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Everything posted by 30knees

  1. The developer doesn't have time, unfortunately. If anybody has the skills and time to do it here, please let me know.
  2. @Occam Is it maybe payment.tpl and not displayPaymentInfo.tpl? I don't have the latter, for example in bankwire and Stripe, but I do have the former in those modules. Though eg not in the PayPal module.
  3. Hi, I'd be interested in developing this module: https://github.com/vblanch/cryptocurrencypsmodule for thirty bees. I also just contacted the author of the module about doing so. I'll post if/what he replies.
  4. OK, thanks for the tip. I'll look around for a different one. Which one do you use?
  5. @Occam I clicked through the different modules, but I didn't find in the file displayPaymentInfo.tpl. Where should I look?
  6. Also, why do the payment methods look (different logos) and why are they named differently depending on whether ‘Advanced Checkout Page’ in the Advanced EU Compliance module is activated? Shouldn't their names and logos be consistent throughout?
  7. Hi all, Two questions: Is the PayPal Sandbox always US? I'm testing the module and the PayPal checkout page (where you log in to PayPal) is always US based, regardless of the billing address entered during the checkout. The PayPal checkout page should recognize the billing address and tailor the page accordingly. So if it's a German address, the PayPal checkout page should be in German. The PayPal checkout page has a thirty bees artisanal coffee and tea logo behind the PayPal iframe. Where can I change the logo?
  8. @Occam Thanks, a good tip! So, it looks like the Bitcoin HD module was based on the "Pay by Check" module. I found this in it's file: ``` public function hookDisplayPaymentEU($params) { if (!$this->active || !$this->checkCurrency($params['cart']) || !$this->checkConfiguration()) { return; } $payment_options = array( 'cta_text' => $this->l('Pay by Check'), 'logo' => Media::getMediaPath(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $this->name . '/cheque.jpg'), 'action' => $this->context->link->getModuleLink($this->name, 'validation', array(), true) ); return $payment_options; } ``` And then I also noticed that the payment method "Pay by Check" is shown, even though I don't have it activated. It turns out the AEUC translation label for the module is "Pay by Check". I changed that now to "Pay by Bitcoin" and the payment method is shown now in AEUC as "Pay by Bitcoin". Do let me know if there is anything else I should do to clean the module up a bit.
  9. Hi, I'm getting the following error when I try to finalise a purchase using this Bitcoin module. The orders are ultimately captured, however. Does anyone have an idea for a fix? Thank you [ThirtyBeesDatabaseException] Unknown column 'bitcoin_address' in 'field list' SELECT `bitcoin_address` FROM `tb_orders` WHERE `id_order` = '5' LIMIT 1 at line 797 in file classes/db/Db.php 792. if ($webserviceCall && $errno) { 793. $dbg = debug_backtrace(); 794. WebserviceRequest::getInstance()->setError(500, '[SQL Error] '.$this->getMsgError().'. From '.(isset($dbg[3]['class']) ? $dbg[3]['class'] : '').'->'.$dbg[3]['function'].'() Query was : '.$sql, 97); 795. } elseif (_PS_DEBUG_SQL_ && $errno && !defined('TB_INSTALLATION_IN_PROGRESS')) { 796. if ($sql) { 797. throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException($this->getMsgError().'<br /><br /><pre>'.$sql.'</pre>'); 798. } 799. 800. throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException($this->getMsgError()); 801. } 802. } DbCore->displayError - [line 460 - classes/db/Db.php] - [1 Arguments] DbCore->query - [line 710 - classes/db/Db.php] - [1 Arguments] DbCore->getRow - [line 740 - classes/db/Db.php] - [2 Arguments] DbCore->getValue - [line 741 - modules/bitcoinhd/bitcoinhd.php] - [1 Arguments] BitcoinHD->generateBitcoinAddress - [line 700 - modules/bitcoinhd/bitcoinhd.php] - [1 Arguments] BitcoinHD->hookActionGetExtraMailTemplateVars - [line 771 - classes/Hook.php] - [1 Arguments] HookCore::coreCallHook - [line 487 - classes/Hook.php] - [3 Arguments] HookCore::execWithoutCache - [line 280 - classes/Hook.php] - [7 Arguments] HookCore::exec - [line 389 - classes/Mail.php] - [4 Arguments] MailCore::Send - [line 510 - classes/order/OrderHistory.php] - [13 Arguments] OrderHistoryCore->sendEmail - [line 422 - classes/order/OrderHistory.php] - [2 Arguments] OrderHistoryCore->addWithemail - [line 949 - classes/module/PaymentModule.php] - [2 Arguments] PaymentModuleCore->validateOrder - [line 61 - modules/bitcoinhd/controllers/front/validation.php] - [9 Arguments] BitcoinHDValidationModuleFrontController->postProcess - [line 355 - classes/controller/Controller.php] ControllerCore->run - [line 743 - classes/Dispatcher.php] DispatcherCore->dispatch - [line 33 - index.php] ```
  10. What's the status of the German translations on CrowdIn? @eleazar Is it just needing to approve now because you uploaded everything already?
  11. The module has the displayPaymentEU hook, so it looks like it is something else. Any ideas on how to figure out what it might be? It's only the Advanced AEUC checkout where the payment method isn't shown. It's shown on the standard AEUC checkout.
  12. Strange: I have 1.0.2., but the file was still the old version. Any idea why this could be? However, updating didn't help. I still get the exact same error.
  13. Can't find any error.log file, unfortunately. :(
  14. That's the only error I got, unfortunately. It shows up on the page: Localization>Translations after using the copy from theme A to theme B function.
  15. Hi, I tried to copy translations from the community theme to the theme I'm using through the backend, but I got the following error: Table 'sjlkjsll.tbtbattachment_lang' doesn't exist SELECT * FROM `tb_tb_attachment_lang` WHERE (`id_lang` = 1) Can someone else confirm this bug or is it something with my shop?
  16. Is there a way to give eg Shipping costs a fixed tax rate regardless of the shopping cart contents until the bugs have been fixed? Ideally, the carrier prices would then always be incl. taxes of X%.
  17. Here's a feature suggestion you can vote on: https://thirtybees.com/suggestions/filter-delivery-slips-generation-by-order-status/ Currently, the bulk delivery slip generator works only by dates. I think being able to filter according to order status would be a big improvement - at least for our workflow. I'd use the different PDF files generated for different recipients, and I could filter nicely according to the order status.
  18. @mdekker I think generally you're right, though in Germany the legal opinion is divided whether displaying the shipping costs directly before the "Buy now" step is enough or whether you need to show them also before. However, something else to take into consideration is that the link "Shipping excluded" (which should be changed to "plus shipping") next to the price on the product page leads to the shipping cost overview page. I don't think listing net shipping costs and explaining that the total will depend on a proportionate calculation makes sense.
  19. Bug report filed: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/326
  20. Thanks, @Occam! That means that if I have "Proportionate tax for shipping and wrapping" enabled the shipping rate will change dependent on the contents of the cart? Is there any way to fix this? That's really a big bug - we need to tell our customers in advance what the shipping rate is, but we can't if it's dynamic.
  21. @mdekker Ah, then the module probably doesn't have that hook. Is it an easy fix, just insert a piece of code somewhere in the module?
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