  8. wakabayashi

    Which tpl

    Oh one second. You wanna remove really the header? Or the headline?
  9. wakabayashi

    Which tpl

    If it's a cms page it's cms.tpl. It's easier to help if you send a link, so we can see the source code!
  10. I doubt he will fix it, since he doesn't even upgrade his module anymore...
  11. This is the blog module from kpodemksi. I have some issues to make it work. It seems to be caused by the rewrite system. Unfortunately this module now even breaks other frontControllers. For example I get: Fatal error: Call to a member function isAccessGranted() on null in /home/genzo/publichtml/modules/phsimpleblog/controllers/front/single.php on line 33 But when commenting this function out, I get a 404 error. @mdekker could you solve this?
  12. There is a menu "topic tools". I can do it there. But not sure, if it is because I am moderator. Anyway: somebody did it :D
  13. You are welcome! Feel free to mark it as "solved".
  14. ``` {$blocktitle1|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} {foreach from=$blocks1 item=block name=loop} {if $block.link}{/if}{if $block.title}{$block.title|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}{if $block.link}{/if} {/foreach} ``` Try it like this...
  15. @Havouza said in How create a link like this?: This is the code in the tpl. To me it looks if a target is hardcoded here, all links will open in a new tab. Solution for that is to only place links here that should open outside the shop <ul id="footercustom_link_informations"> <li class="footercustom_link_title footercustom_title">{$blocktitle1|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</li> {foreach from=$blocks1 item=block name=loop} <li>{if $block.link}<a href="{$block.link|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$block.title|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">{/if}{if $block.title}{$block.title|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}{if $block.link}</a>{/if}</li> {/foreach} </ul> Yeah you could solve it in your tpl file. The solution which comes to my mind is a bit ugly. But you could use something like: {if $block.id==anynumber}target="_blank"{/if} I don't use this module, so I don't know if you have access to the id...
  16. You have html error in it. You mess up with quote sign ("). Yours: <a href="https://webadmin-lin.demo.plesk.com:8443/smb target =&quot;_blank&quot;" title="Plesk Control Panel">Plesk Control Panel</a> Correct: <a href="https://webadmin-lin.demo.plesk.com:8443/smb" target ="_blank" title="Plesk Control Panel">Plesk Control Panel</a>
  17. @Traumflug said in Onepage Check-out like presta 1.7: I wonder all the time why people ask for a one-page checkout all the time. There is one, right in thirty bees, standard installation. Just enable it in Backoffice -> Preferences -> Orders -> General. Works just nicely. Is this the same as in PS? Cause this is no real onepage checkout. User have to save address first. But to be honest, I wonder too why so many are screaming for one page checkout. Our experience shows that people get confused, when they have to fill in too much on a single site. I only like one pages checkout for registered customers with saved addresses.
  18. I am not yet on tb on live server and removed the font from my theme ;)
  19. Oh yeah Michael is right :D @mdekker why is it done like this? It confuses me a lot ^^
  20. Not sure if this is problem. The phone icon on the top is loaded...
  21. I see... Not sure what is the problem, since I add FontAwesome by CDN. Try to add this to global.css .fa-check:before { content: "\f00c"; }
  22. But where is the page, which doesn't work?
  23. Hm I don't understand your problem. Is your site live? Or can you show us your html code?
  24. You can use cms.css file, which is in your theme folder. If you wanna have specific rule for one page, you can use selector "#cms-id". Ofc you should replace id with the number.
  25. Did my method not work, or you just decided to make a new installation?
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