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Everything posted by spidawebs

  1. @Havouza Strange, I don't have it in my installation. See these screenshots comparing TB and PS
  2. I could change the CSS myself but I'm reluctant to do so as every time I upgrade I will lose all the changes. With the live configurator in Prestashop you could easily change the colour scheme of all the buttons etc. I wonder why this has feature has been removed?
  3. I can't even see the Live Configurator on my store. Where is it or has it been removed in Thirty Bees? I want to change the colour of my theme but can't see how to do it.
  4. I'm not sure how that happened in the screenshot as it shouldn't be possible! If you don't want to use a column you just need to select "Ignore this column". Yes, good idea, change it to something more relevant!
  5. They are there, they are just called something slightly different to the spreadsheet. So "Combinations Reference" is "Reference", Combination Name is "Attribute (Name:Type:Position)" etc etc
  6. @alwayspaws You need to do two imports. Firstly one for products. Match up all the columns required for new products and select ignore if they are relating to combinations. Then do another import for the combinations, this time select all the columns related to the combinations and ignore the ones related to new products. Once I have the fields all match I save each one (one for new products, one for combinations) so I don't have to keep manually selecting the headers everytime I do an import. Yes, you need to force all ID numbers so they import as in your spreadsheet. Otherwise PS may generate different ones and nothing will match up.
  7. You probably need a module to help you with this. Something like this: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/accounting-invoicing/8892-synthesis-accounting-with-vat.html
  8. @Havouza Just put the Royal Mail costs in up to 2KG for the countries in that zone and the DPD costs in for over 2KG. It doesn't matter if you break European countries up into 5 zones, just enter the same Royal Mail cost for the same zones.
  9. @alwayspaws What I do is put all the sizes in first with a semi colon such as this: small; medium; large; copy and paste those all the way down (7 times if you have 7 different colours) then you just need to add the colours after the semi colon. That way you could do 100 combinations in about a minute.
  10. @alwayspaws No the csv file will not create the combinations automatically, you need to enter them yourself but it really doesn't take long as you can drag the cells down to copy of lot of it and use copy/paste or find/replace where you have to. In openoffice you need to create two references and then drag the columns down and then it will automatically carry on the sequence. eg, enter 1000-1 1000-2 then highlight both cells and drag them down
  11. As long as all the combinations have the same product ID then it will match the combinations to the same product. So if you have a T-Shirt from Small to XXL in black and white, the columns for Product ID, Combination Ref, Product Name, Combination Name and Combination Value would be as follows: 1000, 1000-1, T-Shirt, Size;Colour, Small;Black 1000, 1000-2, T-Shirt, Size;Colour, Medium;Black 1000, 1000-3, T-Shirt, Size;Colour, Large;Black 1000, 1000-4, T-Shirt, Size;Colour, XL;Black 1000, 1000-5, T-Shirt, Size;Colour, XXL;Black 1000, 1000-6, T-Shirt, Size;Colour, Small;White 1000, 1000-7, T-Shirt, Size;Colour, Medium;White 1000, 1000-8, T-Shirt, Size;Colour, Large;White 1000, 1000-9, T-Shirt, Size;Colour, XL;White 1000, 1000-9, T-Shirt, Size;Colour, XXL;White Even if you have 100 combinations for one product you just continue like this and can easily add them all in minutes. All the combinations need to be together in one field separated by a semi colon as in my spreadsheet.
  12. @alwayspaws Yes, just remove any column you do not use. Your requirements are likely to be different to mine. Regarding your reference numbers they look a bit strange. What I do is go to Catalog > Products, and sort my products my ID to find the last ID number. It should be something like 16342. So my next product on the spreadsheet would be 16343 and the first combination would be 16343-1. Even if you have 100 combinations for this product, you just click the mouse in 16343-1 field and pull it down 100 lines and you instantly have 100 reference numbers from 16343-1 to 16343-100 which are all unique. I find it much less work to just have one spreadsheet rather than two. Then when you go to Advanced Parameters > CSV Import, I have two configurations setup, one for new products and one for new combinations. Each one ignores certain fields on the spreadsheet. See attached screenshots for my setup. Hope this helps.
  13. We use exactly the same - Royal Mail and DPD. We solved it by entering weights for all our items (we have about 10,000, but it didn't take as long as you would think - just uploaded them on a spreadsheet), then you can set exact prices for each zone depending on the weight.
  14. @alwayspaws 01488615363864New Product Import.ods @alwayspaws try the attached. I have saved it in Open Office format.
  15. @Havouza No, I haven't tested this in TB yet. Thanks for the tip - I thought TB was supposed to be less buggy than PS! The CSV import is one of the few things that actually works fine in PS!!!
  16. 01488524146618New Product Import.csv Attached is an example of the csv file I use incase it is of use. Just open in Excel and edit. The columns in white are the fields I import using the products csv import, the ones in yellow I import using the combinations csv import. When importing the combination just made sure you use the ID field so the products are matched.
  17. If you upload your products with a csv file, why don't you just use the same file to upload the combinations? I have about 10,000 products and almost every one has size/colour combinations. Here's what I do: I create a spreadsheet with every field I need, which in my case is this: ID Reference # Combination Reference Name Combination Name Combination Value Supplier Code Combination Supplier Code EAN Combinations EAN Quantity Combination Quantity Categories RRP inc Tax Tax ID Cost Price Our price Discount Amount Supplier Manufacturer In Stock Text Out Stock Text Image URLs Feature Name:Value ASM Warehouse ShopID Description Weight I fill that in for every new product, then use the CSV import tool under Advanced Parameters to import the new products (save the fields relevant to the new product, excluding the combinations). Then import the combinations using the same file, again saving the relevant fields but this time only the ones related to the combinations. Using this method I can import hundreds of new products a day with thousands of combinations.
  18. I know most of the PS 1.6 modules will already work with TB, but my concern is that in the future when TB moves on from 1.6, unless all the PS developers also support TB then there will be a lot less modules available. So it's good to know that the main developers are already looking at TB and plan to develop modules for it in the future. I feel a lot more confident now about switching. I just need to be sure there will be support for our Amazon and eBay modules in the future as they are critical to us.
  19. I've just had a reply from Store Commander and this is what they said: We do not yet support Thirtybees but we will probably in the future months. And I have added you to our internal ThirtyBees list so that we can get back to you about this. So good news that they are planning to support TB - let hope all the other developers are going to do the same.
  20. @crosscut01 yes, good idea, I'll drop them an email today and see what they say
  21. @wakabayashi you should really try store commander, it saves so much time when editing products. Yes, it costs a little extra but we have been using it for 18 months without a single problem. It saves us hours every day.
  22. Yes I agree, and we need to know what is going on. It says on the homepage that V1 should have been released by now but it's not available in the downloads and everything has gone quiet.
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