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Everything posted by 30knees

  1. The database entries under tb_country for two countries that belong to the same zone with the same carrier, where one works (Poland) and the other doesn't (Italy) are also the same. Is there any other place in the database I can check?
  2. The error is back, unfortunately, and we are no longer using OPC. I have the country, a zone, and a carrier. Any ideas for the trouble shooting?
  3. OK, that's it. :) I made the mistake of assuming all customers under customers are registered - this is different behaviour than my old shop. The customer is twice as a guest and once as a registered customer. So no bug after all.
  4. Hi, A customer has been able to register three times with the same email address. I am not able to do so, so I don't understand how this happened. The customer shows up three times in the backend under "Customers", with three different customer IDs. Also, if relevant for the bug hunting, the customer was unable to finalise their purchase and got the error that delivery to their address was not possible (even though the country has a zone and a carrier): There is 1 error There are no carriers that deliver to the address you selected. « Back The product selection cannot be delivered by the available carrier(s). Please amend your cart. Their address is also three times in the backend under Customers>Addresses (btw, I think it's a bit odd that the addresses don't show up when you click on the customer's details).
  5. 30knees

    I am back

    Welcome back and stay safe!
  6. @wakabayashi No, I haven't. Here in the forum people are always saying it's super buggy, so I thought best not to use it. What do you think?
  7. Strange, I don't have "Topic Tools". See my screenshot.
  8. I'd like to mark threads as solved and also choose the best post. Where do I do this?
  9. Yep, that was it! Thanks :)
  10. Solved: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUESTURI} ^/productinfo.php$ RewriteCond %{QUERYSTRING} ^productsid=5 RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.shop.com/index.php?id_product=17&controller=product [R=301,L]
  11. Hi, I have a suggestion on how to improve the page Catalog - Monitoring. It's a great idea, but poorly implemented. I think with a quick tweak it would be much more helpful. I'd like the page to show in a simple table format all products, their attributes, and the available stock. Please let me know what it would cost. I'd like to make this module available to the community. It would be even more awesome if one could also add stock from there, too.
  12. Thanks for sharing the solution!
  13. Just as an update, for now I am using https://coingate.com/plugins/prestashop
  14. I don't understand, sorry. Where do I check that? Additional information: I didn't have the blocklayered module installed, but now I do. Now I only get the error when I turn it off, not when I turn it on.
  15. Testing the PayPal checkout process, I noticed that the shop logo gets displayed in a fixed (and in my case squished) format on the first PayPal page you get transferred to, at the very top. I'm not sure where/how the logo gets pulled from, but if PayPal has a fixed format, perhaps there could be a field in the module to upload an image in that format. When I insepct the image, I get this code: <img ng-src="https://www.paypal.com/securecontent/image/LONGTOKEN" alt="Shop.com" ng-if="merchant.logo_url || merchant.imageUrl" xo-merchant-image-resize="" class="ng-scope" src="https://www.paypal.com/securecontent/image/LONGTOKEN" width="780" height="90"> 2. when a customer aborts the PayPal transaction, they get redirected to the beginning of the checkout process. I think being redirected to (AEUC) step 3 where you can directly select the payment method would be better: https://www.shop.com/index.php?controller=order&step=3 The excellent guide here https://docs.thirtybees.com/native-modules/paypal/ mentions entering the shop's privacy policy and terms. Which URL format should one use for multi-lingual shops? Can it be eg https://www.shop.com/index.php?idcms=3&controller=cms without the &idlang=2? Thanks!
  16. It was my mistake - there was an error in the live credentials. Sorry for the mess!
  17. 50 simultaneous users would be a dream! Still quite a way to go for that. But if the settings can't hurt I'll activate them once the shop is up and running smoothly.
  18. Thanks - I meant more should one activate them. :-) As in whether it makes sense.
  19. Thanks! Yes, with "configuration" I truly meant "activation".
  20. Strangely enough, in sandbox PayPal works fine, but in live mode I get stuck on this blank page https://www.shop.com/index.php?fc=module&module=paypal&controller=expresscheckout&id_lang=2 I've activated debug mode, but it doesn't show anything. In sandbox mode that URL redirects to the PayPal page.
  21. I get the following errors when I either turn off or on "friendly URL": 2 errors Keyword "{selected_filters}" required for route "layered_rule" (rule: "") Keyword "{rewrite}" required for route "layered_rule" (rule: "")
  22. Brilliant, now I understood how it works. Thanks! And for shop.com/specials "friendly URLs' need to be activated. And it will then redirect to the language version shop.com/en/specials or shop.com/de/sonderangebot, etc.
  23. OK, that solves part of the question (suppliers URL not working). Thanks!
  24. Hi, I went to Preferences > SEO & URLs and edited the (friendly) URLs, but when I visit them I get a 404. This happens both with friendly URLs activated and deactivated. So, for example, https://www.shop.com/index.php?controller=prices-drop (the original URL) works, but https://www.shop.com/index.php?controller=specials does not work. However, the original (ie I didn't add it) URL https://www.shop.com/index.php?controller=suppliers also doesn't work.
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