That was a helpful hint, thank you. I have figured out that it was not the criteria but certain languages that were missing a translation in the core folder of Revws. The translations for Revws were registered only in the theme folder but not in the core folder (I don't understand when one needs to have translations of modules in the core and when in the theme folder). I've updated the translations for the core and now everything works.
Might this be something for the thirtybees team? It plugs into github and uses AI to translate. 10k words are free per month. It could help tb add new languages and perhaps also improve the quality of exisiting translations.
Have others also been receiving 0 star reviews (with an empty review value in the database)? The link in the email looks fine to me: (PLACEHOLDER)
I have noticed that many customers do not actually read the text of the various payment methods but just look at the symbols. Which is why many do not realise we offer credit card payments and are unhappy. I think it would be a good idea to change the Stripe module logo with a credit card logo. Is this something @datakickwould want to introduce into the module or is it for the individual store owner?